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DHKP 32: March 30 - April 17 DHKP(Revolutionary People's Liberation Party) - 13.04.2004 15:24
Bulletin: 32 Date: March 30, 2004 We greet the remembrance days of our martyrs and the foundation of our Party with the dignity of an unbending struggle which we have continued for 34 years under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism against imperialism and the oligarchy, and with pride in a Great Resistance with 109 martyrs, courage, patience and resolve, which has gone on despite being encircled by imperialism, the oligarchy and reformism. March 30 represents two important turning points in the revolutionary history of Turkey and our history. March 30, 1972 is the date on which the leader of the People's Liberation Party-Front of Turkey (THKP-C) Mahir Cayan and his comrades in Kizildere announced the manifesto of the revolution and indicated the way to revolution. When the leaders and cadres of the THKP-C faced up to their own physical destruction, they were convinced that the torch they lit would not be extinguished but would be passed from hand to hand. On March 30, 1994 supporters of the Party-Front, who from Kizildere to then had never let the the torch fall from their hands, renewed the Party-Front in the organisational sense and thereby confirmed this prediction of Mahir's. April 17, 1992 is the day when our flag with the hammer and sickle waved in Ciftehavuzlar, when the persistent adherence of our movement to socialism, on the path laid down by the Kizildere manifesto, was proclaimed with the glorious resistance of our leaders and members. Our comrades who resisted in Kizildere and were massacred, showed how the flames of the torches are lit that are borne with such great honour. This way is to be marched down with martyrs, blood and fire. Ciftehavuzlar was a symbol of our resolve. We have safeguarded this resolve with our martyrs. Today we can rightly say with pride that our martyrs have written this history with their blood. So the days March 30-April 17 are the days in our history when we think of our martyrs and celebrate the founding of our Party. Since Kizildere the oligarchy has sought to destroy the Party-Front of the peoples of Anatolia, which is the only force offering an alternative to the system. Om March 30, 1972 eight leaders, cadres and fighters of the first revolutionary party of the people of Turkey (the THKP-C) were murdered. On of those murdered in this massacre, carried out in Kizildere in Niksar, Tokat on March 30, 1972, was Mahir Cayan, the political and military head of the THKP-C. Many other leading cadres of the THKP-C had already been killed or captured in earlier operations. Under these conditions the spokesmen of the oligarchy said that the THKP-C had been destroyed. After counter-revolutionary operations against our revolutionary leadership, the contra-guerrilla chiefs gleefully declared that we had been destroyed, uprooted and our ideological leadership had been destroyed. But our 34 years history of resistance and struggle has shown that hopes are in vain. For the oligarchy, the People's Liberation Party and Front is like a huge crumb in its throat which it cannot chew or swallow. The Party-Front is a force which the system day by day finds harder to digest. The greater the Party-Front becomes, the more restricted the system becomes. The oligarchy is aware that the end of its own system is connected to the growth of the Party-Front. This reality is also the reason why it has sought to annihilate us for the past 34 years. They had to destroy us because we have claimed to be the people's ALTERNATIVE, in a country where a lack of alternatives is imposed by elections in which there are no differences between the system parties. They had to destroy us because we are those who DO NOT GIVE IN to the policies of massacre, disappearance and execution of imperialism and the oligarchy. They had to destroy us for despite the dissolution of the socialist system, the regression of mass movements and the weakening of the mood for socialism, who have believed in ourselves and our people and have REJECTED CONCILIATION with imperialism and the oligarchy. They had to destroy us for when confronted with the globalisation policies of imperialism, which it sought to present as being an inescapable fate, we defended INDEPENDENCE and we defended SOCIALISM when it was claimed socialism is dead and the idea was encouraged that the fate of humanity lay in the hands of capitalism. We are different from the fake nationalists, the fake democrats and the pro-system left. For us, independence, democracy and socialism are ideals that it is worth dying for. For 34 years the oligarchy has conducted a war of annihilation against us, in order to suffocate the struggle of INDEPENDENCE in place of imperialism, DEMOCRACY in place of fascism and SOCIALISM in place of capitalism. It is true there are others in our country who defend all these things, or, to put it more precisely, claim they would defend them. But for a long time they have not been the target of annihilatory attacks to the extent that the Party-Front is. The difference is this; in contrast to the fake nationalists, fake democrats and pro-system left, we, the Party-Front, place our lives on the line for independence, democracy and socialism and we sacrifice ourselves. We see these as ideals it is worth dying for and we fight with this goal in mind. Patriotism is conditional upon struggling for independence from imperialism. The revolutionary struggle is conditional upon confronting the bourgeoisie for socialism in all areas of life, economically, democratically and militarily. In our 34-year history, by remaining true to the values we defend in every situation, we have paid the price that is necessary for revolution. That is what distinguishes us from those who suddenly pop up in the political arena and then disappear again, who exist in name only and do not abide by the words they utter. With this line, we are not only a force which struggles against imperialism and the oligarchy and resists, but we are at the same time a barricade confronting the distorted nationalism and the fake democracy which is present in the democracy bequeathed by imperialism, and also to a left which wants to destroy anything with revolutionary content. This barricade arises from our ideology which does not deviate from our Marxist-Leninist line, and our guarantees are our heroic martyrs who for our ideals meet death with a smile. A history of resolve which could not be shaken in 34 years of the anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist struggle The THKP-C started anti-imperialist, anti-oligarchic war with the foundation of the Party and Front at the end of 1970, after carrying out ideological and practical struggles and organisational preparations in the latter part of the 1960s. The flag of war unfurled by the THKP-C, with the ideological thesis of uninterrupted revolution, aiming at independence, democracy and socialism, was taken over by the supporters of the Front throughout Turkey right after Kizildere. Our anti-imperialist, anti-oligarchic war took on a stronger organisational form after the founding of Devrimci Sol in 1978. Devrimci Sol, which saw one of its chief tasks in the latter part of the 1970s as the struggle against fascism and it aimed to organise the Party and Front once more. In this period, which was designated as the period of party formation, tens of thousands of Front supporters continued the struggle against imperialism and the oligarchy under the slogan Our road is the road of Cayan and his followers. The civilian and openly fascist terror of the oligarchy was beaten off with a struggle based on revolutionary violence. A revolutionary organisation grew in the struggle against liquidationism, revisionism and fascism, gained supporters, spread throughout the whole country and developed its military forms of organisation. The refounding of the Party-Front was no longer a vague goal but gained a footing inside the struggle. Admittedly the September 12 (1980) military coup interrupted this to a certain extent and delayed it but could not succeed in stopping it. Despite the heavily blows it received in the September 12 period, Devrimci Sol moved ahead with its struggle and organisation through its indomitable nature and the resistance epics it created. The spirit of resistance it created played an important role in breaking down the pacification that was induced by September 12. Devrimci Sol, which by expanding its organisation and creating a military organisation at the start of the 1990s expressed the longing of the people for justice, became a target of the most extensive attacks by the oligarchy. Devrimci Sol again frustrated the expectations of the contra-guerrilla chiefs by crafting new resistance epics from the extended attacks leading to extra-judicial executions and disappearances of hundreds of hits cadres and fighters and the operations of July 12, 1991 and April 17, 1992 in which it lost its leading cadres. The Party-Front supporters, who in 1972 took over the Kizildere flag of liberation, held the founding congress of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) in March 1994, after overcoming 22 years of massacre and betrayal and breaking through the encirclement. The announcement of the DHKP-C foundation in March 1994, was also an announcement of the historic invincibility of Kizildere. It is the announcement that imperialism and the oligarchy could not and cannot annihilate us despite its decades of massacres and psychological warfare. Kizildere was the most splendid, revolutionary resistance that the peoples of Turkey had seen at that time. Ten revolutionaries while encircled declared war on imperialism and the oligarchy. They wrote a manifesto for the future of the people in the face of a fascist state which believed itself invincible and indestructible. Ten revolutionaries faced death without hesitation for their convictions. Ten revolutionaries, through their convictions, resolve and self-sacrifice, paved a way for revolution followed by millions. We have created the Great Resistance which serves as an example for all oppressed peoples of the world, through the accumulation of 34 years of experience, ideological clarity, resolve and courage. This way, from Kizildere to today, has seen hundreds of resistance epics. If Kizildere is symbolised by a torch, then every mile of this road of resistance which people's liberation fighters have walked down for 34 years has new torches lit on it. This road is a sea of lights. This road is illuminated by the fires of self-sacrifice which have been lit during the past four years since December 19, inside and outside the F-Type prisons. Just like in Kizildere, the December 19, 2000 attack, the biggest prison massacre in Turkey's history was an attack started in order to annihilate us. the cry of the 10 revolutionaries from the clay houses of Kizildere, We haven't come here to turn back but to die, became a shout from the prisons of Turkey on December 19-22. It was as though every cell in Turkey's F-Types became Kizildere after December 19-22. Our cadres and sympathisers also showed in the F-Type prison cells that we would never turn back from the road paved by the Kizildere manifesto. The Great Resistance of 2000-2004 has become the best example of where the resistance to imperialism and the oligarchy should lead. Our Great Resistance is not just an example for the revolutionary movement in Turkey but for the oppressed peoples of the whole world. The resistance which we have created with our our resolve and our history of war and confrontation and which never hesitated to undergo risks for our ideals, has today become one of the strongest sources of strength for the resistance front of the peoples opposing imperialism's efforts to fashion an empire. Our roots are among the people and we defend a strong, clear line. They try to destroy us but will not succeed For this revolutionary organisation arose on the historical basis of justice and legitimacy. That is the essence of the DHKP-C's unbroken 34-year history. The DHKP-C is something which on this basis connects the universal principles of socialism with the traditional values of our people and country. Our roots rest with this people and our ideology is based on this country. We were never an organisation alienated from the people and losing its connection to its country. We have had one focus - namely the interests of our people. The most effective and extensive way to defend our peoples' interests as the the way of revolution and socialism. This is the road we have trodden for 34 years. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between the interests of the peoples and the interests of imperialism and the oligarchy. Those who ignore these contradictions or try to reconcile them are opportunists. They do not struggle in a timely and correct fashion against imperialism and the oligarchy. At the sharpest moment in confrontations, they try to find third ways and independent positions, or to put it better, ways to make their escape. Those who fear the violence of imperialism and the oligarchy, shrink from paying a price and cannot be violent fighters on the road of revolution and socialism. The path they choose cannot lead the peoples of Turkey to revolution and socialism. Our line is a strong and clear one. it was never our way to distort reality, to cripple theories and present illusory analyses not corresponding to the world's reality. We were convinced that revolution is necessary for the liberation of the peoples of Turkey and we have fought for this. We never turned our back on our people, our country and our convictions. Quite on the contrary, we have died by the hundred. The honour belongs to our martyrs who in 34 years gave up their lives but never let fall the flag of socialism. Our Party can be proud of forming and nourishing class consciousness, belief in socialism and connections to the people and the country. Our Party's road is the road to the liberation of our people Let us unite on the road to liberation! In today's world, where imperialism destroys the willpower of all the peoples of the world, occupies their countries and plunders their wealth, revolution is the only road of liberation. The oligarchy's governments have nothing to offer the people but hunger, poverty, dependence and indignity. Either we will unite, fight and win in the anti-imperialist, anti-oligarchic struggle, or we will continue as a US state ruled by American imperialism. Our 34-year history is the guarantee and proof that the Party-Front is the only force that can free our land from dependence and end exploitation. The epic we have not hesitated to fashion for the liberation of the people and an independent Turkey, has taken its place in the golden pages of history. History will add new pages to our epic written with our martyrs. It will also record our victory! Victory means the liberation of our people from exploitation and oppression. Victory means revolution. We respectfully commemorate the heroes of our revolutionary march and we call on our people of all nationalities and beliefs to unite on the road we have indicated at the sacrifice of our lives. Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Partisi (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party) Website: http://www.dhkc.net |
aanvullingen |  | DEV SOL in de reguliere media | ter vergelijking - 13.04.2004 15:51
Dev Sol in vizier van onze redactie buitenland AMSTERDAM - In een gecoördineerde actie heeft de politie gisteren in zes landen invallen gedaan bij de Turkse extreem-linkse terreurgroep DHKP-C, beter bekend als Dev Sol. In Turkije, Duitsland, Italië, België, Nederland en de Filippijnen zijn meer dan vijftig mensen opgepakt. De landelijke recherche heeft gisteren huiszoekingen verricht op vijf adressen in Amsterdam (zie hieronder), Etten-Leur en Maassluis. Verdachten die in Italië zijn opgepakt, onderhielden volgens de Italiaanse justitie contacten met personen in Nederland. Die zouden verantwoordelijk zijn voor codering van het berichtenverkeer van de organisatie. In Nederland is de DHKP-C niet verboden. Wel noemt de veiligheidsdienst AIVD de groep steeds als potentiële bedreiging. In Istanboel zijn 37 vermoedelijke leden van de groepering aangehouden. De DHKP-C wordt verdacht van een reeks aanslagen in Turkije. In de andere landen zijn zestien verdachten aangehouden. De politie nam computers, mobiele telefoons, prepaid telefoonkaarten, sim-kaarten, cd-roms en documenten in beslag. De politieacties begonnen gisterochtend vroeg. Ze volgden op een onderzoek van Turkije en Duitsland, dat anderhalf jaar heeft geduurd. Daarbij heeft de politie tienduizenden uren aan telefoongesprekken afgeluisterd en veel computerverkeer gevolgd. De politie ontdekte een stroom van geld, wapens en informatie tussen aanhangers van de groep in veel Europese landen. Duitse en Italiaanse onderzoekers kwamen erachter dat DHKP-C ook in Nederland en België actief was. Italië en Duitsland hebben de acties in Europa voorbereid en gecoördineerd, zo deelde een woordvoerder van het Turkse ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken na afloop van de huiszoekingen en aanhoudingen mee. De Italiaanse openbaar aanklager Nicola Miriano zei dat de Italiaanse politie een cel van de DHKP-C in Perugia heeft ontmanteld. Drie Italianen en twee Turken zijn aangehouden, onder wie de vermeende leider van de cel. Deze man, de 32-jarige Er Avni, beheerde volgens de Italiaanse aanklager een 'operationeel centrum' van waaruit hij acties van verschillende groepen gecoördineerd zou hebben. Deze cel heeft volgens de Italiaanse justitie vijf aanslagen in Turkije opgeëist in het voorjaar en de zomer van vorig jaar. In Brussel werden twee huiszoekingen verricht en acht personen opgepakt. Slechts een van hen zit nog in hechtenis. De Belgische justitie wil niet zeggen wie dat is. Het is in elk geval niet de bekende DHKP-C-strijdster Fehriye Erdal, die verdacht wordt van betrokkenheid bij een moordaanslag op een Turkse zakenman in januari 1996. De politie trof haar gisteren aan bij een huiszoeking, maar zij is niet aangehouden. Een gerechtelijk onderzoek tegen haar is afgesloten. In Duitsland verrichtte de politie huizoekingen op verschillende plaatsen in Noordrijn-Westfalen. Er werden geen aanhoudingen verricht. In het noorden van Griekenland is een Duitser van Turkse afkomst aangehouden, die verdacht wordt van een moord en enkele aanslagen in Duitsland. PROFIEL: IDENTITEIT: de DHKP-C, of het Revolutionair Volksbevrijdingsfront is een extreem-linkse, gewelddadige beweging die in Turkije een marxistisch regime wil vestigen. LEIDER: Dursun Karatas. Tegen hem is een internationaal opsporingsbevel uitgevaardigd. Hij is voortvluchtig. VERBOD: de groep staat sinds mei 2002 op de lijst van terroristische organisaties van de Europese Unie. In Nederland is de DHKP-C nog steeds niet verboden. NEDERLAND: Hier wordt de DHKP-C gesteund door het TAYAD-comité voor 'liefdadigheid'. Op 27 april en 21 december 2002 hield TAYAD betogingen in Nederland. TERREUR: De zwaarste aanslag waarvoor de groep de verantwoordelijkheid heeft opgeëist, is die van 10 september 2001 in Istanboel. Daarbij vielen vier doden. © Het Parool, 2-4-2004 | de echte terroristen in Turkije | 13.04.2004 16:03
Zitten in het leger, bij de politie en in de regering. Zij laten mensen "verdwijnen", zij martelen mensen, zij schieten democraten op straat dood. Zij onderdrukken de koerden, zij sluiten tienduizenden mensen op als politieke gevangenen. Het cynische is dat ook nl, turkije naast Israel vaak benoemd als "een democratische staat" in het midden oosten. Nederland leverd het Turkse fascisme hand en spandiensten en dat is een schande. Lijkt me iets voor Groen Links om hier wat tegen te doen.
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