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United Color of Benetton on Mapuche territory http://www.mapuche.nl/ - 13.04.2004 23:44
Global action against Benetton  mapuche flag Benetton on Mapuche territory. Global action against Benetton Terror allert: Benetton in Argentina The multinational Benetton owns massive amounts of land in Argentina. Most of this land is situated in the south, in Patagonia, and used te be land of the indigenous inhabitants (Mapuches). Some Mapuche families have been trying to fight back and to live and work on the land. They have been evicted by force. At the moment Benetton is starting a courtcase against Mapuche families that refuse to be thrown off their own land. Extensive information can be found on the website
http://benetton.linefeed.org (an article in english: http://benetton.linefeed.org/archives/000058.html)
http://www.benetton.com/ The courtcase will start on May 7th. The power of Benetton relies mainly on their international advertisment campaig, that sowhow gave them a progressive image. There is nothing progressive about Benetton, they are an agressive multinational trying to make as much profit as possible. Solidarity is needed. An effective way that people can become active at any place on this planet, is by using their own advertisements. Benetton is present in many places, on billboards, in the subways and at the busstops. And they have some 5000 shops. Those are the places where the true face of Benetton can be exposed, by everybody who wants to get involved. We want to appeal to everybody who does not accept business as usuall to get into action. We also would like people with creative ideas to use their skills to produce new advertisements that comment on Benetton's real practice. Start making them, and send them to ( colorspatagonia@yahoogroups.com or boycottbenetton@riseup.net ) They will appear on the website, where people everywhere on the world can download them to use them locally. Multinationals like Benetton do not own this world, they only think they do. Together we can stop them Sobre Benetton, la Patagonia argentina y la resistencia Mapuche
http://www.mapuche.nl/doc/benettonVSmapuche.pdf source: http://www.mapuche.nl/ Website: http://www.mapuche.nl/ |
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