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Human Rights and the US Congress Chris Herz - 24.04.2004 18:11
The US Congress will "investigate" the condition of Human Rights in Venezuela. Of course it will not investigate what's going down in its brave new empire. At the instigation of such stalwart defenders of international human rights as Florida Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, the US House of Representatives will "investigate" human rights abuses by the government of Venezuela. This exercise is designed to provide self- righteous self-justification for the expansion of on-going war all over the northern teir countries of South America: Our traditional imperial hinterland. And everyone elsewhere in the world should be encouraged to do their own research into just how the USA has over recent times supported human rights in its sphere of influence. In every single country and in every time where the United States has come to influence through either the deployment of its own forces or those of locally raised surrogate forces there we see the corrupt and vicious local death-squad. This is and has been amply documented in Guatamala, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Haiti, and Santo Domingo. Have I left anyone out? One would think that the whole population of the whole planet would see in adventure after adventure over decades a pattern of ruthless aggression, suppression, torture and killing in support of a bankrupt and cruel corporate state. The appointment of a veteran like John Negroponte as the new viceroy there bodes ill for the people of Iraq. This thug was once the over-seer of Honduras; his duty the repression of both its own people and as a base for aggression against its neighbor Nicaragua. This aggression was roundly condemned by the World Court in the Hague itself. Negroponte will continue serving as US Ambassador to the United Nations until he takes up his appointment in Baghdad, June 30. Records abstracted from the archives of the United States herself detail in instance after instance practices of murder, subversion, aggression and corruption in past atrocities in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. United States diplomats work tirelessly to subvert and destroy the Rome Convention and the new International Criminal Court out of well-justified fear of the consequences to themselves should they lose legal impunity for their past and ongoing practices. They and their tame Congress have openly threatened the Netherlands and the Hague with military attack should any American official ever be indicted or brought to trial at the Hague. When Netherlands territories in the Carribbean are used as bases by our brave new empire it is to this hypocrisy that you are lending yourselves. If the war which has and still is claiming the lives of thousands in Ibero-America is not an atrocious human rights violaton, just what is? And Dutch officials participatory in this aggression are complicitous in the crime. We must not fail to mention the plain fact that fully one quarter of the prisoners on this planet are American. Nor that one in twelve is an American Black. When will the brave congresswoman, this valiant defender of human rights even mention the massive racist incarceration by a manipulated judicial system in her own home state? When will the "mistaken" purge of the voter rolls there attract her criticism? Can you even imagine her mentioning the fact that nearly alone in the Americas, it is in Cuba that we cannot find a death-squad? Is not the stench of hypocrisy in the air? Chris Herz I respectfully request translation, as I am sadly ignorant of the Dutch language. E-Mail: cdherz44@yahoo.com Website: http://vheadline.com |
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