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Thankyou, Mr van Agt Chris Herz - 26.04.2004 18:50
"Former Dutch Premier Dries van Agt called the United States a rogue state." The above line at the Washington, DC website of Prorev.org immediately caught my attention. Looking at the article I soon found that this was not all that Heer van Agt had said. He called for the removal of Netherlands troops from Iraq. He called the war there illegal, and unsanctioned by the United Nations. I am a US citizen. I know little of your country's politics or of the leading figures in your state. And so I do not know how Heer van Agt is regarded at indymedia.nl or by its readers and journalists. But I must offer to Heer van Agt my own heartfelt thanks. I would like to hope that someday more Dutch and European leaders would have the courage to do as he has. Prorev is the website of the wonderful journalist Sam Smith, who also publishes the Progressive Review. Mr Smith has long specialized in the reporting of what he likes to call the "undernews" -- reports and opinion from within our own and within the international press that are studiously neglected by our corporate media. Those among you who would like to know more of what really happens on this side of the Atlantic would do well to add this site to your studies. Of course, former Prime Minister van Agt's comments and recommedations went utterly unreported by the Washington Post or CNN. Again: Many thanks Heer van Agt. Chris Herz |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | Van Agt: troepen weg uit Irak | LinkMichel - 26.04.2004 19:09
Neos.nl/ Planet Internet 23 april 2004 " Van Agt had ook kritiek op partijgenoot en premier Jan Peter Balkenende. Hij meende dat het kabinet teveel zijn oor heeft laten hangen naar de Verenigde Staten. De oud-bewindsman noemde de VS arrogant en een schelmenstaat. President Bush lapt volgens hem de internationale rechtsorde aan de laars, niet alleen met de oorlog tegen Irak, maar ook met zijn steun aan Israël. " Website: http://www.planet.nl/planet/show/id=81779/contentid=467137/sc=4dfa99#top | van Agt: total metamorphose? | 80s dutchpunk - 26.04.2004 22:37
Amazing! I am completely flabbergasted by van Agts recent statements about the US! Van Agt was Prime Minister of the CDA government in the Netherlands 1977-1982. Many who were activists in that era remember him representing a very conservative government. I mention just a few historic issues: - Van Agt is anti-abortion - 1980: Army tanks on the streets of Amsterdam! The dutch militairy is used against squatters and other protesters squatters in times of massive unemployment and huge housing problems. (Fortunately nobody was killed) - Van Agts Goverment is responsible for allowing US nuclear cruise missiles to be stationed on dutch soil (God knows why these Weapons Of Mass Destruction are still here today...) Amsterdam saw in 1981 one of the biggest protest marches ever. Anyway, it is never to late to open the eyes... | Irak: een kwestie van' Agt en Wee'...? | Henk Ruyssenaars - 27.04.2004 09:34
Bijdrage in Baghdad: Ex-PM: also Dutch troops are illegal and should withraw fast from Iraq by Foreign Press Foundation Address: The Netherlands - 23 April 2004 This news about Iraq hardly appears anywhere : Former Prime Minister Dries van Agt of theNetherlands, accuses the United States and Israel of being a shame and 'rogue states'. Former PM : the US & Israel are Rogue States ! Last night, the ex-PM in an extensive interview on Dutch national television programme NOVA*, claimed 'that in the absence of a UN mandate for the invasion of Iraq, Dutch troops - like all the others - are involved in an unjust occupation, and should thus be withdrawn as soon as is possible'. Ex-PM: Dutch troops are illegal and should withdraw fast from Iraq The Netherlands - 23-04-2004 - In a very open interview for Dutch national TV, former prime minister of the Netherlands Dries van Agt, called the United States and Israel for 'Rogue States', doing exactly what they blame others for; the spread of terrorism." [ ] Full story: http://tinyurl.com/3986b Groeten ! Henk Ruyssenaars
Website: http://tinyurl.com/3986b | typisch | hans - 28.04.2004 07:35
Toch typisch hoe in de jonge jaren linkse mensen steeds rechtser worden ( o.a. Wim Kok ) en hoe Christen Democraten steeds linkser worden, zoals nu Dries. Als Dries zo was geweest ten tijde van zijn periode met ome Joop ( den Uijl, voor de jonkies ) dan hadden we mooie tijden gehad in de 70 en 80'er jaren.
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