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 | Extra info | ZYX - 28.04.2004 16:54
Volgens de laatste berichten in de pers, zou de "orde" hersteld zijn in de Peruaanse stad Ilave. Volgens Drew Benson van Associated Press zou de politie de stad terug onder controle hebben: "Police retook control an Andean town on Tuesday, a day after highland Indians beat to death the mayor, accusing him of corruption. Hours after pulling police out of Ilave, 565 miles southeast of Lima, the government sent a convoy of trucks with more than 200 officers back into the town near Lake Titicaca." (1) Verder zou de president tot "recht en orde hebben aangemaand: "Democracy means order and discipline. In a nation of law we cannot permit someone to take justice into his own hands," he said. "We will act with all the force that the law permits. Those responsible at all levels will be severely punished." (1) Ook BBC News (2) en Reuters liet weten dat de stad terug in handen zou zijn van de regering (3). ZYX ( ZYX26@lycos.com), 28.04.2004 (1) Police Retake Control of Town in Peru http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/world/8535638.htm (2) Peru sends police into riot town Wednesday, BBC News 28 April, 2004 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3665103.stm (3) Peru takes control in town after mob kills mayor, Reuters Alertnet 28 Apr 2004 http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N27629642.htm | |
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