GATS vrije Zone Alain - 28.04.2004 17:58
To show that we don't want GATS, a GATS vrije zone logo is available  GATS vrije Zone WTO (Wold trade Organisation) negociate in secret GATS (General Agreement on Trade Service). Who knows? Who wants that? Who wants to give our schools to Coca-Cola? Who wants to give the management of our forests to a big Pharma company or to the king of hamburgers? Who? WTO Protest! Use the logo we have develloped. Several versions exist (italian, french, deutch..). Several towns in France which are "Gats vrije Zone" print it on their official documents. Lots of people in France, Québec, Italia, Belgium, Switzerland use it on their websites, cars, doors of their home.... Do the same. Show you are not agree, protest, explain GATS to your friends, family, neighbourghood... Website: |