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“We’ve got the other shock absorber!” Diet Simon - 05.05.2004 14:26
The intiative "We’ll buy Hanau!" has landed a sensational coup by renting for the next 16 months one of two special shock absorbers sought by the Saxony government to truck nuclear waste from Dresden in eastern Germany to Ahaus near the Dutch border in the west. Saxony has been saying there are only two sets of the special equipment, each worth 90,000 euros, in Europe. One is in Germany and the other was to be sought. That’s the one the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War say they have. This would seem to scotch for now Saxony’s plans to halve the number of Castor transports from 18 to nine.  HTR-2 Castor for waste from Dresden to Ahaus. The “Let’s buy Hanau!” initiative is trying to buy a Siemens uranium processing plant at the town of that name which was never allowed to start up. Their shock aborber coup is seen as a move to generate publicity for the initiative which aims to buy and then scrap the plant. A spokeswoman says more than 8,000 people have already signed up for more than a million euros. “This active demonstratioon of will has to be taken seriously by the politicians,” says Ute Watermann. The target is 50 million euros, the price Siemens is demanding from China, plus one euro. The German government of Social Democrats and Greens was on the verge of licensing the sale of the Hanau plant to China, saying it had no choice in the matter. Recently China broke off the negotiations and said it was no longer interested. Opponents of the sale said the factory would help China enter the plutonium cycle and produce large amounts of weapons-grade plutonium, increasing the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons, terrorist misuse and grave environmental damage. More precise information on how the shock absorber coup succeeded will appear in the coming days on the following Internet pages and at an IPPNW congress from 7 to 9 May in Berlin: http://www.hanauselberkaufen.de http://www.ippnw.de http://www.atomkongress.de "Virtual congress” You can already take part “virtually” in the congress run-up at http://www.atomkongress.de. Under the menu point "Wissenswertes" are information, contributions and links to the congree themes. You can send opinions and other input to atomkongress@ippnw.de. The IPPNW writes: “Siemens wants to export the Hanau plutonium factory to China. Siemens receives an export licence from the German federal government, although the factory might be intended as an element of the Chinese nuclear weapons programme. Siemens applies for government insurance (Hermes) for the planned construction of a new nuclear power station in Finland. When this became public knowledge the German federal government had already decided to provide the insurance cover for the nuclear export. Only after public protests, Siemens withdraws the application. The new atomic power station will be built in Finald anyway. And in Germany the atomic power stations enjoy legal status protection.” “Actually everybody is against it: against atomic power stations and againmst atomic weapons. No one wants the dangerous stuff. The population at large doesn’t, the politicians don’t, nor the journaloists. Even most of the Siemens employees are not in favour of atomic energy.” “How is all this to be understood? How do these decisions get made? These questions will be examined at the IPPNW congress.” Related reports: 18 Ahaus runs - not enough shock absorbers - http://de.indymedia.org//2004/04/80246.shtml Minister sneers "Many roads lead to Ahaus" - http://de.indymedia.org//2004/04/81062.shtml Ahaus and Gorleben: too much to fight? - http://de.indymedia.org//2004/05/81926.shtml Worries over planned new nuke for Finland - http://de.indymedia.org//2003/12/70635.shtml |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | Fijne tierlantijn | Chiemel - 05.05.2004 20:55
Stoere actie, beetje jammer van het geld, maar het blijft wel leuk om zo af en toe is een grappig direct (?) actiealternatief tegen te komen. `k Zou zo zeggen, hou iedereen op de hoogte. | |
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