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Amnesty laakt oorlogsmisdaden in Abu Ghraib ZYX - 08.05.2004 13:45
In een persmededeling van vrijdag 7 mei 2004 haalde Amnesty International hard uit naar de oorlogsmisdaden die gepleegd werden in de Iraakse gevangenis van Abu Ghraib. Gisteren schreef Amnesty een open brief aan VS-president George Bush ( http://news.amnesty.org/library/index/ENGAMR510752004) en noemde de misbruiken in de gevangenis van Abu Ghraib onomwonden oorlogsmisdaden. Ze vroeg aan de regering Bush om deze wantoestanden volledig te onderzoeken en ervoor te zorgen dat alle schuldigen worden gestraft. "Amnesty International said that it has documented a pattern of abuse by US agents against detainees, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, stretching back over the past two years." Voorts is Amnesty weinig onder de indruk van de uitlatingen van minister van defensie Rumsfeld dat deze misbruiken uitzonderlijk zijn en dat er geen patroon zit in deze brutaliteiten en wreedheden. De afgelopen twee jaar heeft Amnesty de Amerikaanse regering herhaaldelijk op de hoogte gebracht van deze wantoestanden. Ondanks de herhaalde verzoeken, werd aan Amnesty nooit toegang verleend aan de detentiefaciliteiten van de VS. "If the administration has nothing to hide, it should immediately end incommunicado detention and grant access to independent human rights monitors, including Amnesty International and the United Nations, to all detention facilities," said Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International." Wat we nu zien in Irak is volgens Amnesty International een gevolg van de meedogenloze "oorlog tegen de terreur": "The US administration has shown a consistent disregard for the Geneva Conventions and basic principles of law, human rights and decency. This has created a climate in which US soldiers feel they can dehumanize and degrade prisoners with impunity. What we now see in Iraq is the logical consequence of the relentless pursuit of the 'war on terror' regardless of the costs to human rights and the rules of war." Amnesty International vraagt ten slotte aan President Bush om een onpartijdig onderzoek in te stellen: "Amnesty International calls on President Bush to ensure impartial and transparent investigations into torture and deaths in US custody and that anyone found responsible be brought to justice." Het volledige persbericht van Amnesty International: USA: Pattern of brutality and cruelty - war crimes at Abu Ghraib - Press release, 07/05/2004: http://news.amnesty.org/mav/index/ENGAMR510772004 ZYX ( ZYX26@lycos.com) 08.05.2004 E-Mail: ZYX26@lycos.com |
Lees meer over: militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | amnesty mag kan weer scoren voor de camera | DE PAUS - 08.05.2004 17:32
http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=news_crime&Number=1459746&t=-1#Post1459746 Category: News & Opinion Topic: Crime & Corruption Synopsis: TORTURE INTERCONNECTIONS - The U.S. and Israel Source: Mid-East Realities Published: May 6, 2004 Author: Staff For Education and Discussion Only. Not for Commercial Use. ISRAELI TORTURE and U.S. COMPLICITY THEN AND NOW The U.S. and Israel have been torture interconnected in the Middle East for quite a long time. Those now infamous hoods -- finally infamous because of the dramatic pictures from a U.S.-run prison in Iraq -- have long been used by the Israelis in prisons where Palestinians are treated far worse but the world has looked the other way for decades now. Indeed Israeli 'training' of Americans to 'deal with the Arabs' may well be the secret so-far untold aspect of today's 'torture scandal' now dominating today's headlines. TortureGate now dominates Washington and has the potential to threaten the Bush Presidency as the Monica scandal affected Clinton's. The top Pentagon civilian officials -- Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith -- both Jewish and both known for their extremely close relationships with top officials in Israel and the Zionist movement, are believed to have personally authorized clandestine Mossad officials to be in Iraq working closely with U.S. military intelligence. Something similar is believed to have been secretly authorized by the head of the CIA, George Tenet. Many in Washington find it hard to believe that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfled did not know and approve; even if the information was not provided to the President who many believe at the time would not have cared or understood the implications anyway. As of today TortureGate is at the least further erupting into a profound earthquake-like public relations catastrophy for the U.S. American credibility has been shredded to pieces. The President himself is unusually personally involved in attempting damage-control. Talk of Donald Rumseld being forced to take the fall this time is beginning to be heard above whispers.
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