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Animal rights are an Illusion. K - 11.05.2004 18:30
The Rotterdam Blijdorp Zoo would like to have a 100% pure-race (breed) lions. To have this, they are going to kill the last two lions in the zoo: mother Heleen (1984) and son Azlan (15-5-95).  azlan + mother  leeuwenbeleid  azlan The European Parliament has a constitutional law of how to operate a zoo. This law is not so ethical as it has to be. In the Rotterdam Blijdorp Zoo ( http://www.rotterdamzoo.nl/ ), they have their own interpretation of this law and protocol. Some of these self-made “law” are contrary to the articles found in the Dutch law of well-being and health. For instance, Article 37 declares that all living animals must be given food, drink and living space. The basics. In Holland, there is also a zoo constitution. This you can find under http://www.overheid.nl , choose “Wet- en Regelgeving” and search in the “Title” for “Diertuinenbesluit” under “Alle soorten regelingen” and you will find it. Or, if you are in Holland, go to your municipal government and ask for in the law part “27 VT gezond en welzijn voor dieren (Jordan & Schuurman)”. This law is not only for Dutch zoos but applies also for the European Union. There are a few exceptions for killing animals. If you are reading the exceptions the zoos have, you can compare them with possible illegal operations. The ground law for an animal is that they have the right to live. The exchanging of animals with other zoos and the sharing of information inbetween the zoos and the public is also a law. If a zoo has an animal “too much” and wants to kill it (which is happening 2-4 times per month in the Rotterdam zoo), they are doing it illegal. Every zoo has to search for a new place for every animal. In Europe, there are in 34 countries with over 289 zoos which are organized under the EAZA - European Association of Zoos and Aquaria ( http://www.eaza.net/). In the Rotterdam Zoo, they have ordered 5 lions from Pilandesberg in N.P. Africa. The zoo would like to have a 100% pure-race (breed) lions. To have this, they are going to kill the last two lions in the zoo: mother Heleen (1984) and son Azlan (15-5-95). The zoo declares that it has the right to do but it It is clearly forbidden when you compare “Dierentuinenbesluit art 8.4” with Art. 7 and 37 from the Well-Being and Health Law – these lions have the right to live. After I went to the press and politicians with this information, the zoo has stated they want to arrest me on the 11th of May, for publicizing this illegal activity of the zoo. After my pressure in the last months, they might transfer Azlan to the Hamburg Zoo. I hope he will live on as lions can be 25 years in captivity. The zoo is currently blackmailing me by saying “we will arrest you for your crime”. I know that Art. 11 ERVM of the EG Constitution means that the asking and the giving of information with your own opinion is legal. GroenLinks politicians have said this zoo is employing a "friends-politic" to get the police on their side. A tip for all people who want to help animals: make sure you have all the law articles researched and go to the press when a zoo is doing illegal things. You can help the animals by attracting public attention to the zoo. Zoos must abide by the laws of breeding programs, if they don't, it is illegal. You can help me (and these lions whose fate is in question) by asking questions about the zoo such as “what is the future of these lions?” If I am to be arrested, I can be found at the police station Walenbergweg by Frenk Westdijk, the friend of A.H. Dorresteyn the zoo director. Or in jail at the office Noord behind Ceintuurbaan/Bergweg. Contact 010 4782010 Related: 12-03-2004 Blijdorp wil gezonde leeuw in laten slapen. Groen Links in Rotterdam wil van de gemeente opheldering over het mogelijke voornemen van diergaarde Blijdorp om een gezonde leeuw in te laten slapen. Blijdorp-directeur Dorresteyn zou hebben gezegd het beest te doden, als er geen andere verblijfplaats voor de leeuw wordt gevonden. Het gaat om de leeuw Azlan van 7 jaar. De gemeente Rotterdam geeft subidie aan de dierentuin en is daarom volgens Groen Links ook in zekere zin verantwoordelijk voor de gang van zaken in Blijdorp.
http://home.wanadoo.nl/ltmsips/index.htm Website: http://www.why-rotterdam.tk |
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