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25 miljard Euro voor oorlog in Irak en Afhani Guido - 11.05.2004 18:52 Euro is wat Bush recent gevraagd heeft aan het Congress voor de oorlog in Irak en Afghanistan. Wereldwijd worden de foto's van gemartelde Irakezen steeds opnieuw getoond. Ondertussen vroeg Bush weer eens 25 miljard Euro aan het Congress voor zijn oorlogen in Afghanistan en Irak. Hij deed een "kleine belofte": "Bush also urged the Congress to approve a 25 billion US dollarsrequest to fund the ongoing operations in Iraq, and promised that his administration would stick to the plan to turn over sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government on June 30."
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-05/11/content_1461556.htm Kosten van de oorlog in Irak:
http://costofwar.com/ |
Lees meer over: militarisme | aanvullingen |  | Kerry=Bush | (posted by Guido) - 15.05.2004 13:11
"WASHINGTON, May 13 /U.S. Newswire/ -- John Kerry today released the following statement on the administration's request for $25 billion in emergency funding to support the troops:" "I will support the Administration's request for emergency funds for our troops. The situation in Iraq has deteriorated far beyond what the Administration anticipated. This money is urgently needed, and it is completely focused on the needs of our troops. We must give our troops the equipment and support to carry out their missions in Iraq and Afghanistan."
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