20/05 The Case of Iraq mocakauk@planet.nl - 11.05.2004 21:48
Another World is possible if...there is respect for international law and the sovereignty of nations - The Case of Iraq Open discussion, Thursday 20th May 2004 20h00 - 22h00 De Balie, Amsterdam The invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq by US-led forces is a culmination of a pattern of blatant defiance of international law, international institutions and the principle sovereignty of nations that we have seen emerge since the end of the Cold War and the era of globalization. Initially such external interventionist actions were justified as "humanitarian intervention", and some semblance of international legitimacy was sought, as in the case of the former Yugoslavia. Now it is justified as "bringing democracy" through "regime change", and all that seems to be required is a "coalition of the willing" led by the US. It is a little over a year since Iraq was invaded, in the face of opposition from the biggest and most global anti-war movement in history which saw the bigger implications of the emerging pattern. The deadline for handing national sovereignty back to the citizens of Iraq approaches as resistance to the occupation intensifies. What are the prospects for peace, democratization and reconstruction in Iraq? Who is the resistance? What do they want? TNI brings to Amsterdam five people, long experienced with Iraq and the bigger questions raised by the occupation, who have recently returned from Iraq to discuss these and other issues with you. Speakers: - Phyllis Bennis, US journalist/author, Iraq/Middle East specialist - Jochen Hippler, Peace and Development Studies Centre, University of Duisberg, Germany. - Kamil Mahdi, Iraqi expert, democracy activist, Exeter University, UK - Minke Nijhuis, Journalist, author of a newly published book on Iraq, The Netherlands Chair: Bertus Hendriks, Radio Netherlands Wereldomroep, The Netherlands Another World is Possible if ... is a TNI Public Discussion Series, co-sponsored by NCDO Transnational Institute Paulus Potterstraat 20 1071 DA Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 662 6608 fax: +31 20 675 7176
http://www.tni.org E-Mail: mocakauk@planet.nl |