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Nuclear waste to Ahaus this month? Diet Simon - 12.05.2004 22:22
Anti-nuclear activists says they have learned from reliable sources that police are being told that nuclear waste will start to be transported from Dresden to Ahaus on the Whitsun weekend. “According to our information the 27th of May and the 1st and second of June are possible dates for the police,” the activists say. No more holiday applications for police are being approved for that time, these sources are quoted as saying, although no official holiday stoppage has been announced. Activists interpret a statement by a senior police official that there would be no helicopter accompaniment as indicating an imminent secret transport. The aim appeared to be to avoid attention. The Bürgerinitiative "Kein Atommüll in Ahaus", Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen, Widerstand gegen Atomanlagen (WIGA) Münster and Münsteraner Bündnis "Stoppt Atomtransporte!!" see these as clear signs of secret transportation at Whitsun. The groups accuse the North-Rhine Westphalian state government in Düsseldorf of seeking an early date. “For example, the state government has still not filed a legal action against immediate validity of the transport permit. Was its announcement to sue just a PR ruse? Obviously the state government wants to keep all options open to the last second.” Given the events of the last waste transport to Ahaus in 1988, when the state government tried to keep secret the true date, the anti-nuclear initiatives assume that the state government is again playing false. “We call on the state government to stop police preparations immediately and to file a complaint against execution of the permit. We call especially and personally on Premier Steinbrück to make a binding declaration for the state government that no more waste will be taken to Ahaus.” “We will noticeably strengthen our resistance in the coming days.” There’s to be a Sunday stroll in Ahaus this coming Sunday, 16 May, starting at 2 p.m. at the town hall. Then the demonstration will drive directly to the possible transport route. Also on 16 May, an acted radiation die-in will be staged in front of the Semper Opera in Dresden. That will be followed by a bicycle demonstration to Rossdendorf, the location of the reactor about whose waste this is. Nuclear opponents are being mobilised in Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Jena for further demonstrations in Rossendorf and Ahaus. The aim is to stop the Castor transports with sit-down blockades right at the start in Rossendorf. A call is going out for activists to camp in Rossendorf when transports begin. Meanwhile the Saxon government has said it’s having five more sets of Castor securing equipment made so as to reduce the 600-km motorway trucking to three runs with six Castor caskets each. It said they would not be ready before early autumn, however. The Saxons would not be more precise. Impressions of “the cool 1 May camp in Ahaus” can be seen in a video report by the local WDR broadcasting corporation, viewable by real player at http://www.wdr.de/wdrtools/getstream.php?urlfwd=$id$10020&np=1 German source of this report: http://de.indymedia.org/2004/05/83427.shtml Website: http://German source of this report: http://de.indymedia.org/2004/05/83427.shtml |
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