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benefiet avond voor Irati Wanti irati wanti campagne - 14.06.2004 01:09
zaterdag 19 juni in vrankrijk, amsterdam gaat benefiet plaats vinden voor Irati Wanti - campagne van Aboriginal vrouwen tegen opslag van kernafval op hun land in Zuid Australie.  irati wanti poster   vanaf 21.00 informatie over de campagne met films en sprekers: geschiedenis en recente situatie. vanaf 21.15 met bands: Playmobil Assassins - emopunkrock/belgie FFF - ragga breakcore/rotterdam Dr. Fiasko of the AtomicTitCorporation presents: "The sad story of the lost poptumor" video- and electromusicmaterial with live vocals /duitsland vanaf 1.00 dj.G.Bean (breakbeat/electro/newwave/punk) entree 3 euro meer donaties zijn welkom; vrankrijk - spuistraat 216 - amsterdam ----------------------------------------------------- Irati wanti – the poison leave it We are the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta, the Senior Aboriginal Women from Coober Pedy, South Australia We are the Aboriginal women Yankunytjatjara, Antikarinya and Kokatha. We know the country. The poison the Government is talking about will poison the land. We say "NO radioactive dump in our ngura - in our country." Its strictly poison we don’t want it. The nuclear industry in Australia is gearing to undergo a massive expansion. The Federal Government is now proposing a national radioactive waste dump in the central desert homelands of South Australia. The dump will open the door to high level waste and threaten country and culture for thousands of years. The indigenous people of australia continue to resist and to defend their sacred lands despite having very few resources and little support. We are Aboriginal Women- Yankunytjatjara, Antikarinya and Kokatha. We know the country. We know the stories for the land. We worrying for the country and we’re worrying for our kids. We say “NO Radioactive dump in our ngura in our country.” During the 1950’s and 60’s the British Government tested atomic bombs in South Australia at Emu Junction and Maralinga. To carry out the tests many Maralinga, Pitjantjatjara and Kokatha people were forcibly removed from their homeland by ‘Aboriginal Protectors’, continuing the dispossession and genocide that began with European invasion. At Emu Junction (also referred to as Emu Field) a major test Totem 1 was detonated on October 15th, 1953. The blast sent a dense radioactive cloud, the Black Mist, far beyond the ‘testing range’over 250kms northwest to Wallatinna and down to Coober Pedy. It was later proved that it was responsible for the sudden outbreak of sickness and death experienced by nearby Aboriginal communities, including members of the Kupa Piti Kunga Tjuta and their extended families. “All of us were living when the government used the country for the bomb. The Government thought what they knew what they were doing then. We know the poison from the radioactive dump will go down under the ground and leak into the water. We know the story of the land. The Seven Sisters right across the land. You can’t damage it. White people have books. We have the book of the land, like a computer, in our hearts. We’ve got the Inma, the ceremony for the land. The spirit is still crying. 1: Emu and Maralinga. 2: Radioactive dump. We’re speaking from the heart, believe us.” Eileen Unkari Crombie “We are the women who are fighting to keep the culture going. We’ve been teaching the younger women and the womens that were taken away teaching the people that lost the culture. We’ve been travelling everywhere. We really know the land. We were born on the manta, born on the earth. And never mind our country is in the desert, that’s where we belong, in the beautiful desert country.” The australia government have a long history of profit in the mining of uranium, the building of nuclear reactors, and in providing military information though its satellite spy sites. All of this on aboriginal land. The australia government claim that building a low level nuclear waste dump in south australia will solve disposal problems in australa. They refuse to acknowledge the ongoing sturggle of the aboriginal people to protect their indigenous lands It is widely acknowledged by activists and environmentalists that the building of a nuclear waste dump in south australia opens the way for the selling of nuclear disposal facilities to offshore interests in australia. The establishment of a low level dump in south australia is only a beggining, it will open the door to an expansion of nuclear disposal facilities within australia as well as assisting the development of further nuclear sites within australia. Website: http://www.iratiwanti.org |
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