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Depleted uranium from Germany to R'dam/Russia WigA Münster - 15.06.2004 15:28
A rail transport of depleted uranium to run to Rotterdam for shipment to Russia is being readied in Germany at Gronau, near the Dutch border. Anti-nuclear activists from the Münsterland region are constantly watching activities in the grounds of Germany’s only uranium enrichment plant, partly owned by Germany, Britain and the Netherlands. Yesterday several trucks laden with natural uranium drove into the plant. Local activists (Arbeitskreis Umwelt) demonstrated spontaneously. Resistance is growing against the planned transport of up to 15 rail cars to Rotterdam, which could happen any time. Plainclothes police are watching all movements around the plant. Actions are planned for the entire rail route on the day of the transport. (For a good map and further information see the Pollux article on German Indymedia on 12.6.). Special hotspots are Gronau, Burgsteinfurt, Borghorst, Münster, Rheine and Bad Bentheim, where a Dutch locomotive has to be attached. Anyone wanting to take part in the observations and the expected protests can inform themselves at www.wigatom.de and www.aku-gronau.de. Sleeping quarters can be arranged in Münster. Never before has there been so good a chance to protest effectively against a transport of uranium. For people coming from further away, the enrichment plant protest can be excellently combined with the big demo in Ahaus on 20 June. Under the motto, “Stop atomic transports – atomic exit now” the Münsterland activist groups are fighting against further waste transports to Ahaus and for an immediate shutdown of the Gronau enrichment factory. Groups from the Münsterland, the Ruhr region, the Emsland, the Netherlands and the Wendland (Gorleben) have said they’ll come. Given the eerie call for new atomic power stations to be built, our public pressure is more important than ever. So come to Ahaus or to Dresden, where a Sunday stroll will take place at the same time. From after the demonstration on Sunday, camping will begin in the civic action group’s paddock to force the resistance to atomic transports. Well-informed sources believe there may be a waste transport from north Germany to La Hague in France on 22 June. It’s worth coming to Münsterland! Break through the atomic spiral! e-Mail:: wigatom@web.de ¦ Homepage:: http://www.wigatom.de ¦ Translated by Diet Simon E-Mail: wigatom@web.de Website: http://www.wigatom.de |
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