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fax/email-actie aangeklaagde G8 activisten! www.aubonnebridge.net - 21.06.2004 13:13
Lees hieronder de schandalige gang van zaken rond de G8 top in Zwitserland en doe mee aan de fax en email campagne deze woensdag. De Zwitserse autoriteiten proberen van de activisten een stelletje randcriminelen te maken, dus steun is hard nodig. On the 1st June 2003, an affinity group of 17 activists blockaded a motorway in Aubonne, Switzerland to prevent delegates from reaching the G8 summit in Evian. Two climbers hung suspended as counterweights from one rope that crossed the motorway bridge over the aubonne valley. Others held banners and blockaded the traffic. Despite being informed about the nature of the action, police cut the rope causing one climber to plunge 20 metres, while the other was saved just in time by her friends. Three activists in court 28th June. The two climbers (who were nearly killed by the police) and one of the local Swiss activists are in court in Nylon (15 min from Geneva) charged with blocking the road and endangering the lives of the motorists. The police have still not be charged or even suspended. It is incredible example of state hypocrisy and violence when the activist who simply blocked a road are charged with “endangering life” and the police officers who cut climbing ropes and don’t help people in obvious distress are still on duty and will probably never face any disciplinary charges or legal charges. This almost total police impunity must stop before more people are killed, traumatised or injured. There were many other examples of police violence during and after the G8 meeting, none of which have resulted in charges against the police. Two other cases that have clear video evidence. Shooting a cameraman in the back with a stun grenade whilst he was running away from the police. Storming the Usine Indy media centre dressed as Black Bloc and beating many people in the process. We are organising Anti rep gathering focusing two issues, greater cooperation at a European level against repression and secondly on mental trauma caused police violence. See the Timetables of the gathering. Spaces are limited so please apply to nasenloch@gmx.de FAX ACTION DAY (Letters of support) 23th of June Send the letter of support to the president of the Canton Vaud It is better if you send it between 11 and 12 hours in the morning You can send or fax the three pages or just the last one, do not forget to sign it. After sending the support letter, please send an e-mail informing to us. aubonne@no-logo.org Fax department of the President of the government of Vaud: 0041 21 316 60 37 Jacqueline Maurer-Mayor Rue Caroline 11 CH-1014 Lausanne Fax parliament of Vaud: 0041 21 316 4019 President of the parliamant of Vaud: b.clot@swissonline.ch Clot Bertrand, Bottens Pl. du Château 6 CH-1014 Lausanne General support letter Download general support letter:
http://canmasdeu.net/aubonnebridge.net/data/support_letter_en.rtf Download short general support letter:
http://canmasdeu.net/aubonnebridge.net/data/support_letter_short_en.rtf Institutional support letter If you want to send a support letter or/and fax from your institution, contact aubonne@no-log.org We are very happy about all offer of support, all interest in our work, all desires to exchange experiences and knowledge: aubonne@no-log.org |
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