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Call to participate in Indy Audio at RNC AFS - Indymedia NYC Sound Collective - 24.06.2004 06:17
This is a call to participate in the 24/7 webstream that will be up and running during the protests at the Republican National Convention in New York City, in late August/Early September. Listserve for discussion and cooridination has been set up. All independent progressive and radical sound media-makers are welcome! All skill levels welcome. For more information go to http://nyc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/95468/index.php This is a call to participate in the 24/7 webstream that will be up and running during the protests at the Republican National Convention in New York City, in late August/Early September. Listserve for discussion and cooridination has been set up. All independent progressive and radical sound media-makers are welcome! All skill levels welcome. For more information go to
http://nyc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/95468/index.php Join us. Also, if you won't be coming to NYC and you are interested nonetheless in developing a nexux of sound reportage that would be linked to during the time of the RNC, on the Bush referendum and how it is impacting, in Europe/the world, etc. please subscribe to the listserve and let us know your ideas! Peace out, Andrew NYC IndyMedia Sound Collective |
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