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 | NU.nl | Oswald - 07.07.2004 09:41
Een Australische terreurverdachte die al twee jaar vastzit op de Amerikaanse basis Guantanamo Bay, is door de Verenigde Staten een halfjaar lang voor ondervraging vastgehouden in Egypte. De 48-jarige Mahdouh Habib werd daar zo erg gemarteld dat hij er bijna aan overleed. Website: http://www.nu.nl/news.jsp?n=355285 | Rapport | spikey - 07.07.2004 20:29
(via http://fas.org) ARMY STUDY OF IRAQ WAR SUPPRESSED, RELEASED ON WEB Despite extraordinary steps by the Army to limit online public access to a new report on the Iraq war, the study has nevertheless been published without the Army's cooperation. Rapport: On Point - The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2004/onpoint/ ''Among the highlights of the report is the disclosure that the toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad was not a spontaneous act of an Iraqi crowd, but was instigated by a U.S. Marine colonel backed by a psychological operations unit (reported in the LA Times July 3).'' | |
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