- 31 july in BADCUYP, 1er Sweelinckstraat 10 Amsterdam at 21:00 (ticket 5€) - 1 august in OVERTOOM 301 old Film academy, Amsterdam at 15:00 (free) Information: www.identidadbolivariana.org , www.badcuyp.nl, squat.net/overtoom301/  Sontizon SonTizon: Musical performance Based in different's afrocaribean styles, with the condiment of each member: salsa, bolero, hip hop, timbal, afrovenezuelan, poetry,etc. This is the results of a complex work where research coincides with experimentation and reproduction about the origins and musicals styles . Theyrecover the vivacity and direct relationship with the public to who is totally dedicated the project energy. "..They are a base movement that are opening an space as organization that has born in the center of an emergent culture of peace and citizenship, they have been working as an informal network of cultural groups that practice different kinds of art expression, with the conviction that is possible to create another and a better world through art and culture ...." through art and culture ...." Cine Foro with Marcelo Andrade and collective “ calle y media” ( “ street and a half” ) about the Film: The Bolivarian Venezuela: People and Fight of the IV World War. This Documentary of 76 minutes analyzes The Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela as part of the world movement against of capitalist globalization. The film shows the evolution of the popular movement from the revolt called “ El Caracazo” in 1989 until the massive actions that has recovered the revolutionary president Hugo Chávez, 48 hours after that a norteamerican military coup, helped by the local oligarchy, removed him off the presidency in April 2002. The central subject of the documentary shows how the Bolivarian Revolution, due to the strong popular power, his incredible sense of belonging and the powerfully action of the popular network is in fact a revolution that cross over the Venezuelan frontiers and contribute with concrete alternatives against the neoliberal capitalism. E-Mail: identidadbolivariana@hotmail.com Website: http://www.identidadbolivariana.org/ |