Real-Life David vs Goliath (with art) a survivor of society abuse - 16.07.2004 00:13
A Real-Life David vs Goliath story: Hauling Up and Exposing the Bamboozle Game, re: sheep-herders and fanged sheeple mobilized to do the bidding of the Masters; this time around, via what some call the Therapeutic State. A survivor of society abuse dares to speak! With link to suppressed science and article on a Canadian solo challenger (author of this article is not that Canadian)  an illustration of the ideological fight going down in Canada This is a news story because the author gave a copy of this article to intimates in a national group as an act of open challenge at a time when such challenge is not done and not allowed in the meta games of people claiming to have a radical commitment to changing society. (NOTE TO THE EDITORS: to those who would censor this article: if you dare read, you will see claims that blow the lid off of the meta game of mainstream ideological warfare in this society today; but of course, that may be "too radical" for Indy Media,,,) Your hysteria promised below. ,,,Nothing like a little hysteria to "clean out" the bloodvessels and expose ideologically unwanted truths to or about those claiming serious inclinations towards caring and thinking things through (hardee har har). I'm sick and tired of continuing to listen silently to these people who seek to or already call themselves "radical" while at the same time completely and uncritically accept and perpetuate ideology which can be shown to *DIRECTLY SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THE STATE'S CONTINUING PERPETUAL WARS* on groups and individuals who would DARE (articulately or not) seek full lives outside the corralls and mental shackles of domesticated life. At "home" and abroad! While this introduction works for the general so-called content of many of those who call themselves "liberal or conservative" here (as if these two main-scream identities could contain "radical" thought in *any* shape or form), my main "agenda" in this post is to haul up and expose the fuck out of how people are being consistently *fucked over* by the propaganda and ideology of the therapeutic state. (not that the other religions are any better!) And *if by some crazy fluke* someone actually allows themselves to think through the situation I'm going to toss into your soon-to-be writhing midsts, great (welcome to social hell, friend; a reality we *don't have to* allow to psychologically rape and attack us, by the way.) While the general state of affairs of *all* the social "sciences" is highly suspect (even Noam Chomsky acknowledges this), there is one aspect that I see as a key telling situation in exactly how "radical" (or honesty-oriented) folks actually are, compared to those who have simply been *indoctrinated* and *mobilized* like any trusting soldier nincompoop of Brave New World, Inc (oh, sorry, did I bruise your "ego"? How "inappropriate" of me!). The issue sure to cause almost automatic (or automaton?) foaming at the mouth: consensual intimacy between persons called adults and persons called children, blanketly called "sex abuse" of "the worst sort" etc. etc. etc. But wait! Catch that Knee Jerk Reaction (or, at least hook it up to the grid and run your favorite power tool off of it)! Let's not deny the piles of other hype: Like, that *if Kids are inarticulately "misbehaving" or not paying attention when Authority is Doing Their Jobs, the Kids "obviously" have one of the various "mental disorders"* including "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" (soon to be re-named, just like so many others). Soviet psychiatry has already been implemented in "our" society. But don't listen to me, because I'm "obviously" trying to mislead you gullible fools! (Well, that's what your preacher, er, therapist will tell you; dissenters are ideologically *NOT ALLOWED* to be heard, if they're not *first* dutifully playing the game of writing and submitting to each discipline's myriad journals!! Pretty nifty way to block radical dissent, by keeping only the implementer class *allowed* such discussion, while the soldier class--you the easily hyped--are simply Not Allowed--and viewed as *Never* capable!) Okay, now I'll return to the Unspeakable (don't tell me you thought that I *had* to stay on *that* topic due to the Certainty of my "Obsessive Compulsive disorder"! How NAUGHTY of me!). Human intimacy (where it actually occurs) is blanketly labeled "sex abuse" for propaganda purposes (*) and simply *CANNOT* be discussed rationally here or anywhere else (that is, beyond the mental war-game arena of the therapeutic state), when the issue leads beyond the pale of force-fed ideology. Force-fed?? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? And what planet did I say I'm from?!! Those who Must Be Restricted from human intimacy with those called Adults are Protected (via restriction) by the Full Powers of the State (including via the semi-concealed threat/torture methods of all jails and prisons today, which sex dissidents like myself are all too aware of), as long as they (the people called children) Go Along With The Program. There are a few cases to my knowledge where the ideological victims have refused to play along with the State and they have suffered in not pretty ways. *All touch* (and in some cases not even that) in "private areas" (that is, areas owned by the State, not the person directly involved--who is ideologically NEVER ALLOWED to be so human), is considered EVIL by all elites who want to continue to even imagine that they Might acquire A Seat At the illusory Table of the Privileged and "Powerful" (if They Know What's Good For Them). Forming bonds beyond appropriate corralls and supervision is against the interests of the Brave New World Order and cannot be consistently allowed. And is one of the reasons the issue was Rolled Against with so much money and energy right from the start of the latest Rollback Game. But completely powerless-feeling and domesticated people cannot see this, so therefore I am some kind of trickster who Must Be PUlling Wool Over Your Eyes in some "Desperate Attempt" to "Justify" his "perversions" or Worse! WHY this cannot be discussed rationally (especially by social "scientists" with careers to protect) is a vital insight to one way that the Slap of Reality acts on a consistent basis! But I'm *quite sure* you won't take my word for it (though if I wore the "right" labels, with the "right" medallions--i.e. PhD, Dr.--and said the "right" things, that'd be different, says the Stupidized Masses!!!!)! Okay, blood flowing wildly yet? Now you are feeling a little of the LIVIDNESS i feel (yet have learned to suppress, for basic survival purposes) for being a *SURVIVOR* of the kind of sex abuse that is NOT allowed to be understood much less heard in any allegedly "objective" way! AT LEAST DARE to tell ourselves the truth behind our deeply ailing emotions (which, as with any domestic or foreign war, have been consistently fed a diet of hype, half-truths, fabricated truths, and bigotry on this topic)! Be HOSTILE and S K E P T I C A L, but at least **see what you do**, and **who you align your so-called "radical" selves with**, and **where such a road takes you**! Use your dared allegedly "radical" thinking and alleged inclination of highly valuing your spiritual or/and "political" seeking in order to learn about how Things Have Gotten To Where They Are now. (the tsunami of indignant dipshits may now be unleashed upon the fool solo challenger who *had better go into therapy or ELSE*!) (Note: I've not included my email because it WILL be attacked or/and silenced/blocked as has happened to me many times before. But that's what one learns to expect when they go up against not merely a severely alienated individual who's abusive towards actual survivors of sex abuse or rape, but the State) Okay, ya got this far. And maybe (?) you haven't completely incapacitated/drowned yourself by your foaming at the mouth...well that's all good and dandy. My metaphorical door is open to the expected splurge of dumbed-down fanged sheeple Who Will Never Wake Up until they themselves get Slapped in the Face with Reality!!!! officially suppressed science (formally suppressed by u.s. Congress): Website: |