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Fortess europe, rascist entity onix(br) polman - 21.08.2004 13:53
This is an analysis (and attack) of the degrading rasist policy of netherlands and in that context yurp(Your_rope). How about: German Legal System Haunted by Nazi Past<(wrong paste to funny to cut) Introduction: This is an analysis (and attack) of the degrading rasist policy of netherlands and in that context yurp(Your_rope). The priority of yurpean politics as concerning denial of humanist thinking and equality. The manipulation of public opinion, and worse, the consciousness of the people of netherlands and on a larger scale yurp. It's among the saddests things of our time, that the people with the most resources to change the world in a positive way (yurpeans) are among the ones the least left with the objectivity to even start it. The reader is asked to consider that this is only a pamfletical abstract of a subject that needs coverage. It's by no means my intend to do more then give a lift to the thinking about subjects of equal rights, and justice. I feel not able to and therefore won't try to be complete,I even can't have the pretention of being near complete. There is much more then i know , more then I want to imagine and even more then i can endure to gather, to this subject. So lets get started. Historical context: ALready before the unification of the EU several , as I perceive structurally planned, plots unrolled. Knowing that the charcteristics of individual nations, the idea or concept that a nation has her harcter, wouldnt be a very solid base to build a generalist and centralist but powerfull yurp. Personally i don't belief at all, that democratic representation de facto is the case. Therefore the whole cluster of nationalist (very trendy indeed) and new right wing politicians that came to rise did have evry advantage. Le pen, haider, vlaams blok, all of them showed up under these benevolent circumstances. The whole opiniating , that is the whole top-down opiniating, facilitated by manipulised but thoroughly believed and carefully altered election results. (eg. the ridiculous liberals that never prooved to support large parts of the population in netherlands gained a half to 1 percent election after election, a personal investigation at an election office however revealed not a single (!) voter for that company represetatives) Supported by i guess enough money from the multinational capitals. It all showed up rather suddenly. (In that context its interesting to regard the powerfull impact of the vno on dutch politics) The VNO is a corporates organisation has major impact on dutch government policy in a councelor function. Regarding economical (only?) decissions they have a de facto veto. So, the marginalisation of national politics, infested be it with nationalist sentiments went on a full run. Meanwhile, the media conclude , at least in netherlands, that we became a more right wing people. And as it goes with common opinions, many abided that predetermination. Simply put: if evryone is getting rightish, most, and unfortunately most young, people tend to conform. Wether the sentiments of ppl indeed grew more totalitarian or not doesn't really matter. After all, in 8 million years of humankind, we r talking about revolutionary timespans of 2000 years gristianity, 300 years industrialisation etc. I dont have the pretence that I or we have a ready answer for the lightspeed developments of the past 100 years. Observation that lead to me writing this and conclusions: The past few years on several occasions centre for refugees have been the target of rasist demonstrations in netherlands. Policy wise this is quitte understandable, fortress yurp. were no poor or leftwing thinkers are to be left in, needs the excuse of fear. The war against the Islam seeks justification in the same or similar fear. It's far beyond me to understand such fearfull and insensible sentiments, but after all we just passed decolonisation. We have nowhere the genetical flexibility, yet to pose that the sexual revolution, or woman liberation already lead to the results we want it to. (comp. eg. average intelligence levels of man and woman in mental care institutions in netherlands and anticipate the impact this trend had over the 100's of years on the genetical charcteristics of man and woman in western societys) The whole point is that it's a fundamental crime in the netherlands to discriminate on grounds of colour or race. Although our culture does not yet have the power to be truthfull in this, we should at least regard the fundametal laws. What else then a personal attack, and being tolerated, a political strategy, is it to have groups of known to be overaveragly violent, and rude worded people allow their demonstrations at the exact point were traumatised refugee's from dangers often lifethreatening reside in sheer desperation of their future. In accepting this, and on more the one occasion activly (by the police witholding counteractions) supporting this, the dutch and yurpean governments show their real face. I demand an end will be put to this inhumane insults and injustice. I demand an end will be put to the disregarding of our fundamental rights by our own lawenforcing authoritys.(The government, local governments and police institutions.) Let these skinheads, these people full of senseless hate and indoctrination utter their right of freedom of speech and demonstration in public places. In towncenters if at all the right to be discriminating is to be considered a right. That way people can see and make them feel they are not right. Actions against it should not be hampered. The government herself is guilty of discr political strategy imination and rassism. I know it's a strategy and not a coincedence. Still I demand a halt to this practice wich is been going om for years now. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme europa | aanvullingen |  | Internatio-anale Axie?! | Freddy Zwijneken jr. - 22.08.2004 12:03
En wij komen. En wij strijden. Voor Inter-natio-anaal. Dus Groningen, de Noord-Oost-polder, Schokland, Pampus en de Rottumerplaat...kan Onix Polman misschien heur/zijn Moerstaal schrijven, i.p.v. deze, ZEER belabberd geschreven, Engelse WARtaal??? Heel fijn!! ;-) Website: http://www.cjb.fightcapitalism.net | freddy is dead | bakoenaal - 22.08.2004 14:52
Het freddy get a life | Freddy | Daniel - 22.08.2004 16:10
Had ik ook al geschreven (dat dit verwijderd moet worden)... Wat werd verwijderd? Mijn reactie... Nogmaals een oproep aan de redactie: verwijder dit artikel en niet het commentaar erop van mensen die Indymedia liever niet als medium voor het verspreiden van steenkolenEngels zien. | been to joerop | johan - 24.08.2004 13:19
Europa en z'n europeanen bestaan alleen in het hoofd van amerikanen, met Parijs als hoofdstad. Europa in veertien dagen, haha have a sense of wonder | |
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