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Belangrijk bericht Palestijnse hingerstaking Astrid Essed - 25.08.2004 05:11
Ik vind het van belang de Indymedia-lezers en mi belangrijk bericht door te geven ten aanzien van het verloop van de Palestijnse hongerstaking, dat waarschijnlijk moeilijker te traceren is via de reguliere pers Geachte lezers, Hieronder is vermeld een belangrijk bericht tav het verloop van de hongerstaking van de Palestijnse gevangenen. Het lijkt mij tevends van belang, wanneer geinteresseerde lezers dit bericht alsmede de website-link aan zoveel mogelijk mensen zouden willen doorgeven, aangezien een en ander waarschijnlijk de reguliere pers niet of nauwelijks bereikt. Voor verdere berichten tav de hongerstaking kunt u onderstaand-vermelde website http://electronicintifada.net/new.shtml bezoeken. Bij voorbaat bedankt Vriendelijke groeten Astrid Hieronder het bericht met de eraan gerelateerde bronverwijzing: A Bericht hongerstaking: 24/08/2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- forwarding this message to everybody you know Human Rights for Palestinian Prisoners Dear reader, I want you to take a minute and put your mind on the latest occurrences in Israeli prisons. On Sunday, August 15th 3500 Palestinian prisoners in 4 different Israeli facilities launched an open-ended hunger strike in protest of the inhumane conditions they are being held in. Until today (August 23rd) they managed to endure the hunger strike although facing severe punishment and torture by the Israeli prison personnel. The number of prisoners denying their food rose to 7500 yet and more are to join the strike accompanied by demonstrations in various Palestinian cities. All the prisoners demands are quite easy to be met and are exclusively demands to improve inhumane conditions, apply human rights and to stop methods of humiliation and torture by the prison staff like severe or arbitrary beating. The prisoners also demand to allow relatives to visit, installation of a public phone in the prisons, to stop forced strippings, surprise midnight searches, extended solitary confinements and harassment of visitors. They also consider the medical negligence and the unsanitary surroundings intolerable. The claims of Israeli officials that the hunger strike threatens their security are ridiculous and misleading. All the prisoners ask for is to improve the conditions in the prisons, but the Israelis remain unwilling to give in to the demands. The Israeli Public Security Minister Tzachi Hanegbi was cited he would rather "let them starve to death" All the striking prisoners imposed the asceticism on themselves to live only on fluids and salt. Israel applied draconian punishments in reaction to the hunger strike. The water supply was cut and all the salt was taken away. For the prisoners there is no possibility to wash and there is drinking water only once in 3 days, which is now the only thing they have left to live on. Also radios, pens, newspapers, cigarettes and even personal items were confiscated. The incidents of torture (like indiscriminate beating) increased since the launch of the strike. All the family visits were banned and in some prisons the prisoners' clothes were taken away. You can contribute to the cause of human rights for Palestinian prisoners just by forwarding this message to everybody you know to help spread the word about some of the uncountable crimes committed on the Palestinian people. Forwarding this message will actually make a contribution because way too few people, especially outside of Palestine, know about the torture Palestinian prisoners go through every day B Bronverwijzing: Voor bronverwijzing ga naar:
http://electronicintifada.net/new.shtml Ga daarna naar artikel ''Detention and Torture'' [geheel rechts] Geheel onderin onder website: Palestinian Prisoner Society Click dat aan en kijk onder Press Releases [geheel rechts] onder de kop: forwarding this message to everybody you know: Human Rights for Palestinian Prisoners |
Lees meer over: militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |