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A letter for the 'Rainbow Family'. David Arthur Johnston - 25.08.2004 19:58
motion A letter reminding the 'Rainbow Family' of their strength. - I like to call this- non-denominational hippy propaganda (though it could very well be described as the 'Word of God')... To accept the responsibility of being what you are, patience is good. The simplicity is- fear is sin (if you're apprehensive about the word 'sin' you could replace it with 'an action ignorant of the reality of love'). Patience is good because whenever you don't know what to do, in any given situation, you can always be patient- therefore, truly, making it so as there is NOTHING you cannot handle (A.K.A. with patience you can face the 'devil'... though, of course, there is no such thing as 'evil'). Consider a room filled with rageful people all yelling at each other in a want of inspiration of blood spilled- then inject a body that knows the truth of patience- you will find nobody wants to rage when there is patience in the area because their foolishness will be made obvious. Patience is also good because if you want to maintain your sanity you will have to acknowledge the 'sin' of pride (that pride ignores the fact that everything that comes from anything comes from the infinite experiences behind that thing... A.K.A. that we exist within a 100% predestined construct) which means the end of money. When we realize fearlessness we have a tendency to stop killing ourselves ('Heaven-on-Earth' is freedom and there will be hippy-ninja-gardeners all over the place). May the rainbow family remember their strength- which is the invulnerability of patience. The 'juggernaut' is a real phenomenom- humility cannot be stopped (because it's what you are). Cheers, my brethren- we are the seriousness of joy. love, David Arthur Johnston Victoria, BC, Canada
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