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Oproep/ actie/ambassade van Honduras/morgen A - 02.09.2004 00:21
Er is een oproep om morgen te protesteren aan de ambassade van Honduras, meer info hieronder: "Our concrete request is that you consider organizing an emergency urgent action Thursday, September 2, at 9:30am in front of the Honduran Embassies or Consulates in your respective countries. This will be a synchronized international action, respecting the autonomy and creativity of each place to determine the manner in which the protest is expressed. It does not matter if there are few participants (although if there are more, great!) – it could be a symbolic action that has impact, publishing communiqués and denouncements, promoting solidarity actions with other organizations and individuals. News of these actions and public pronouncements will immediately arrive to the Government of Honduras and will be a huge support in the struggle for the freedom of our compañeros. We hope you understand the urgency of this case and excuse the short notice."
http://chiapas.mediosindependientes.org/display.php3?article_id=109185 |
aanvullingen |  | eh | linking - 02.09.2004 06:10
Wel leuk om er ook bij te zeggen hoezo en waarom: |HONDURAS - call for international solidarity for Montana Verde political prisoners!!! | Autor(a): COPINH Fecha: 6:56pm Viernes 27 Agosto 2004 Categoría: Honduras As many of you are aware, the situation for the indigenous communities in Honduras is one of repression and human rights violations. An urgent case illustrating these conditions is that of Marcelino Miranda and Leonardo Miranda, who were captured, tortured, jailed and sentenced to 29 years for defending their community territory, their culture, and for being active members of COPINH. Civic Council of Grassroots and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, COPINH. Freedom for Marcelino and Leonardo Miranda!! International Solidarity! Compañeros and compañeras: As many of you are aware, the situation for the indigenous communities in Honduras is one of repression and human rights violations. An urgent case illustrating these conditions is that of Marcelino Miranda and Leonardo Miranda, who were captured, tortured, jailed and sentenced to 29 years for defending their community territory, their culture, and for being active members of COPINH. They have been accused of 6 different charges, all ecommonf criminal charges, to avoid our use of legal resources related to land conflicts and indigenous rights. At what stage are the legal cases? Marcelino and Leonardo Miranda were both sentenced to 25 years for murder (asesinato) and 4 years for battery (lesiones) in court in Gracias, Lempira: The Santa Rosa de Copán Appeals Court, instead of reorienting the case to respect due process, has upheld and thus eofficializedf the arbitrary decision of the Departmental Court of Gracias, confirming events that are not substantiated by evidence, in contradiction of various professional reports. The Appeals Court decision continues to violate due process, validating as evidence the declaration of witnesses whose testimonies were obtained without summons, without the knowledge of the defense, and outside of the evidence hearing period, contrary to the process established by law. The formalities, rights and guarantees established in the Constitution of the Republic for the proposal and evacuation of evidence have not been observed, although they are mandatory without exception. The battery (lesiones) sentence against the indigenous brothers is under appeal. In the cases described above, ridden with manipulation, racism, lies and illegalities, COPINH presented an appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice to revoke the guilty verdicts and sentences. We are currently waiting for the Supreme Court decision, which is the last remaining legal recourse available in the country. In the case of supposed gbattery and attempt against Public Security agents of the National Preventative Policeh (glesiones y atentado contra Seguridad Pública de la Policía Nacional Preventiveh), of which Leonardo Miranda had been accused but subsequently acquitted for lack of evidence: The debate and acquittal in this case, which we had won, was recently annulled by the Supreme Court, which means that we must once again confront the prosecution to repeat the debate and defense in this case. For all of the above, we are calling on all of you for solidarity, asking that you support us with actions, to denounce the case and demand immediate freedom for Marcelino and Leonardo Miranda. Our concrete request is that you consider organizing an emergency urgent action Thursday, September 2, at 9:30am in front of the Honduran Embassies or Consulates in your respective countries. This will be a synchronized international action, respecting the autonomy and creativity of each place to determine the manner in which the protest is expressed. It does not matter if there are few participants (although if there are more, great!) – it could be a symbolic action that has impact, publishing communiqués and denouncements, promoting solidarity actions with other organizations and individuals. News of these actions and public pronouncements will immediately arrive to the Government of Honduras and will be a huge support in the struggle for the freedom of our compañeros. We hope you understand the urgency of this case and excuse the short notice. Hoping to hear from you, In solidarity, Bertha Cáceres Flores Coordinator of Organization General Coordination COPINH COPINH: Bo. Lempira, Mpio. De Intibucá, Intibucá. Honduras. CA. Telefax: (504) 783-0817 / 16 copinhonduras at yahoo.es Bertaflores2001 at yahoo.com [please send copies of any English messages to: la_vagabunda@hotmail.com] Website: http://chiapas.mediosindependientes.org/ | |
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