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Iraq expecting a bright nuclear future! Dr. Strangelove - 05.09.2004 14:10
Iraq expecting a bright nuclar future. If you have not seen the documentary about the use of depleted uranium arms in Iraq on Dutch tv, you can still see it through www.tweevandaag.nl. A short transcription of the docu with the expert names is available though: Brief transcription of the Twee Vandaag - Dutch public television - program of Saturday 4 September: In a hospital in Basra dr. Almani is interviewed, she says: "About 80% of the kids that suffer from leukemia die. The wind spreads the nuclear contamination through the air, on the soil, into the food, everything is contaminated." Ninety-seven year old medical professor Sigward Horst Gunther has already worked for forty years in Iraq. He recently went together with Ted Wyman, a uranium expert, to Iraq. Wyman was there to research urine monsters, water, soil, lungs and uranium in coalition weapons that hit the ground, or tanks or whatever. Radio activity in tanks that were shot with depleted uranium weapons. The Geiger teller goes over its limits in red, meaning: leave the area immediately! Kenny Duncan, the first official victim of the used nuclear weapons is a Gulf war veteran. Without any kind of protection he had to repair tanks that where hit by WDU weapons. He is chronically ill. His son has his toes grown together, his ears are split and he is suffering from various other physical discomforts. His other two children also suffer from health problems. The nuclear industry was happy when the arms industry started to be interested to use the waste which has to be stored in complicated and costly ways: depleted uranium. Then Jenny is introduced: she is also a Gulf war veteran. She was pregnant from a twins, but when she went for her medical check-up after 18 weeks, her doctor asked her what kind of drugs she had been using that had damaged one of the babies so seriously. She was flabbergasted. One of the twins died after 24 weeks. South of Basra a lot of these weapons have been used. Gunther went there in 1991, ’92, 93 and saw images of illness in Iraq as he hadn’t seen since 40 years in that region. Malformations, leukemia, harelips and more. Gunther started to take photographs of the children. Most of them showed him that they had been playing with parts of munitions that turned out to be heavily contaminated with the depleted uranium. Gunther started to publish articles about all this at the end of 1991 (in German newspapers only, it seems-CL) Jenny again: she had a second pregnancy, but it ended in a miscarriage. The child had no eyes. Then she found out that other children had been born with no eyes. There was even a name for it: Gulf war syndrome. 300.000 tons of depleted uranium weapons have hit especially the zone south of Basra. Dr. Durakovic was fired after relating uranium with diseases that soldiers suffered of. Gulf war syndrome was his conclusion. After the first Gulf war he followed 30 soldiers who suffered from it. He proved it with urine-monsters, in which it can easy be found. Duraklovic founded the Uranium Medical Research Center in 1995. 125.000 veterans have become ill from it. Children of Gulf war veterans are three times as much malformed. The weapons are Toxic-Nuclear. Baghdad Gate nr. 6 – search on soil for uranium traces. Dr. Shaikly (Iraqi doctor?) Laboratory results: A. Gerdes tells that the hot spots in Iraq have pure Depleted Uranium in the soil. And above all: also in the round flying dust. Numbers get up to 50% up unto 60% in air and soil. There’s a big risk that everyone breathes it and not only in the near war zones. The substances will remain in the air and the soil for 30 up to 100 years. Wyman (in English) measures the radio-activity in and near the ‘old’ tanks. He measures quantities that go from 30.000 up to 50.000 more values confronting the natural background. Geiger teller alarms: leave area immediately! Six to eight times higher numbers in the water than what the WHO permits for drinking water. Ten times more people suffering form cancer. Twenty times more kids are born malformed. J. Hassan, medical doctor in Baghdad. And A. Scott, genetical expert. “Using weapons with depleted uranium is a war crime.” A boy in hospital, suffering from lymphoma, dies two days after the images have been filmed. |
Lees meer over: militarisme wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | geen nieuws | jan lul - 06.09.2004 17:46
Dat zal wel, maar wat is de nieuwswaarde van een 13 maanden oud artikel op bovenstaande link, link? komkommertijd ? | |
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