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Demonstration in Baghdad: release kidnapped Amal - 15.09.2004 13:44
In the Iraqi capital about a hundred people demonstrated again the kidnapping of the volunteers of "Un Ponte Per..." "Release our friends" Together on the square representers of all religious groups From La Repubblica, 15-9-04, Italian national daily newspaper Baghdad - In Iraq people demonstrating on the street for the release of Simona Pari and Simona Torretta. This morning in Baghdad hundreds of men, women and children have walked the streets of the capital asking for the liberation of the two from their offices kidnapped Italians, together with their two Iraqi colleagues Ra'ad and Mahnaz on Tuesday 7 september. The demonstration has been organized by a committee of the civil society, that riunites all the Ngo's operating in Iraq and that have decided to take position on the side of the two Italian girls. The demonstration came together at the Paradise Square near the Palestine Hotel and not far from the office of "Un Ponte Per Baghdad". Between the demonstrators there were also some fifty tribal chiefs, together with representators of the shiites, sunni, cristians. There were a lot of sick that have had contacts with the girls, they came to the demonstration even while in wheelchairs, to testify in favor of the humanitarian activities of the organisation. No slogans, but only one: "We are on the side of Italy and we ask the immediate release of our friends". Yet two days after the kidnapping about fifty children with their parents did demonstrate in Baghdad for the liberation of the kidnapped. On the street the families gathered who know well the work of the volunteers, since the times of the embargo against the dicatorship of Saddam Hussein. (15 settembre 2004) for immages see repubblica.it website Website: http://www.repubblica.it/ |
Lees meer over: wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | Pari en Torretta vrij | Joha - 16.09.2004 00:35
Geen nieuws dus sinds de ontvoering van de 2 Italianen, behalve demonstratie's voor hun vrijlating. Het is niet gewoon om op de dag in een bevolkte wijk in Baghdad met 20 mensen [incl machinegeweer] het kantoor van een hulporganisatie te overvallen. Ik zou denken dat vrouwen gijzelen een onfatsoenlijke bezigheid is voor het legitieme verzet tegen Italie in dit geval. Een gemiddelde 'notdone' voor de hele regio, eigenlijk of tenminste. Niet aan mij maar behalve dat, vrouwen.. hulporganisatie, er blijven geen hulpverleners meer over in Irak. Hierbij een link naar de oproep van de wereldberoemde Dr. Geert Van Moorter, en van harte; De Italiaanse humanitaire werkers vrij, én Irak vrij!
http://www.intal.be/site/article.php?langId=1&articleId=631&menuId=1 | |
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