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Actie oproep vanuit Zweden Steun Maarten - 23.09.2004 00:42
We hope you can support our demands for justice and a hearing on the Gothenburg events at the EU-Summit 2001. Examine the action of the political parties after the Gothenburg events 2001! Support Maarten Blok and protest 23/9! ACTION ALERT 23/9 - 7/10 GBG2001 We hope you can support our demands for justice and a hearing on the Gothenburg events at the EU-Summit 2001. Tord Björk, Friends of the Earth Sweden. Examine the action of the political parties after the Gothenburg events 2001! Support Maarten Blok and protest 23/9! We call upon participation in international protests 23/9 and before 7/10 against the trials after the EU-Summit in Gothenburg 2001. We also call for demands on a hearing on the Gothenburg events with international participation where not only the police and demonstrators are scrutinized but also the media and politicians. An international day of action has been called for on the 23/9 by the Solidarity Group in Amsterdam to call attention to the trial against the Dutch citizen Maarten Blok. He has been extradicted to Sweden accused of the crime of hitting a member of the police during his flight from Hvitfeldtska School. We also want to direct attention to the upcoming legal proceedings starting 7/10 against the head of the police operations, Håkan Jaldung, accused of using unlawful methods during the search at Hvitfeldtska School. At the EU-Summit and during the visit of president Bush in Gothenburg June 2001 a drastic escalation occured of repression of protests, both according to Swedish and international measures. For the first time at a Summit the counter conference of the popular movements and a school for lodging was stormed by the police. It was done with a direct life-threatening order to mounted police to "ride over" the people that were shut up on a narrow street in front of the Hvitfeldtska School which caused a self defence situation. Escalation of violence continued as the police, also for the first time at a Summit, used live ammunition shooting three demonstrators, causing life-threatening wounds for one protester. The mass media, the government and parliamentary parties furthered the escalation or repression by spreading a biased, threatening picture of the demonstrators. The events in Gothenburg ended when the terrorist police, after the Summit was closed, stormed one more school, this time with machine guns. After the Summit juridical proceedings have taken place where some 50 people have been sentenced in Sweden to long terms in prison for acts that earlier have resulted in no penalty at all, a fine, probation or a short term in prison. These excessive penalties conflicting with earlier traditions of justice, were justified by the courts with the motivation that those sentenced are guilty of inciting riots in a joint effort threatening democracy and the EU-politicians. These sentences total almost 50 years in prison compared to sentences of a total of two months after similar riots in Seattle, Prague and Nice. The sentences in Sweden have often been based upon police evidences that has been contradictory and disconnected. No police have been sentenced for the many acts of violence that harmed the demonstrators in Gothenburg. The Helsinki Committé and Amnesty have criticised the trials. We want to foucs international attention upon the trials against Blok and Jaldung, to show that according to international standards the Swedish trials and the acts of the police are not acceptable. Give your support 23/9 or later by sending a letter of protest, writing letters to the editor, complainting to a Swedish embassy or politican and make actions that strengthens democratic rights and global justice. We call for support 23/9 and further protests! We demand a hearing with international participation on the Gothenburg events! Friends of the Earth, Sweden SAC - Syndicalists Friends of the Earth, Sweden and SAC-Syndicalists took the initiative to organise a common demonstration, counter conference and lodging during the EU-Summit in Gotehnburg together with 85 other trade unions, farmers, women, environment, peace, antiracist, EU-critical and other organisations united in the Gothenburg Action 2001 Towards a Different Europe. We call upon all sister organisations and cooperation partners in Sweden and internationally to protest. Send your protests to the Committee of Foreign Affairs and the Committee of Justice in the Swedish parliament, both with the e-mail address:
riksdagsinformation@riksdagen.se. Send also a copy to Friends of the Earth, Sweden, gbg2001@mjv.se. More information on Maarten Bloks case and many useful links to Amnesty and other reports: www.steunmaarten.org. www.folkrorelser.nu and www.sac.se E-Mail: gbg2001@mjv.se Website: http://www.folkrorelser.nu www.sac.se |
Lees meer over: G8 globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |