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Messages on two kidnapped Simona's in Iraq reporter associati - 23.09.2004 13:36
Second message on the web (www.alezah.com) in less than 24 hours, of the execution of Simona Torretta and Simona Pari, the two humanitarian aid-workers of "Un Ponte per..." kidnapped in Iraq. Ore 11.15: "Diffonderemo il video dell'esecuzione di Simona Torretta e Simona Pari" di redazione 23 Sep 2004 11.15 23 september, reporterassociati.org the message is signed by Ansar Al Zawahri (to the name of the Egytian medic Ayman al-Zawahri). It announces also the release of a video throuhg the web of their 'execution'. No comments from the Italian authorities. A call to hang white sheets and peace flags out the windows has been made. Hundreds of Romans in the Cinecitta neighbourhood of Simona Torretta have gathered this night around the house of the family to support them and to wait for news. The content of the message of Ansar al-Zawahri is too cruel, i won't repeat it here. But there's also rough critics against the Italian contingent at Nassirya. The two Simona's are considered criminal agents of spying agencies.
http://www.reporterassociati.org Website: http://www.reporterassociati.org |
aanvullingen |  | Italian hostages probably alive | al jazeera - 23.09.2004 17:10
Al Jazeera- Thursday 23 September 2004, 14:42 Makka Time, 11:42 GMT Muslim association says no reason to believe the worst Related: Allawi rules out release of female prisoner Al-Tawhid and Al-Jihad leader killed Contrary to reports on the Internet, two Italian aid workers taken hostage in Iraq are probably still alive. A spokesman for the influential Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS) said on Thursday that Simona Pari and Simona Torretta were being held by a group that has no relation to the resistance. Speaking to journalists at the committee's headquarters in Baghdad's Umm al-Qura mosque, spokesman Muthana al-Dhari explained why he did not think the two women were dead "because the material gain from holding them is big". "I have my doubts about the whole operation from the start because the style and method all indicate that the kidnappers are an organised gang with no connection to the resistance." Doubtful claim A group calling itself the Jihad Organization said on Thursday in a statement on the Internet that it had "slaughtered" the two hostages. The statement was posted on a website seldom used to make such claims. Italian news agency ANSA said intelligence services in Rome also believed the Internet site which posted the execution claim was not very reliable. "These women have worked in Iraq for a long time and have served the Iraqi people so why would the insurgents target them or hurt them" Muthana al-Dhari, spokesman, Association of Muslim Scholars An Islamist group calling itself the Islamic Jihad Organisation in Iraq had demanded that staunch US ally Italy withdraw its 3000 troops stationed in Iraq, or the two Italians would be killed. Pari and Torretta were snatched from their office in a quiet neighbourhood of Baghdad on 7 September. AMS mediation The AMS, which has been used as a mediator in previous cases of kidnappings, said it had not been contacted by the Italian authorities. Al-Dhari said the motive behind the kidnapping of the two women is inconsistent with the goals of the insurgency, which has claimed in several statements that it would only go after those cooperating with and aiding the US-led occupation. "These women have worked in Iraq for a long time and have served the Iraqi people so why would the insurgents target them or hurt them," he said. Pari and Torretta were working for the Italian charity Un Ponte Per Baghdad (Bridge to Baghdad) which has been a long-standing opponent of Western policy towards Iraq. The group campaigned vigorously against the crippling UN sanctions enforced against Iraq from its 1990 invasion of Kuwait right up to last year.
Website: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7E061C03-8641-4BFA-B8D5-E14651272EFF.htm | islam = fascisme | viking - 23.09.2004 22:34
lekker heh die kotslims | stop fascisme | kotsling - 24.09.2004 11:20
Stop het moslim bashen. Heel erg dat die mensen mischien dood zijn, maar het zijn onderdanen van een land dat, net als nederland, deel uit maakt van een fascistische bezettingsmacht. Ze hadden mischien beter thuis kunnen vechten voor de terugtrekking van de troepen. In Irak is iedere westerling een legitiem doelwit.
| Waar haal je het vandaan... | Penso - 24.09.2004 14:16
Wat een ongelooflijk sukkelige redenering! Is in Nederland dan soms elke moslim een legitiem doelwit? Recht proberen te lullen wat krom is siert noch de mens noch de ideologie namens welke hij/zij zegt te spreken. | penso | superman - 25.09.2004 12:11
Ik vermoed dat jij iedere moslim toch als legitiem doelwit ziet. Natuurlijk zijn moslims in .nl geen legitieme doewitten. Wij, het westen zijn weer een s de schurken. Ik zou niet weten waarom onschuldige mosilims hier in nederland het slachtoffer moeten worden van de amerikaanse, poolse, Italiaanse, engelse, australische en nerlandse agressie in Irak. Mischien zitten er nog wel meer landen maar dat zijn dan net als de boven henpoemde, onderdelen van een moordene, martelende en verkrachtenende bezettingsmacht. Opvallende parralele met het verleden is dat het verzet hier in WO-II werd oook systematisch "terroristisich" genoemd door de nazis. Laten wij nu onderdeel zijn van een moderne AS-mogendheid...
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