S. KOREA. New Attacks Against Migrant... KCTU/ETU-MB - 06.10.2004 02:23
...workers struggle Mad, or what?!
At least since before yesterday, 2004.10.4., it seems that S. Korean mainstream (bourgeois) media, news agencies and the government complete went crazy!
What was going on?
Beside that notice
?Gov't Security Measures to Target Illegal Aliens: Lawmaker
SEOUL, Oct. 3 (Yonhap) -- The government has compiled comprehensive measures to deal with the increasing number of illegal foreign residents involving in anti-South Korean activities, a lawmaker said Sunday. The Justice Ministry established measures in April on anti-government activities by illegal immigrants, specifying the scope of anti-government activities and the legal grounds for and levels of punishment to be applied to those engaged in such activities, Rep. Kim Jae-gyeong of the main opposition Grand National Party said.?
published yesterday in the early morning on YONHAP (semi-officially) news agency, other "main" daily newspapers displayed a horror-scenario about the danger of migrant workers movement here.
Chosun Ilbo, for example, wrote yesterday: ?Anti-Korean activity was first noticed early this year when illegal aliens stated at demonstration at Myeongdong Cathedral in which they chanted slogans like, ?We refuse to go back to our countries,? ?Overthrow the administration,? and ?We oppose the Iraq deployment.?? (the whole article in English you can read here and here in Korean). In Korea Times the same.
What?s going on with them??
Of course several month ago we suspected such a move, but actually never we thought that will be the reality! Ok, now Roh?s government proved us, that we were wrong. What is the meaning of that kind of ?policy?? Beside the fact, that all these reports must be just stupid jokes, it means that especially migrant workers from ?Muslim? countries are targeted as suspected terrorists (but especially members and activists of ETU-MB) and their supporters. "...the government has been taking measures to arrest all the anti-korean migrant workers and deport them ... 'at the Roh Moohyun's order.'", one article on Yonhap said. "According to the article, migrant workers asking for more wage can be ok, but since their demands include political issues such as overthrowing the government, stopping troop dispatch to Iraq, they must be rooted out." a Korean comrade wrote last night.
Possibly it?s just a matter of time when they?ll invade Myeong-dong with tanks, SWAT?s and so on to fight and catch us.
 Anti-"terror" unit in a sea port We?re not Anti-Korean, but we are against the ongoing aggression against the Iraqi people, against the world wide daily terror against innocent people, created by the capitalism and some of us don?t have nothing to do with any ?nation?... But is that criminal? Is that "terrorism"? |