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Protest now against uranium enrichment Diet Simon - 09.10.2004 11:21
Deutsche Quelle bei http://de.news.yahoo.com/041008/336/48nmv.html About 50 anti-nuclear initiatives, environment activists and other organisations are to start a demonstration at 11 a.m. today against the planned expansion of the uranium enrichment plant at Gronau, near the Dutch border.  A great concentration of atomic industry in a thickly populated area.  Gronau from the air. The organisations are demanding that the state government of North-Rhine Westphalia turn down an application to expand the plant’s activities ands to order its closure. The Gronau plant is the only one in Germany, and one of 16 worldwide. Thirty kilometres into Holland, at Almelo, is a similar plant, owned by the same company, Urenco ( http://www.urenco.com/index.php?id=202&pagename=Urenco+Group). The demonstrators oppose all civilian and military uses of atomic energy. They point out that technically “it’s only a small step” from uranium enrichment to building atom bombs. The groups assert that Urenco plans to expand the Gronau output from 1,800 to 4,500 tonnes of uranium separation work per year. They say this is enough to supply 35 atomic power stations worldwide with fuel per year. They also claim an interim storage is planned at Gronau for 60,000 tonnes of atomic waste. More on this and other recent German anti-nuclear news at http://de.indymedia.org/2004/10/95985.shtml. |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen |  | Post that in English, please - it's important | Diet Simon - 09.10.2004 14:42
x | Engelse vertaling! | Farshad Bashir - 09.10.2004 15:49
Hier een engelse vertaling van de tekst op mijn forum( http://www.farshadbashir.nl/viewtopic.php?t=30), excuus voor de taalfouten (altavista heeft het vertaald): In the Netherlands American nuclear weapons lie, on fly basis and manage 752e the Munitions monitor Volkel support Squadrons twenty so-called zwaartekrachtbommen, to transport with F16, but later also with the joint the Strike Fighter. In the Netherlands lies also B61, the tactical nuclear weapon of 350 kilogrammes. B61 belongs to the thermonuclear type with a core junction at high temperature, about 100 millions degrees. B61 a strength of 50 up to 500 kilotons TNT has. The nuclear entity in Volkel falls under Navo-commando. That is also the reason that Netherlands still weapons has, in spite of that Pentagon this year to beginning announced the international depot to halve. B61 can weerhangen within some hours under ready F16 and still the hour later in air to be. Mid- March of this year the Dutch minister Kamp van Defensie to the House of Commons let know that according to NATO strategic concept the Navo's nuclear armed forces in Europe are an essential part of the political and military link between the European and American allies. He said: ` the alliance will maintain to this end sufficiently nuclear armed forces in Europe, at the minimum level required for the preservation of peace and stability, thus camp. Bush and its government want finished of half of the nuclear arsenal that still has the US. That has been this way agreed in the Treaty of Moscow from 2002. Of the 10350 nuclear weapons which the Americans everywhere on the world lie, there up to the year 2012.,4300 will boom to be destroyed. If Dutch boom thereby hear is not clear. E-Mail: bashirfarshad@tomaatnet.nl Website: http://www.farshadbashir.nl/ | |
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