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 | waarom 1 provider | niet paranoid - 10.10.2004 22:14
waahhh waarom stonden de servers van al die indymedia's en vrije radiostations op 1 fysieke plek?! | Server | indyaan - 10.10.2004 22:45
Het gaat maar om 1 server, waarop die 20 indymedia's en die radiostations gehost waren. | kwetsbaar | niet paranoid - 10.10.2004 23:00
Is t niet mogelijk dergelijke sites te hosten op dezelfde manier als dat nu met bijv. bittorrent files gebeurd, das toch een stuk minder kwetsbaar dan een heleboel sites op 1 server bij 1 provider op 1 plaats. | FBI handelde blijkbaar in opdracht | anonymous coward - 10.10.2004 23:09
slashdot.org : "Posted by timothy on Sunday October 10, @01:18PM from the fbi-just-along-for-the-ride dept. daveschroeder writes "According to this Indymedia.org article and AFP report, the request to seize Indymedia servers hosted by a U.S. company in the UK (covered in this previous slashdot story) originated from government agencies in Italy and Switzerland, not the United States. Because Indymedia's hosting company, Rackspace.com, is a U.S. company, the FBI coordinated the request and accompanied UK Metropolitan Police on the seizure under the auspices of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT), an international legal treaty, but, according to an FBI spokesman, 'It is not an FBI operation. Through [MLAT], the subpoena was on behalf of a third country.'" Read on below for more. daveschroeder continues: "Rackspace's statement reads, 'In the present matter regarding Indymedia, Rackspace Managed Hosting, a U.S. based company with offices in London, is acting in compliance with a court order pursuant to a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT), which establishes procedures for countries to assist each other in investigations such as international terrorism, kidnapping and money laundering. Rackspace responded to a Commissioner's subpoena, duly issued under Title 28, United States Code, Section 1782 in an investigation that did not arise in the United States. Rackspace is acting as a good corporate citizen and is cooperating with international law enforcement authorities. The court prohibits Rackspace from commenting further on this matter.'" " | Axe Rackspace? | JV - 11.10.2004 09:25
To: nettime-l@bbs.thing.net From: John Young indymedia servers in UK seized by FBI This matter is far from settled. Rackspace appears to have acted precipitiously in response to a US court order to act on servers located in the UK, ostensibly under a treaty for mutual aid in law enforcement. Initiation was by Switzerland to attempt to protect two of its undercover police monitoring a demo in Italy. The two were photographed and their photos posted on an Indymedia site in France. Switzerland asked for Italian assistance, and the two in turn asked for US and UK assistance. This multi-nation cooperation is covered by the mutual assistance treaty. The FBI has stated that it has no investigation of the matter, that it only served to convey the Swiss/Italian mutual assistance request to the US company and its UK subsidiary. The US company apparently did not contest the court order, and claims in a statement that it acted as "a good corporate citizen." This is not unprecedented. Some years ago several US ISPs removed material on sites at the request of foreign governments. They acted unilaterally, without court order, merely upon the request of the governments. Some of these incidents were made public, competing ISPs offered to refuse to abide such requests, and customers abandoned those who cooperated with the authorities. This method can be used against Rackspace. Indeed, it is likely that Rackspace awaits public outcry, and customers leaving, in order to have grounds to resist the thinly justified action in this case. Recall that the US DoJ is regularly bluffing and faking its attack on alleged terrorist suspects and political dissidents. Other countries are following the US in this vile practice. They cover for each other with these obnoxious mutual assistance treaties, in which fingers are pointed after the dirty deeds are done. In this case, US law has been trashed by the treaties, and the FBI laughably says it had no say. That the US must break its law in order to get other countries to break theirs in exchange. Shell gamism, and worse likely to come unless there is loud, strong and lasting protest. There should be a campaign to boycott Rackspace, then on to other targets yet to be identified. US ISPs should join the protest on their own behalf and that of their customers. First off, there must be a challenge to keep confidential orders from governments to hand over customer information. Website: http://cryptome.org/rackspace-axe.htm | wvl binnenkort terug on line | Libby - 11.10.2004 22:45
Binnenkort hier de voorlopige site van West-Vlaanderen | Overkill en/of stommiteit | JV - 12.10.2004 20:15
Naar mijn mening kan hier gesteld worden dat het gaat om een aanzienlijk potje overkill. Worden de schijven niet subiet geretourneerd lijkt het steeds meer op een opzettelijke poging Indymedia te beschadigen. Als het de inbeslagnemers erom ging publicatie van de foto's van de agenten te voorkomen, dan hebben zij weinig van de huidige mogelijkheden van internet begrepen. Juist door dit soort acties bloeien duizend mirrors, en de heren politieagenten kunnen het nu pas echt schudden. Hun gezichten zullen nooit meer van internet verdwijnen. Als het de inbeslagnemers erom ging bewijsmateriaal te verzamelen om na te gaan wie deze gezichten openbaar gemaakt heeft, zou het mijns insziens hebben moeten volstaan om middels een eigenlijk standaard forensisch pakket als EnCase een image van de inhoud van de harde schijf van de servers te bakken, en die op kantoor lekker uit te pluizen. In beide gevallen is het hoog tijd dat die harde schijven eens een keer teruggegeven worden. Zo niet, mag men gerust spreken van incompetentie, of opzettelijk wangedrag van diverse overheden.
| zie ook: | link - 15.10.2004 08:31
Onderzoek Bologna achter killen Indymedia Kees, XminY - 15.10.2004 00:15 Onderzoek naar de briefbommen uit Bologna van oktober 2003 zou geleid hebben tot de geruchtmakende inbeslagname van de Indymedia-servers >>> http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/10/22299.shtml | internationale harddisk-actie | ks - 18.10.2004 13:24
Op Indymedia.org is een overzicht van andere acties te zien. En een oproep om, in navolging van het Amsterdamse actie'tje, overal op de aardbol computers in te leveren:
http://www.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/112179.shtml | BOYCOT RACKSPACE | LinkMichel - 29.10.2004 03:51
"What we're saying today is that you're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem." Website: http://www.boycottrackspace.com | Geheim gehouden documenten vrijgegeven | linkje - 02.08.2005 21:20
Na bijna tien maanden procederen heeft de electric frontier foundation eindelijk, op 1 augustus 2005, de geheim gehouden documenten vrij gekregen, zie Doc's inbeslagname Indy server UK vrijgegeven FredB - 02.08.2005 20:13
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2005/08/29700.shtml | |
aanvullingen | |