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Australian voters strengthen liar Howard http://sydney.indymedia.org - 10.10.2004 17:31
Australian voters have chosen John Howard's deceptively named "Liberal" party to rule the nation for another three years. This comes despite the fact that his lies are well documented, he has followed semi-literate George W. Bush and Tony Blair into an illegal and immoral war and his party's policy is to detain indefinitely foreign children who travel without the necessary paperwork. Australian voters have chosen the destruction of their forests for woodchips, funding for private schools over public education, funding for private health care over public hospitals, a strengthening of the dangerous alliance with George Bush's America and the selling off of public assets such as the Telstra phone company. There is no way Australian voters could have missed knowing about the lies and deception the Howard government delivers. Australian voters have chosen a man they all know to be a cunningly devious, untrustworthy toad who blames his underlings when caught out lying. The Labor opposition's social and environment policies were just no match for an effective fear propaganda strategy. In an election dominated by cowardice, Australian voters have known full well a vote for Howard has meant more time behind razor wire for people like Peter Qasim, who has spent over six years in detention because he lost his papers in India. They have chosen short term economic gain over long term sustainability. They have chosen a racist, illegal war for Iraq's oil over international diplomacy. They have chosen to further reinforce the criminalisation of political dissent and the consolidation of the powers of ASIO, the secret intelligence agency. (In the Sydney IMC there are links to the various themes mentioned above. Cross-posted here by Diet Simon.) Homepage:: http://sydney.indymedia.org/ ¦ Website: http://www.johnhowardlies.com/ |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme media natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |