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FB(((i))) FB(((i))) Agents present themselves in - 17.10.2004 00:36
Agents present themselves in Florence 10/15/2004 The FBI hasn't forgotten about Indy and has today returned in action. In Florence agents of the FBI (Free Bureau of Indymedia) have hunted all day a media activist who was distributing an extraordinary printedition about the G5 ... ... which will for three days take place in the city. Everything started when a print was distributed in the journalistic headoffices of the city, inquinating those with independent and dangerous information. Simultaneously stickers with a call out to defend independent information and to enter in action against the legitimate action of the FBI have started to appear on the walls of the town. The hunting has taken long and has still not finished. After a first rash incursion at ANSA, the agents entered in the offices of La Repubblica succeeding in arresting the media activist and to seize the informative material in the same office. The media activist however managed to escape, helped by others. ... The hunt starts again. ###[Firenze] In fuga ora piu' di un mediattivista. gli agenti dell'Fb(((i))) li inseguono... by imc-toscana Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at 7:36 PM ### In the meantime the Digos police prepares the welcome for the anti G5 demonstration of tomorrow and a lot of stickers with independent information contaminate the city. The media activist is retraced in the seat of La Repubblica in Florence. They also, alike Rackspace, without any protection. The media activist looks lost, doesn't know where to go to: secretary? editing board? administration? The agents of the FB(((i))) have succeeded to put up a complicated entrance, dealing with telecameras, computers, tables, chairs, doors... The media activist hides in the place with the most people: The Editing Board! All are immobilised, one of them tries to organise defense by saying that they do only information of the regime. The whole room is sealed off with the right red and white tape 'for seizures in the making'. The seizure of all material is being requested because it is contaminated by independent information. Suddenly a tecnician enters of who nothing else is known, because when one acts in complete secrecy that is how it is done, who says to the journalists to save averything and to get out of their pc's because the whole system could crash from one moment to another and it was necessary to turn it off. The journalist of La Repubblica, different from Indymedia, could so save all before the seizure. The agents in the meantime capture the media activist who manages to escape immediately outside of the building, unifying himself to a complice, also on the run. The agents thus go on trying to recover colleagues from other cities, and seen that they are hungry, they also go to eat. The hunt for the media activist and the places that are contaminated by independent media will go on in the next days... |
aanvullingen |  | G5 = UK/Italy/Spain/Germany/France Police Min | translation - 17.10.2004 02:49
Since italy.indymedia is rebuilding its archive right now, here's something more mainstream on what the G5 is. It seems like a meeting between Police Ministers (so-called ministers of the Interior, or the Home Office in the UK, in other words, people paid to manage a monopoly of violence by the State against citizens) of UK/Italy/Spain/Germany/France is happening this weekend - the 5 biggest (by population) countries of the EU, but ignoring Poland with nearly as many inhabitants as Spain (Poland - 38 million, Spain - 42 million). They are meeting 17th and 18th October (i.e. now). The rest is about dealing with demonstrations. Clearly the cops are unhappy with the idea of freedom of speech... G5 A FIRENZE: LE FORZE DELL'ORDINE SI MOBILITANO Firenze, 14 ott. - Il prefetto di Firenze, Gian Valerio Lombardi, si e' detto tranquillo in merito alle iniziativa di protesta annunciate dal Movimento antagonista toscano e da altre sigle in occasione del vertice a Firenze dei cinque ministri dell'interno di Italia, Spagna, Inghilterra, Francia e Germania, il 17 e il 18 ottobre prossimi. "Le forze dell'ordine - ha spiegato - hanno messo a punto un piano per garantire il sereno svolgimento del vertice e assicurare il diritto di manifestare". Nel capoluogo toscano arriveranno comunque qualche centinaio di uomini per potenziare le forze dell'ordine e domenica e lunedi' sara' anche disposto il divieto di sorvolo su Firenze ai velivoli privati. Website: http://www.agi.it/news.pl?doc=200410141325-1080-RT1-CRO-0-PC91&page=0&id=agionline.firenze | free | bureau - 18.10.2004 12:26
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