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Help! USA Under Seige By Worlds Enemies Peace Nick - 19.10.2004 14:28
USA government is seizing hard drives and computers around the world, including the USA. The federal Treasury department police destroyed a video I had of some criminals in the federal banking regulatory industry. Mobile Audit Club. Free Art Music and proof and details of forced injections and other horrors in this terrible USA. Who controls American media? Who dies around the world and is subjected to poverty? There is no chosen people on this planet. Some people may not even be human. Our enemies have control of the USA government and they kill innocent Iraqis and imprison innocent Americans. We are at war. The USA government also has forced medical experiments and abuses. I fear they are doing unknown medical procedures on soldiers. Beware of implants, such as in the mouth, to either listen or as a type of chemical time bomb that kills the victim. The biggest mistake of my life was trusting the USA government. They tried to kill me and they crushed me. And to think I served their military. I would slit my wrists before I harmed another soul for those international beasts. The US governments do not abide by their own laws. They are criminals and should be thought of as such. Do not ever trust them and beware of their technology. They are using the latest against us and the world. The USA would be better broken up, but that would lead to certain nuclear war in the USA, because the conquered side would detonate the trigger bomb. Biotechnology is next. Where is Ganesh? (Part elephant part man). Either in the USA or Russia or China. Their governments are equal in their abuses. Website: http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/ |
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