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Russia take over technique exposed in Finnish Åke Tyvi - 22.10.2004 23:38
Russia technique has been to kill male persons from foreign families says half nine news in Finland. Title: Abstract: RUSSIA TAKE OVER TECHNIQUE EXPOSED IN FINNISH MEDIA Russia technique has been to kill male persons from foreign families; Karelian Finns and Inkerinsuomalaiset in Russia after II World War. /1/ Unfortunately there is not any evidence of this thing still going on in Russia populated areas of Finland. Only methods have changed, but the name of the game has remained the same. Such areas are labour area Tampere among some other cities. This area has got aims in the area of hygienic, which follow very much Russia political aims. I hope I did not get victimised and lost my property due to these things even that seems to be the case. So, please do not support this area unless you know who you are dealing with. /1/ Source: Half Nine news [22nd of October in 2004], http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/kotimaa. --- --- Venäjän tekniikka on ollut tappaa perheestä miehet; Karjalan suomalaisvainot ja inkerinsuomalaisiin kohdistuneet vainot. Lähde: Puoli yhdeksän uutiset 22.10.2004. --- --- E-Mail: mraketyvi@hotmail.com |
Lees meer over: militarisme | aanvullingen |  | |