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afa nz molly - 23.10.2004 20:54
national front new zeeland Radio New Zealand - 23/10/04 3pm reports: The police this afternoon struggled to get National Front protestors safely out of Central Wellington after they clashed with counter-protestors after they clashed with counter-protestors as a separate anti-racism march moved through the same area. About 50* National Front members marched on Parliament grounds flying New Zealand flags and calling for the country's British heritage to be protected but they were outnumbered by protestors who tried to drown out their speeches. As National Front people tried to leave the area there were running skirmished through the streets and the main railway station as scores of police officers struggled to keep the two groups apart. National Front members had to be escorted from the scene in police cars. At least one National Front member was arrested during the fracas. *Newstalkzb reports that there were at least 70 National Front members marching! __________________________________________________ _______________ One National Front Supporter was attacked with by a multicult wielding a wooden truncheon and several others were punched and kicked by hooded wiggers. The confrontation certainly appeared unpleasant and police were clearly not there in sufficient numbers - whether that is on purpose is anyone's guess. Hier kan de video worden bekeken:
http://tvnz.co.nz/view/news_index_skin/news_index_group Mijn hulde gaat uit naar de WN leden van National Front New Zealand. Ze zijn een voorbeeld voor de beweging in Nederland. Ze vormen één FRONT!! Op de video is te zien hoe een Antifa wordt geschept door een auto. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen |  | |