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geen 4 more cowboys and camelmen poetpiet - 31.10.2004 09:56
Olie baronnen breken met Bush. Een andere conclusie is aan OBL boodschap niet te verbinden, maar of ze er veel mee opschieten is echter de vraag.
http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/301301.shtml Bin Laden's message to the US --- "We agreed with the leader of the group, Mohammed Atta, to perform all attacks within 20 minutes BEFORE [President George W.] Bush and his administration were aware of what was going on. And we never knew that the commander-in-chief of the American armed forces would leave 50,000 of his people in the two towers to face those events by themselves when they were in the most urgent need of their leader." ------- the passage cited ought to be changed/ corrected to make any sense. ---- the word 'before' (put in caps above) ought to read after of course and can then be taken to mean the countering crew (yes they fucking well were hitting back at democrisy and good for all of us, the US not excluded for once) expected to be chased after 20:3 minutes!!!!!! ------- But Bush did a Hitleresque thing and let this equivalent of van der Lubbe (Reichstag set alighter) do as he planned and pleased. ------ Looks like Bin Laden is not adding any fuel to Bushfire this time though does it? Bin Laden: We had agreed with the chief amir [leader - of the 11 September hijackers] Mohammed Atta that he should accomplish all the operations within 20 minutes before Bush and his administration could take notice. It never occurred to us that the supreme commander of the US armed forces would leave 50,000 of his citizens in the two towers to face those great horrors alone, at a time when they needed him badly. -------------------- that first line doesn't jive the second unless you change it to: . .. . .after bush was given notice . . . .. especially in combination with the mention of having 3 times as much time as expected; hence he expected some americans to have 20 minus some minutes to scram and others 20:3 to try and shoot the plane out of the air or throw a lasso around it's nose or something. ---- Storal of the mory: Not all cowboys and camel riders were created equal .. |
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