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 | gompie | lezer - 05.11.2004 19:54
gompie, tja, ik weet het echt niet...wat voelt het cubaanse volk echt over hun bestel? We zullen het zien, ik durf gen voorspellingen te doen, behalve dat de CIA haar uiterste best zal doen om de 'revolutie' de nek om te draaien. Hoeveel plannen zij heeft klaarliggen, daar durf ik niet eens over te speculeren. Reken maar, dat de fuckers een rekening of tien te vereffenen hebben.... Cuba, veel success... | Het begint nu al | --- - 05.11.2004 21:15
US blasts Cuban human rights abuses WASHINGTON, USA (AFP): The United States on Thursday denounced Fidel Castro's communist government in Cuba for repeated and persistent human rights violations, putting Havana on notice that the situation on the island remains a US priority. Full story... >> http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/2004/11/05/human.htm 8:26 am est | oppositie zijn agenten van yankee fascisme | Che Fan - 22.02.2005 10:23
As part of a broad strategy to spur political change in Cuba, the U.S. government has been quietly sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to activists seeking to undermine President Fidel Castro's one-party state, according to documents and interviews. het kan niet meer ontkent worden. de uSSa betaald "de onafhankelijke democratische opostie".... The cash assistance is being channeled through the U.S.-financed National Endowment for Democracy and pays more than two dozen freelance writers for a Miami-based Web site that posts articles critical of the Cuban government. ..... Cubaned rings a bell?
Website: http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/news/nation/10957042.htm | Meer | jaja - 22.02.2005 23:30
Live From Death Row: Mumia Abu Jamal - Mumia Abu Jamal 5/2/03 Taped Commentary on Cuba: http://www.iacenter.org/maj_cuba03.htm Cuban Dissidents: Find a mention of Cuba in the North American press today and it will probably fall into two categories: One is a description of the island as a tourist haven, a place of natural beauty, vibrant culture and hot Salsa. The other is the never-ending diatribe by its critics, those who see nothing more than the stereotyped image of a tropical communist state, viewed as an evil, repressive society. ... Take, for example, the parade of "dissidents" who are frequently given international attention, usually whenever a supposed period of increased "repression" occurs at the hands of the Cuban state. Everything, though, is a matter of perspective.
http://www.canadiannetworkoncuba.ca/Documents/Dissidents.shtml usaid.gov: http://www.usaid.gov/policy/budget/cbj2005/lac/cu.html voor een overzicht uit 2002: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/04/11136.shtml Mumia Abu Jamal 5/2/03 Once again the Bush administration speaking through a complacent media is launching verbal bombs at a foreign country. This time it’s Cuba.
Website: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2005-02/hms-pra022205.php | The Miami Mafia: "Iraq Now; Cuba Later!" | Counterpunch - 28.02.2005 14:49
Landau: George Bush has made freedom, democracy and human rights his issues. Simultaneously, we read of reports of torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. In light of this, how do you see the US criticism of Cuba for being a human rights violator, because it locked up 75 "dissidents?" How does Cuba's view of human rights coincide with the arrest of those 75? een intervieuw o.a. over de dubbele moraal de USA mbt tot mensenrechten.
Website: http://www.counterpunch.org/landau02262005.html | U.S. ups funds for Cuba opposition | Che Fan - 08.04.2005 14:04
f you live in the United States, it might be harder to pay your heating bill or for your medicine and doctor’s visits; maybe your tuition assistance for school is gone for next term. The new Bush budget proposes to cut 150 human-needs programs. Apparently, though, some special-interest groups in south Florida are having no problem getting federal aid. All they have to do is violate Cuban sovereignty... ... While U.S. travelers face harassment and fines for visiting and spending money in Cuba, three separate U.S. government agencies illegally channel funds into Cuba. Since 1996 the U.S. Agency for International Development has spent more than $35 million. The National Endowment for Democracy paid $4.9 million since 2000 and proposes to double the annual sum to $2 million in the next fiscal year. The third organization is a new one, the President’s Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, with a proposed budget of $29 million. (Gary Marx, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 22) One U.S.-funded agency fronting as an online news agency spends $3,000 per month paying for freelance articles from inside Cuba. Dollars and propaganda are distributed through the U.S. Interest Section in Havana, in an effort to provoke a justifiable response from Cuba. Yet when these violators of Cuban law, like the 73 self-styled “dissidents,” are charged, tried and convicted in Cuban courts it is portrayed in the U.S. media as a “human-rights violation.” ....
Website: http://www.workers.org/2005/world/cuba-briefs-0414 | Is Cuba a sponsor of terrorism? Is U.S.? | Che Fan - 07.05.2005 13:09
The State Department's just-issued report on state sponsors of terrorism offers nothing new. In the case of Cuba, it simply repeats the same tired old charges without offering any hard or specific evidence. It states, for example, that "Cuba continued to actively oppose the U.S.-led coalition prosecuting the global war on terrorism." ...
Website: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/opinion/sfl-06forum06may07,0,2806671.story | US beschermt terrorist | Che Fan - 11.05.2005 12:12
De US voert haar anti-terrorismebeleid wel zeer selectief. Een massamoordenaar die een bomaanslag op een cubaans vliegtuig heeft uitevoerd waarbij meer dan 70 doden wielen wordt beschermt door de uSSa. "MIAMI - Declassified documents made public Tuesday link a Cuban exile seeking U.S. asylum - long regarded as a violent opponent of Fidel Castro - to a plot to bomb a Cuban airliner in 1976 and indicate he was on the CIA's payroll for years."
Website: http://www.tampatrib.com/News/MGB8XED2L8E.html | Reporters sans Frontier ontmaskerd! | Che Fan - 25.05.2005 13:25
Wen Robert Menard founded Reporters Without Borders twenty years ago, he gave his group a name which evokes another French organization respected worldwide for its humanitarian work and which maintains a strict neutrality in political conflicts Doctors Without Borders. But RSF (French acronym) has been anything but nonpartisan and objective in its approach to Latin America and to Cuba in particular. From the beginning, RSF has made Cuba its No. 1 target. Allegedly founded to advocate freedom of the press around the world and to help journalists under attack, the organization has called Cuba "the world's biggest prison for journalists." It even gives the country a lower ranking on its press freedom index than countries where journalists routinely have been killed, such as Colombia, Peru and Mexico. RSF has waged campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba and the European Union from doing business there its only campaigns worldwide intended to damage a country's economy. The above is not a matter of chance because it turns out that RSF is on the payroll of the U.S. State Department and has close ties to Helms-Burton-funded Cuban exile groups. Website: http://www.counterpunch.org/barahona05172005.html | Cuban militant worked for CIA | Herald Tribune - 30.05.2005 23:41
"According to the Walsh report, Posada "cleaned out the houses where resupply personnel had stayed" and delivered documents to U.S. officials. "Posada also terminated the operation's leases, paid the bills and disposed of radio equipment, cars and other goods," the report says. Rodriguez is now retired and living in Miami but has an unlisted number and could not be reached for comment for this story. In a 1989 book detailing his CIA adventures, "Shadow Warrior," Rodriguez contends that Venezuela blamed the 1976 Cuban airliner bombing on Posada because Posada -- at one time a Venezuelan security official -- possessed "some juicy tapes" of a former Venezuelan president talking with his girlfriend.
Website: http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050530/NEWS/505300326/1018/NEWS02 | |
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