Kerry Won. . . | Greg Palast - 05.11.2004 12:14
November 04, 2004 Bush won Ohio by 136,483 votes. In the United States, about 3 percent of votes cast are voided—known as “spoilage” in election jargon—because the ballots cast are inconclusive. Drawing on what happened in Florida and studies of elections past, Palast argues that if Ohio’s discarded ballots were counted, Kerry would have won the state. Today, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports there are a total of 247,672 votes not counted in Ohio, if you add the 92,672 discarded votes plus the 155,000 provisional ballots. So far there's no indication that Palast's hypothesis will be tested because only the provisional ballots are being counted. Greg Palast, contributing editor to Harper's magazine, investigated the manipulation of the vote for BBC Television's Newsnight. The documentary, "Bush Family Fortunes," based on his New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, has been released this month on DVD . Kerry won. Here are the facts. I know you don't want to hear it. You can't face one more hung chad. But I don't have a choice. As a journalist examining that messy sausage called American democracy, it's my job to tell you who got the most votes in the deciding states. Tuesday, in Ohio and New Mexico, it was John Kerry. Most voters in Ohio thought they were voting for Kerry. At 1:05 a.m. Wednesday morning, CNN's exit poll showed Kerry beating Bush among Ohio women by 53 percent to 47 percent. The exit polls were later combined with—and therefore contaminated by—the tabulated results, ultimately becoming a mirror of the apparent actual vote. [To read about the skewing of exit polls to conform to official results, click here .] Kerry also defeated Bush among Ohio's male voters 51 percent to 49 percent. Unless a third gender voted in Ohio, Kerry took the state. So what's going on here? Answer: the exit polls are accurate. Pollsters ask, "Who did you vote for?" Unfortunately, they don't ask the crucial, question, "Was your vote counted?" The voters don't know. Here's why. Although the exit polls show that most voters in Ohio punched cards for Kerry-Edwards, thousands of these votes were simply not recorded. This was predictable and it was predicted. [See, "An Election Spoiled Rotten," November 1.] Once again, at the heart of the Ohio uncounted vote game are, I'm sorry to report, hanging chads and pregnant chads, plus some other ballot tricks old and new. The election in Ohio was not decided by the voters but by something called "spoilage." Typically in the United States, about 3 percent of the vote is voided, just thrown away, not recorded. When the bobble-head boobs on the tube tell you Ohio or any state was won by 51 percent to 49 percent, don't you believe it ... it has never happened in the United States, because the total never reaches a neat 100 percent. The television totals simply subtract out the spoiled vote. Whose Votes Are Discarded? And not all votes spoil equally. Most of those votes, say every official report, come from African-American and minority precincts. (To learn more, click here.) We saw this in Florida in 2000. Exit polls showed Gore with a plurality of at least 50,000, but it didn't match the official count. That's because the official, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, excluded 179,855 spoiled votes. In Florida, as in Ohio, most of these votes lost were cast on punch cards where the hole wasn't punched through completely—leaving a 'hanging chad,'—or was punched extra times. Whose cards were discarded? Expert statisticians investigating spoilage for the government calculated that 54 percent of the ballots thrown in the dumpster were cast by black folks. (To read the report from the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, click here .) And here's the key: Florida is terribly typical. The majority of ballots thrown out (there will be nearly 2 million tossed out from Tuesday's election) will have been cast by African American and other minority citizens. So here we go again. Or, here we don't go again. Because unlike last time, Democrats aren't even asking Ohio to count these cards with the not-quite-punched holes (called "undervotes" in the voting biz). Nor are they demanding we look at the "overvotes" where voter intent may be discerned. Ohio is one of the last states in America to still use the vote-spoiling punch-card machines. And the Secretary of State of Ohio, J. Kenneth Blackwell, wrote before the election, “the possibility of a close election with punch cards as the state’s primary voting device invites a Florida-like calamity.” But this week, Blackwell, a rabidly partisan Republican, has warmed up to the result of sticking with machines that have a habit of eating Democratic votes. When asked if he feared being this year's Katherine Harris, Blackwell noted that Ms. Fix-it's efforts landed her a seat in Congress. Exactly how many votes were lost to spoilage this time? Blackwell's office, notably, won't say, though the law requires it be reported. Hmm. But we know that last time, the total of Ohio votes discarded reached a democracy-damaging 1.96 percent. The machines produced their typical loss—that's 110,000 votes—overwhelmingly Democratic. The Impact Of Challenges First and foremost, Kerry was had by chads. But the Democrat wasn't punched out by punch cards alone. There were also the 'challenges.' That's a polite word for the Republican Party of Ohio's use of an old Ku Klux Klan technique: the attempt to block thousands of voters of color at the polls. In Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida, the GOP laid plans for poll workers to ambush citizens under arcane laws—almost never used—allowing party-designated poll watchers to finger individual voters and demand they be denied a ballot. The Ohio courts were horrified and federal law prohibits targeting of voters where race is a factor in the challenge. But our Supreme Court was prepared to let Republicans stand in the voting booth door. In the end, the challenges were not overwhelming, but they were there. Many apparently resulted in voters getting these funky "provisional" ballots—a kind of voting placebo—which may or may not be counted. Blackwell estimates there were 175,000; Democrats say 250,000. Pick your number. But as challenges were aimed at minorities, no one doubts these are, again, overwhelmingly Democratic. Count them up, add in the spoiled punch cards (easy to tally with the human eye in a recount), and the totals begin to match the exit polls; and, golly, you've got yourself a new president. Remember, Bush won by 136,483 votes in Ohio. Enchanted State's Enchanted Vote Now, on to New Mexico, where a Kerry plurality—if all votes are counted—is more obvious still. Before the election, in, I wrote, "John Kerry is down by several thousand votes in New Mexico, though not one ballot has yet been counted." How did that happen? It's the spoilage, stupid; and the provisional ballots. CNN said George Bush took New Mexico by 11,620 votes. Again, the network total added up to that miraculous, and non-existent, '100 percent' of ballots cast. New Mexico reported in the last race a spoilage rate of 2.68 percent, votes lost almost entirely in Hispanic, Native American and poor precincts—Democratic turf. From Tuesday's vote, assuming the same ballot-loss rate, we can expect to see 18,000 ballots in the spoilage bin. Spoilage has a very Democratic look in New Mexico. Hispanic voters in the Enchanted State, who voted more than two to one for Kerry, are five times as likely to have their vote spoil as a white voter. Counting these uncounted votes would easily overtake the Bush 'plurality.' Already, the election-bending effects of spoilage are popping up in the election stats, exactly where we'd expect them: in heavily Hispanic areas controlled by Republican elections officials. Chaves County, in the "Little Texas" area of New Mexico, has a 44 percent Hispanic population, plus African Americans and Native Americans, yet George Bush "won" there 68 percent to 31 percent. I spoke with Chaves' Republican county clerk before the election, and he told me that this huge spoilage rate among Hispanics simply indicated that such people simply can't make up their minds on the choice of candidate for president. Oddly, these brown people drive across the desert to register their indecision in a voting booth. Now, let's add in the effect on the New Mexico tally of provisional ballots. "They were handing them out like candy," Albuquerque journalist Renee Blake reported of provisional ballots. About 20,000 were given out. Who got them? Santiago Juarez who ran the "Faithful Citizenship" program for the Catholic Archdiocese in New Mexico, told me that "his" voters, poor Hispanics, whom he identified as solid Kerry supporters, were handed the iffy provisional ballots. Hispanics were given provisional ballots, rather than the countable kind "almost religiously," he said, at polling stations when there was the least question about a voter's identification. Some voters, Santiago said, were simply turned away. Your Kerry Victory Party So we can call Ohio and New Mexico for John Kerry—if we count all the votes. But that won't happen. Despite the Democratic Party's pledge, the leadership this time gave in to racial disenfranchisement once again. Why? No doubt, the Democrats know darn well that counting all the spoiled and provisional ballots will require the cooperation of Ohio's Secretary of State, Blackwell. He will ultimately decide which spoiled and provisional ballots get tallied. Blackwell, hankering to step into Kate Harris' political pumps, is unlikely to permit anything close to a full count. Also, Democratic leadership knows darn well the media would punish the party for demanding a full count. What now? Kerry won, so hold your victory party. But make sure the shades are down: it may be become illegal to demand a full vote count under PATRIOT Act III. I used to write a column for the Guardian papers in London. Several friends have asked me if I will again leave the country. In light of the failure—a second time—to count all the votes, that won't be necessary. My country has left me.
Website: | Old quote | Intra - 05.11.2004 13:47
Old quote. Taken out of context. You could have said that months ago when it were still news. Yes, he did say that, but he's also on the Republican campaign team. Now, one might wonder if thats a stupid thing to say as campaigner who also makes electronic voting machines. Well yes, it is! Even the Diebold homepage has info about this. Theres a lot more interesting aspects right now. For example, in every state where there were no paper trails hence where there were voting machines theres a 5% scew in Bush his advantage which is both contradicting by itself and also contradicting when related to the exit polls. The state of Ohio demands paper trails by law. If they're not there then the election ought to be void. | X - Y = Z ; Z + Y = X? Not in Ohio! | Intra - 06.11.2004 02:53
From DU: Wed Nov-03-04 05:16 AM Response to Original message I wonder about what happened in Ohio earlier this evening. Two counties, Hamilton and Lucas, showed lots of votes for the Green Party candidate, Cobb, who was getting 0 votes in other counties. In Hamilton County he had exactly as many votes as Kerry (more than 30,000), and in Lucas County, Kerry had 0 votes and Cobb had 4,000+. Later those results were corrected and Cobb had 0 in both counties, with Kerry's vote total in Hamilton County unchanged (the votes for the Green candidate were just wiped out) and Kerry given all the votes previously given to Cobb in Lucas County. WTF??? I didn't see any similarly bizarre "glitches" with Bush's votes -- no counties where he registered only 0 votes, or only as many as the Green candidate. I remember reading somewhere that when Schwarzenegger won in CA, some counties showed suspiciously large numbers of votes for third-party candidates who had no chance of winning. I was glad to see those Ohio results corrected, but the results happened only after DUers noticed and started contacting the media (election officials, too, I think). [Note: The forums have a lot of interesting information. From harrasment reports to plain scams! They also say, since 4 nov: THURSDAY Nov. 4 2004: If you are concerned about what happened Tuesday, Nov. 2, you have found a home with our organization. Help America Audit. Black Box Voting has taken the position that fraud took place in the 2004 election through electronic voting machines. We base this on hard evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside information, and other data indicative of manipulation of electronic voting systems. What we do not know is the specific scope of the fraud. We are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence -- red flags, exit polls -- but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in the most massive Freedom of Information action in history. [...]] IOW they believe they found sufficient proof fraud took place... if you're a lawyer, computer expert or can miss a few bucks for the effort please help! | New info | Intra - 06.11.2004 23:38
"SATURDAY Nov. 6 2004: A new story, with documents, is going up tonight. It is not about vote fraud. Those are coming. This one is about a certification situation that looks like -- well, you'll see what it looks like. Now, in the area of voting machine fraud, we have experts looking at very problematic information in several locations, but will not release it until conclusions are independently confirmed, hopefully within 24 hours." -- | Election Judge shares her experience | link - 06.11.2004 23:49
My experience as an Election Judge in Baltimore County on November 2, 2004 by Avi Rubin Quote "If we continue to use the kind of insecure DREs that were used in this election, it is only a matter of time before somebody exploits them. And the worst part is that we may never know it." | Nov 7 info -- still waiting | Intra - 07.11.2004 17:45
5 days AFTERMATH. We're still waiting for the independent analysis. However some information about how to do one is disclosed on More breaking news about certification: "BREAKING -- SUNDAY Nov. 7 2004: Freedom of Information requests at have unearthed two Ciber certification reports indicating that security and tamperability was NOT TESTED and that several state elections directors, a secretary of state, and computer consultant Dr. Britain Williams signed off on the report anyway, certifying it." The position of Blackboxvoting is also clarified: "Black Box Voting has taken the position that fraud took place in the 2004 election through electronic voting machines. We base this on hard evidence, documents obtained in public records requests, inside information, and other data indicative of manipulation of electronic voting systems. What we do not know is the specific scope of the fraud. We are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence -- red flags, exit polls -- but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting in the most massive Freedom of Information action in history." As clearly put: "We are working now to compile the proof, based not on soft evidence -- red flags, exit polls -- but core documents obtained by Black Box Voting [...]". Hopefully more information soon. If there is hard evidence, it is time to spread that into the media. STAY TUNED! | `It has began` | Intra - 08.11.2004 04:00
Dems ask Government Accountability Office to investigate voting machines "November 5, 2004 The Honorable David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States U.S. General Accountability Office 441 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20548 Dear Mr. Walker: We write with an urgent request that the Government Accountability Office immediately undertake an investigation of the efficacy of voting machines and new technologies used in the 2004 election, how election officials responded to difficulties they encountered and what we can do in the future to improve our election systems and administration. In particular, we are extremely troubled by the following reports, which we would also request that you review and evaluate for us: In Columbus, Ohio, an electronic voting system gave President Bush nearly 4,000 extra votes. "Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio Votes," Associated Press, November 5. An electronic tally of a South Florida gambling ballot initiative failed to record thousands of votes. "South Florida OKs Slot Machines Proposal," Id. In one North Carolina county, more than 4,500 votes were lost because officials mistakenly believed a computer that stored ballots could hold more data that it did. "Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio Votes," Id. In San Francisco, a glitch occurred with voting machines software that resulted in some votes being left uncounted. Id. In Florida, there was a substantial drop off in Democratic votes in proportion to voter registration in counties utilizing optical scan machines that was apparently not present in counties using other mechanisms. The House Judiciary Committee Democratic staff has received numerous reports from Youngstown, Ohio that voters who attempted to cast a vote for John Kerry on electronic voting machines saw that their votes were instead recorded as votes for George W. Bush. In South Florida, Congressman Wexler's staff received numerous reports from voters in Palm Beach, Broward and Dade Counties that they attempted to select John Kerry but George Bush appeared on the screen. CNN has reported that a dozen voters in six states, particularly Democrats in Florida, reported similar problems. This was among over one thousand such problems reported. "Touchscreen Voting Problems Reported," Associated Press, November 5. Excessively long lines were a frequent problem throughout the nation in Democratic precincts, particularly in Florida and Ohio. In one Ohio voting precinct serving students from Kenyon College, some voters were required to wait more than eight hours to vote. "All Eyes on Ohio," Dan Lothian, CNN, November 3, . We are literally receiving additional reports every minute and will transmit additional information as it comes available. The essence of democracy is the confidence of the electorate in the accuracy of voting methods and the fairness of voting procedures. In 2000, that confidence suffered terribly, and we fear that such a blow to our democracy may have occurred in 2004. Thank you for your prompt attention to this inquiry. Sincerely, John Conyers, Jr. Jerrold Nadler Robert Wexler Ranking Member Ranking Member Member of Congress House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on the Constitution cc: Hon. F. James Sensenbrenner Chairman" PDF: PDF to TXT courtesy by Dailykos: Thom Hartman from wrote: "When I spoke with Jeff Fisher this morning (Saturday, November 06, 2004), the Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida's 16th District said he was waiting for the FBI to show up. Fisher has evidence, he says, not only that the Florida election was hacked, but of who hacked it and how. And not just this year, he said, but that these same people had previously hacked the Democratic primary race in 2002 so that Jeb Bush would not have to run against Janet Reno, who presented a real threat to Jeb, but instead against Bill McBride, who Jeb beat. "It was practice for a national effort," Fisher told me." Read the full article `Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked' by Thom Hartmann at Thanks to for writing an article about this which caught my eyes; | Bin Laden bekritiseert Bush.. | link - 08.11.2004 20:32
..niet alleen door te stellen dat Bush de oorlog in Irak enkel is begonnen voor de olie maar ook door de verkiezinsfraude als punt aan te dragen. Zie de comments in verbijsterd over al-Qaeda onthulling karelse - 04.11.2004 09:52 | Verkiezing nog niet bindend | link - 09.11.2004 01:16
"Here’s an interesting little sidebar of our system of government confirmed recently by the crack Countdown research staff: no Presidential candidate’s concession speech is legally binding. The only determinants of the outcome of election are the reports of the state returns boards and the vote of the Electoral College. [...]" | Lawyers are busy... | Intra - 11.11.2004 12:25
"This was posted earlier, but I'm going to re-post it under my name so everyone sees it. I have verified with PeteNYC over at the Kerry Campaign that this email message from Cameron Kerry is real. Please stop posting that other email message with Cam Kerry's email address. That message has already been posted dozens of times, and the moderators keep having to delete it. Anyway, Pete tells me that the Kerry Campaign is well aware of the alleged voting irregularities, and they've got a bunch of lawyers looking into it. At this point, there simply are not enough votes for us to win this thing, so please don't expect JK to un-concede. But the Kerry People are well aware of the whole situation, and they have not abandoned us. I told Pete that I didn't think anyone really expected Kerry to un-concede, particularly if there aren't enough votes. But win or lose, many people are alarmed by the reports of voting irregularities, and it's important that these these allegations are not being ignored." | |