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FootPrints For Peace - SOAW Run peacehq - 05.11.2004 03:09
FootPrints For Peace is announcing The SOAW Run in support of the closing of the School of the Americas at Fort Benning Georgia. Every year individuals give up their freedom to cross the line at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation the new name for the School of Americas (SOA). We consider them Prisoners Of Conscience. The reason that they make this great sacrifice is clear. Over it's 56 years, the SOA has trained over 60,000 Latin American soldiers in counterinsurgency techniques, sniper training, commando and psychological warfare, military intelligence and interrogation tactics. These graduates have consistently used their skills to wage a war of terror against their own people. This year FootPrints For Peace will run from the Crisp County Jail located in Cordele Georgia starting on the 19th of November and end the run at Fort Benning GA on the 20th of November. We chose this starting location because this jail is the place where many of those arrested for civil disobedience at Fort Benning are sent either to serve their term or be distributed to other prisons around the country. We will be joining up with the Walk For World Peace organized by Brother Utsumi and Sister Denise from the Nipponzan Myohoji Atlanta Dojo. Their group will be walking from Atlanta to Fort Benning at the same time we are running from the Crisp County Jail. On the 21st we will all join the thousands of other people in the vigil and funeral procession to the front gates of Fort Benning, home of the SOA. This year we are also proud to anounce a contingent from Earlham College in Richmond Indiana organized by Mark Porter-Webb will be joining us for the run. Please contact us via email at ffpindy@hotmail.com for details on how you can participate. For information concerning our last event, Prisoners Of Conscience Run, please visit
http://peacehq.tripod.com/PHQ_RunsWalksActions/POC/POC-2004/poc04.html E-Mail: ffpindy@hotmail.com Website: http://footprintsforpeace.tripod.com/ |
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