EU & IRAQ: TEARS OVER EUROPE Foreign Press Foundation - 05.11.2004 20:43
Tijdens de Iraq meeting in Brussel vandaag, heeft de fundamentalistische premier Balkenende gezegd dat heel Europa blij is met Bush. En zojuist vertrok weer 160 stuks nederlands kanonnenvoer naar Irak om aan die illegale oorlog deel te nemen. EU & IRAQ: TEARS OVER EUROPE by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF-05-10-2004 - In an unworthy comment in the Belgian and European Union capital Brussels, the Christian fundamentalist Prime Minister of the Netherlands, JP Balkenende, talked about EU-unanimity concerning the illegal war in Iraq. [Illegal war - BBC/Annan: ] Contrary to all european polls, showing that 3/4 of he people despise the inhumane US foreign policy, the shameful thing happening to Europe right now, is the fact that this pro-Bush and so called christian government in Holland chairs the EU, producing a Quisling atmosphere which the French PM Chirac couldn't stand: he walked out and left the collaborators at the "Anschluss"-summit early. [Anschluss:] The BBC in their biased spin of events wrote in a comment "that the EU congratulates Bush", while forgetting that 75% (seventy-five percent) of the Europeans hate the war and hate the guts of the warmongers advocating further bellicose development. The image of everything the US could stand for, is worse tainted than ever before, and will be so for generations to come, whatever the mainstream media and the BBC try. [The whole BBC is controlled by the UK Min. of Defense: ] Not withstanding the fact that he is looked upon by the Europeans 'as one of the biggest US stooges and traitors of Europe ever', UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said some EU leaders were in a "state of denial" over President George Bush's poll win. According to the unreliable BBC [ ] in a revolting quip Bush's poodle Tony Blair urged European leaders to accept President Bush's re-election, as said in an interview with London's Times newspaper. Forgetting that even his own population wants Bush and him out and in court. [Dutch war criminals in Court hearing: http: // ] Before he ran out of the Anschluss-meeting, Mr. Chirac called for the EU to be more assertive vis-a-vis the US. Knowing well that the majority of Europeans look with disgust at the American/Israeli massacres around the world. "It is obvious that the assertion of strong American policy leads [us] quite naturally to reinforce Europe on political and economic fronts," Chirac said,and that was as much a threat as a promise. Mr. Chirac, seems to be still strongly opposed to the war. "After the divisions of the past, today there was total unanimity" on Iraq, lied dutch fundamentalist and PM Balkenende, who chaired the meeting. The by the americans appointed Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi joined the EU leaders at the summit in Brussels, marked by Quisling efforts to bury differences over the Iraq war quagmire. Mr. Allawi said "we all need to close ranks and defeat terrorism", meaning: "you pay for the american disaster", and urged EU countries to keep troops in Iraq. The US has too many troops shot and killed already, which is known, even with the vile secrecy surrounding the coffins and body bags, and wants more foreigners as cannon fodder in harms way. Of course the cowardly Dutch government obeys the US orders, and on Friday night - nov 05 - 2004 - another 160 dutch troops departed for Iraq, contrary to the wishes of the dutch people. The dutch parliament showed itself worthless, as usual. But Mr. Chirac, who was heading for the United Arab Emirates, did not even want to see Mr. Allawi. But, as he said, he had never refused to meet Mr. Allawi, who had earlier referred to countries that opposed the war as "spectators" who should now get involved in rebuilding Iraq. His remark was widely seen to be directed at France, among others. The EU is due to approve a package of aid for training Iraqi election officials, lawyers and police, but it is worth only 30 million euros ($39m) - a small sum by Europe's standards, and proving that most normal europeans dislike the illegal wars. Mr. Allawi also (was) paid (to make) his first visit to Nato headquarters, seeking more money and troops from the american alliance, paid for by the Europeans. France and Germany have resisted US pressure for Nato to play a bigger role in efforts to stabilize Iraq. But the Dutch cowards go along with anything the Washingtonian neocons order them to do. The Dutch Air Force - among others also with 6 Apache gun ships - has illegally been 'helping out' the occupying US and other forces in Afghanistan.", and have committed there war crimes too, or at least taken part in them. [Killing fields Afghanistan: ] The present Dutch government is a shame for humanity and the country, and all the guilty will have to be taken to court. * BBC Annan Iraq is illegal: Url.: * Dutch war criminals in Court hearing: http: // FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands The Dutch author has this far worked abroad for 4 decades for international media, as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! ( US Senator Hollings agrees: ) Evil triumphs when good men, women and we journalists remain silent: - - Let's fight today, because tomorrow it may be too late... Help the troops come home ! We need them badly to fight our 'governments': HR Website: http:// |