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Nuclear waste transport victim ***** - 08.11.2004 14:16
We are shocked by the news of the death of an anti-nuclear protester yesterday. He died during a blockade of the nuclear waste transport from France to Germany (Gorleben). He is the first person who died during the peaceful protests in the history of actions against nuclear waste transports. How this terrible accident could happen should be researched into detail. There is no excuse for an accident like this during these so highly secured transports. French authorities should be taken responsible for the death of this young man. We wish his family, friends and colleague activists a lot of strength and courage to continue the fight against the nuclear nightmare. Dutch participants of the “Tour de France pour sortir du nucleaire” 2004 and network of anti nuclear activists Holland. Website: http://www.ddh.nl/duurzaam/nieuws/2004 |
Lees meer over: europa natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | |