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Falluja: Blood lust dominates media Foreign Press Foundation - 10.11.2004 13:18
The Falluja battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters. WAR CRIMES: FALLUJA, MY LAI, GUERNICA, ORADOUR, BABIJ JAR, KATYN, LIDICE, SHARPEVILLE, TREBLINKA... Falluja: Blood lust dominates mainstream media By Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - 10-11-2004 - On the 23d of December 1972, concerning the bombing of Hanoi by the USA, Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme made an angry statement, comparing the attack with fascist and communist atrocities. PM Olof Palme explained that the inhumane bombing of the city and people of Hanoi was a war crime, 'of which we have many examples in modern history' he said, "and there are names for them: Guernica, Oradour, Babij Jar, Katyn, Lidice, Sharpeville, Treblinka. Violence has triumphed there, but the verdict by the world and history, will be harsh on them which are responsible. Now a new name is on the list of war atrocities: Hanoi - Christmas 1972." STOCKHOLM This earned PM Olof Palme wrath and indignation in some circles, and appreciation and tributes in many others. Having known Olof Palme - and having had him as a neighbor in 'Gamla Stan', the Old Town of Stockholm for many years, it is quite clear that he again would have said this, now about the US destroying the people and city of Falluja. Palme paid the price too: even as Prime Minister of Sweden and internationally renowned, he was never officially invited to the US or Washington, and gunned down on a main street in Stockholm February 28th - 1986. It is believed that swedish multinationals and the CIA, with a hired killer, have been involved. ONE CRITIC WAS SILENCED, BUT MOST OF THE PEOPLE UNDERSTOOD. In an editorial statement by the 'World Socialist Web Site''s Editorial Board* the US c.s.'s bombing and killing in Fallujah is very rightly described as 'a murderous operation under way in Fallujah, and the entire media and political establishment in the US is an accomplice in the crime. The unfolding massacre in the Iraqi city has failed to elicit an outcry, or even significant questioning of the assault, from these circles. No editorialist at a major newspaper or television news commentator has even hinted at moral qualms over the American onslaught. Not one columnist at the New York Times or Washington Post thinks Fallujah worth mentioning. Last week’s Democratic Party presidential hopeful hasn’t a word to say. THIS UNIVERSAL COMPLICITY IS THE SYMPTOM OF A TERMINAL MALAISE. THE UPPER ECHELONS OF AMERICAN SOCIETY ARE HOPELESSLY CORRUPTED AND MORALLY DECAYED. DEATH TOLL* The death toll is expected to be high on the U.S. side as well: Marine commanders have warned that deaths among U.S. forces could reach levels not seen since the Vietnam War. Iraq Occupation Watch points at 'the stated reason for the invasion of Falluja is to 'liberate' the city from insurgents so that its residents can participate in the upcoming elections.However, several groups have argued that an attack on Falluja would jeopardize the elections, fuel anger and resentment against the U.S., and actually swell the ranks of terrorist groups rather than eradicating terrorism. In an October 31 letter, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan also warned that another invasion of Falluja would only create more enemies and provoke an election boycott by Sunni Muslims: Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5y9rg Falluja is still home to thousands of civilians. The numbers who have fled the prospective assault vary, but there could be 100,000 or more still in their homes. Typically, as in any war, those who don't get out of the way are a mixture of the most vulnerable - the elderly, the poor, the sick; the unlucky, who left it too late to get away; and the insanely brave, such as medical staff who's 'Screams will not be heard': http://tinyurl.com/6m34n FALLUJA BEING “PUT TO THE SWORD” BY THE US Even as thousands of marines poured into Fallujah in an attempt to eradicate the Iraqi resistance fighters, American commentators blandly spoke of the action as the most natural and uncontroversial of events. Here is a city, surrounded and cut off, whose male population between the ages of 15 and 50 faces being “put to the sword” by the US military, and no one in the media can stir himself to raise an objection. The deliberate demolition of a major urban center by a great power is unlike anything since World War II. The phrases used by the media: warplanes and tanks are "softening the defenses", the city of 300,000 is being "cleansed" of insurgents - are meant to conceal from the American public the true character of the assault: a homicidal operation aimed at destroying a major source of opposition to the colonialist US occupation and its puppet regime. SCREAMS WILL NOT BE HEARD Madeleine Bunting in the Guardian (“Screams Will Not be Heard”) notes the foul and unreal character of the American propaganda war: “The city is being ‘softened up’ with precision attacks from the air. Pacifying Fallujah has become the key to stabilizing the country ahead of the January elections. The ‘final assault’ is imminent, in which the foreigners who have infiltrated the almost deserted Iraqi city with their extremist Islam will be ‘cleared,’ ‘rooted out’ or ‘crushed.’ Or, as one marine put it: ‘We will win the hearts and minds of Fallujah by ridding the city of insurgents. We’re doing that by patrolling the streets and killing the enemy.’” With only those journalists “embedded” with US forces on the scene, Bunting points out, “In an age of instant communication, we will have to wait months, if not years, to hear of what happens inside Fallujah in the next few days.” Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s assurances that “There aren’t going to be large numbers of civilians killed, certainly not by US forces,” are worth less than nothing, coming from a notorious war criminal. Rumsfeld’s comment that innocent people will be able to stay out of the way and that only the “terrorists” will be killed simply means that all the future dead in Fallujah will be labeled “insurgents” by the Pentagon. Or, as a US military official told Agence France-Presse, “There is no confusion, if you’re on the street, you’re a bad guy. Ninety percent of the population has left.” That would still leave 30,000 people in the city, presumably all of whom are fair game for lethal American weaponry. Rumsfeld promised that this time the operation in Fallujah, known as "Phantom Fury"* would be pursued to the end. “I could not imagine that it would stop without being completed,” he said. [HR on 'Phantom Fury' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3tkoe ] Bloodthirstiness pervades the American media, as it attempts to brutalize public opinion. On Fallujah, the differences between the right-wing gutter press and the more respectable liberal outlets are hardly worth speaking of. Ralph Peters in Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post advises the US military “to burn out the plague of fanaticism and prove to Iraq’s people that the forces of terror will not be allowed to enslave them. We need to demonstrate that the United States military cannot be deterred or defeated. If that means widespread destruction, we must accept the price.” The “liberal,” pro-Democratic Detroit Free Press speaks contentedly of “breaking the back of the insurgency” and hopes that “if thousands of them are killed in Fallujah” other Iraqi fighters may draw the conclusion that resistance is “no longer worth it.” The New York Times takes the opportunity on the day of the assault to editorialize on the need for 40,000 more US troops in Iraq. This disgusting blood lust dominates official America, under conditions in which tens of millions have registered their opposition to the war through protests, polls and in the recent elections. Some 80 percent of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry’s 55 million voters - or 44 million people - oppose the Iraq war. This sentiment is being systematically excluded and suppressed. People from all walks of life are against the war and its latest, even more deadly phase. There are countless political organizations, scholars and experts who could testify to the conflict’s criminality and the real, but concealed, motives behind the US intervention. Yet the American establishment has not seen fit to allow anyone who opposes the Iraq war to make his or her case in front of the media. There is no equal time here - in fact, no time at all. This alone belies the claim that the conflict in Iraq has something to do with “democracy.” All the noisy chatter in the media cannot hide the shameful reality. Bush’s election, won by terrorizing and deceiving the public, is now being used to legitimize past crimes and justify new and even greater ones. Whatever the political confusion that exists in the US, the massacre in Fallujah does not express the will of the American people. The battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters. An Iraqi journalist told Al Jazeera, “US tanks, armored vehicles, F16 and C130-fighters are taking part in the attack on Fallujah. Violent clashes are now going on in the western areas of the city. US forces are backed by tanks and helicopters. Clashes have also erupted in Julan neighborhood. Resistance in these areas is fierce. The city’s defenders are responding to the US attacks with everything at their disposal.” In an attempt to justify the destruction of Fallujah, the stooge government headed by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and the Pentagon claim the resistance is composed of “terrorists” and “criminals.” But even in the American media, this Big Lie cannot be completely sustained. Darrin Mortenson, in the North County [California] Times, writes: “After the Marines’ last advance on Fallujah was halted in early April [2004], the troops held onto their hard-fought foothold in the first few blocks of the city while the politicians politicked and the planners planned. “They realized they were up against not only entrenched fanatics and foreign fighters, but also against a city full of patriotic Iraqi civilians defending their city. Many said they would be doing the same if someone attacked their hometown, and admired the tenacity of their enemy.” Only the most stupid and dishonest in the media deny that mass opposition to the US presence exists and increases on a daily basis. Yet this fact is not allowed to contradict the general presentation of the American mission as “nation building” and “democratizing.” Vietnam bequeathed the infamous phrase about “destroying a village to save it.” Now, US imperialism is engaged in destroying an entire country to“save” it. THE NON EXISTENT ZARQAWI What is the crime of the resistance forces in Fallujah - even if one accepts the unproven and dubious claims about the presence of alleged arch terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi? That they resist by force of arms a foreign occupier, who has designs on the country’s territory and natural resources. If this is a crime, then so was the resistance to the Hitler regime’s occupation of much of Europe. Why not retroactively endorse the repression meted out by the Nazis to the French or Italian resistance? Perhaps it is time to recognize the essential wisdom and maturity of German policy during World War II. After all, the Nazis too claimed that their opponents were “terrorists” and “criminals.” There is no serious examination in the American media of the opposition in Iraq. Who are these people? Why are they fighting? Who is dying at the hands of the American military? These questions interest the embedded journalists and their superiors at home almost as little as they interest the Pentagon. The US media treats the butcher Allawi, his hands dripping with blood, as the “legitimate” Iraqi head of state. This once and future CIA asset visited the main US base outside Fallujah and exhorted his troops - those who had not deserted - with the following words: “Your job is to arrest the killers, but if you kill them, so be it.” The press reports this filth without comment. During the Vietnam War, sections of American elite public opinion turned against the government’s policy. The level of violence itself delegitimized the conflict, not only in the eyes of masses of people, but even among some sections of the political and media establishment. It was not possible then, nor is it today, to ascribe “democratic” and “progressive” aims to a war that entails the deliberate mutilation or death of hundreds of thousands of innocents. Some 100,000 Iraqis are now dead as a result of the US occupation. Fallujah will add many more. This willingness to raze a city to the ground because it has become a pole of resistance to imperialist occupation sums up the entire Iraq conflict. The city will be leveled to “teach a lesson” to the Iraqis and anyone else who dares resist the American drive to dominate the globe. Retired Marine Col. Gary Anderson told the Wall Street Journal, “This is primarily a political battle. Fallujah has little to no military significance. But every day the insurgents hold that city is a political and psychological victory for them.” In other words, what is being carried out in Fallujah is a policy of exemplary and collective punishment - a practice associated with the Nazi SS and Wehrmacht, and explicitly labeled a war crime and banned under the post-war Geneva Conventions. The assault on Fallujah will resonate across generations as an atrocity. Despite the torrent of lies and misinformation, the truth will emerge. If the American military pursues its aims to the murderous end, the name of the Iraqi city will take its place alongside Guernica, My Lai and other symbols of imperialist barbarism." The new Olof Palme-list: FALLUJA, MY LAI, GUERNICA, ORADOUR, BABIJ JAR, KATYN, LIDICE, SHARPEVILLE, TREBLINKA... *Iraq body count - Url.: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/ * https://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/nov2004/fall-n09_prn.shtml *Independent journalist - Dahr Jamail - is back in Iraq, and we strongly encourage you to read his dispatches at:
http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/archives/dispatches/000106.php Olof Palme/Swedish Institute - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5bzbd Swedish Radio(SR) - Hanoi bombing quote by Palme, in Swedish: http://www.retorik.com/tal/palme.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION
http://tinyurl.com/3crhn Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
http://tinyurl.com/2ghoh The Netherlands
FPF@Chello.nl The Dutch author has this far worked abroad for 4 decades for international media, as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! ( US Senator Hollings agrees: http://tinyurl.com/2ylmv ) Evil triumphs when good men, women - and we journalists - remain silent: - http://tinyurl.com/3tgqa - Let's fight today, because tomorrow it may be too late... Help the troops come home ! We need them badly to fight our 'governments': http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/ HR The Falluja battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters. WAR CRIMES: FALLUJA, MY LAI, GUERNICA, ORADOUR, BABIJ JAR, KATYN, LIDICE, SHARPEVILLE, TREBLINKA... Falluja: Blood lust dominates mainstream media By Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - 10-11-2004 - On the 23d of December 1972, concerning the bombing of Hanoi by the USA, Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme made an angry statement, comparing the attack with fascist and communist atrocities. PM Olof Palme explained that the inhumane bombing of the city and people of Hanoi was a war crime, 'of which we have many examples in modern history' he said, "and there are names for them: Guernica, Oradour, Babij Jar, Katyn, Lidice, Sharpeville, Treblinka. Violence has triumphed there, but the verdict by the world and history, will be harsh on them which are responsible. Now a new name is on the list of war atrocities: Hanoi - Christmas 1972." STOCKHOLM This earned PM Olof Palme wrath and indignation in some circles, and appreciation and tributes in many others. Having known Olof Palme - and having had him as a neighbor in 'Gamla Stan', the Old Town of Stockholm for many years, it is quite clear that he again would have said this, now about the US destroying the people and city of Falluja. Palme paid the price too: even as Prime Minister of Sweden and internationally renowned, he was never officially invited to the US or Washington, and gunned down on a main street in Stockholm February 28th - 1986. It is believed that swedish multinationals and the CIA, with a hired killer, have been involved. ONE CRITIC WAS SILENCED, BUT MOST OF THE PEOPLE UNDERSTOOD. In an editorial statement by the 'World Socialist Web Site''s Editorial Board* the US c.s.'s bombing and killing in Fallujah is very rightly described as 'a murderous operation under way in Fallujah, and the entire media and political establishment in the US is an accomplice in the crime. The unfolding massacre in the Iraqi city has failed to elicit an outcry, or even significant questioning of the assault, from these circles. No editorialist at a major newspaper or television news commentator has even hinted at moral qualms over the American onslaught. Not one columnist at the New York Times or Washington Post thinks Fallujah worth mentioning. Last week’s Democratic Party presidential hopeful hasn’t a word to say. THIS UNIVERSAL COMPLICITY IS THE SYMPTOM OF A TERMINAL MALAISE. THE UPPER ECHELONS OF AMERICAN SOCIETY ARE HOPELESSLY CORRUPTED AND MORALLY DECAYED. DEATH TOLL* The death toll is expected to be high on the U.S. side as well: Marine commanders have warned that deaths among U.S. forces could reach levels not seen since the Vietnam War. Iraq Occupation Watch points at 'the stated reason for the invasion of Falluja is to 'liberate' the city from insurgents so that its residents can participate in the upcoming elections.However, several groups have argued that an attack on Falluja would jeopardize the elections, fuel anger and resentment against the U.S., and actually swell the ranks of terrorist groups rather than eradicating terrorism. In an October 31 letter, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan also warned that another invasion of Falluja would only create more enemies and provoke an election boycott by Sunni Muslims: Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5y9rg Falluja is still home to thousands of civilians. The numbers who have fled the prospective assault vary, but there could be 100,000 or more still in their homes. Typically, as in any war, those who don't get out of the way are a mixture of the most vulnerable - the elderly, the poor, the sick; the unlucky, who left it too late to get away; and the insanely brave, such as medical staff who's 'Screams will not be heard': http://tinyurl.com/6m34n FALLUJA BEING “PUT TO THE SWORD” BY THE US Even as thousands of marines poured into Fallujah in an attempt to eradicate the Iraqi resistance fighters, American commentators blandly spoke of the action as the most natural and uncontroversial of events. Here is a city, surrounded and cut off, whose male population between the ages of 15 and 50 faces being “put to the sword” by the US military, and no one in the media can stir himself to raise an objection. The deliberate demolition of a major urban center by a great power is unlike anything since World War II. The phrases used by the media: warplanes and tanks are "softening the defenses", the city of 300,000 is being "cleansed" of insurgents - are meant to conceal from the American public the true character of the assault: a homicidal operation aimed at destroying a major source of opposition to the colonialist US occupation and its puppet regime. SCREAMS WILL NOT BE HEARD Madeleine Bunting in the Guardian (“Screams Will Not be Heard”) notes the foul and unreal character of the American propaganda war: “The city is being ‘softened up’ with precision attacks from the air. Pacifying Fallujah has become the key to stabilizing the country ahead of the January elections. The ‘final assault’ is imminent, in which the foreigners who have infiltrated the almost deserted Iraqi city with their extremist Islam will be ‘cleared,’ ‘rooted out’ or ‘crushed.’ Or, as one marine put it: ‘We will win the hearts and minds of Fallujah by ridding the city of insurgents. We’re doing that by patrolling the streets and killing the enemy.’” With only those journalists “embedded” with US forces on the scene, Bunting points out, “In an age of instant communication, we will have to wait months, if not years, to hear of what happens inside Fallujah in the next few days.” Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s assurances that “There aren’t going to be large numbers of civilians killed, certainly not by US forces,” are worth less than nothing, coming from a notorious war criminal. Rumsfeld’s comment that innocent people will be able to stay out of the way and that only the “terrorists” will be killed simply means that all the future dead in Fallujah will be labeled “insurgents” by the Pentagon. Or, as a US military official told Agence France-Presse, “There is no confusion, if you’re on the street, you’re a bad guy. Ninety percent of the population has left.” That would still leave 30,000 people in the city, presumably all of whom are fair game for lethal American weaponry. Rumsfeld promised that this time the operation in Fallujah, known as "Phantom Fury"* would be pursued to the end. “I could not imagine that it would stop without being completed,” he said. [HR on 'Phantom Fury' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3tkoe ] Bloodthirstiness pervades the American media, as it attempts to brutalize public opinion. On Fallujah, the differences between the right-wing gutter press and the more respectable liberal outlets are hardly worth speaking of. Ralph Peters in Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post advises the US military “to burn out the plague of fanaticism and prove to Iraq’s people that the forces of terror will not be allowed to enslave them. We need to demonstrate that the United States military cannot be deterred or defeated. If that means widespread destruction, we must accept the price.” The “liberal,” pro-Democratic Detroit Free Press speaks contentedly of “breaking the back of the insurgency” and hopes that “if thousands of them are killed in Fallujah” other Iraqi fighters may draw the conclusion that resistance is “no longer worth it.” The New York Times takes the opportunity on the day of the assault to editorialize on the need for 40,000 more US troops in Iraq. This disgusting blood lust dominates official America, under conditions in which tens of millions have registered their opposition to the war through protests, polls and in the recent elections. Some 80 percent of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry’s 55 million voters - or 44 million people - oppose the Iraq war. This sentiment is being systematically excluded and suppressed. People from all walks of life are against the war and its latest, even more deadly phase. There are countless political organizations, scholars and experts who could testify to the conflict’s criminality and the real, but concealed, motives behind the US intervention. Yet the American establishment has not seen fit to allow anyone who opposes the Iraq war to make his or her case in front of the media. There is no equal time here - in fact, no time at all. This alone belies the claim that the conflict in Iraq has something to do with “democracy.” All the noisy chatter in the media cannot hide the shameful reality. Bush’s election, won by terrorizing and deceiving the public, is now being used to legitimize past crimes and justify new and even greater ones. Whatever the political confusion that exists in the US, the massacre in Fallujah does not express the will of the American people. The battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters. An Iraqi journalist told Al Jazeera, “US tanks, armored vehicles, F16 and C130-fighters are taking part in the attack on Fallujah. Violent clashes are now going on in the western areas of the city. US forces are backed by tanks and helicopters. Clashes have also erupted in Julan neighborhood. Resistance in these areas is fierce. The city’s defenders are responding to the US attacks with everything at their disposal.” In an attempt to justify the destruction of Fallujah, the stooge government headed by Prime Minister Ayad Allawi and the Pentagon claim the resistance is composed of “terrorists” and “criminals.” But even in the American media, this Big Lie cannot be completely sustained. Darrin Mortenson, in the North County [California] Times, writes: “After the Marines’ last advance on Fallujah was halted in early April [2004], the troops held onto their hard-fought foothold in the first few blocks of the city while the politicians politicked and the planners planned. “They realized they were up against not only entrenched fanatics and foreign fighters, but also against a city full of patriotic Iraqi civilians defending their city. Many said they would be doing the same if someone attacked their hometown, and admired the tenacity of their enemy.” Only the most stupid and dishonest in the media deny that mass opposition to the US presence exists and increases on a daily basis. Yet this fact is not allowed to contradict the general presentation of the American mission as “nation building” and “democratizing.” Vietnam bequeathed the infamous phrase about “destroying a village to save it.” Now, US imperialism is engaged in destroying an entire country to“save” it. THE NON EXISTENT ZARQAWI What is the crime of the resistance forces in Fallujah - even if one accepts the unproven and dubious claims about the presence of alleged arch terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi? That they resist by force of arms a foreign occupier, who has designs on the country’s territory and natural resources. If this is a crime, then so was the resistance to the Hitler regime’s occupation of much of Europe. Why not retroactively endorse the repression meted out by the Nazis to the French or Italian resistance? Perhaps it is time to recognize the essential wisdom and maturity of German policy during World War II. After all, the Nazis too claimed that their opponents were “terrorists” and “criminals.” There is no serious examination in the American media of the opposition in Iraq. Who are these people? Why are they fighting? Who is dying at the hands of the American military? These questions interest the embedded journalists and their superiors at home almost as little as they interest the Pentagon. The US media treats the butcher Allawi, his hands dripping with blood, as the “legitimate” Iraqi head of state. This once and future CIA asset visited the main US base outside Fallujah and exhorted his troops - those who had not deserted - with the following words: “Your job is to arrest the killers, but if you kill them, so be it.” The press reports this filth without comment. During the Vietnam War, sections of American elite public opinion turned against the government’s policy. The level of violence itself delegitimized the conflict, not only in the eyes of masses of people, but even among some sections of the political and media establishment. It was not possible then, nor is it today, to ascribe “democratic” and “progressive” aims to a war that entails the deliberate mutilation or death of hundreds of thousands of innocents. Some 100,000 Iraqis are now dead as a result of the US occupation. Fallujah will add many more. This willingness to raze a city to the ground because it has become a pole of resistance to imperialist occupation sums up the entire Iraq conflict. The city will be leveled to “teach a lesson” to the Iraqis and anyone else who dares resist the American drive to dominate the globe. Retired Marine Col. Gary Anderson told the Wall Street Journal, “This is primarily a political battle. Fallujah has little to no military significance. But every day the insurgents hold that city is a political and psychological victory for them.” In other words, what is being carried out in Fallujah is a policy of exemplary and collective punishment - a practice associated with the Nazi SS and Wehrmacht, and explicitly labeled a war crime and banned under the post-war Geneva Conventions. The assault on Fallujah will resonate across generations as an atrocity. Despite the torrent of lies and misinformation, the truth will emerge. If the American military pursues its aims to the murderous end, the name of the Iraqi city will take its place alongside Guernica, My Lai and other symbols of imperialist barbarism." The new Olof Palme-list: FALLUJA, MY LAI, GUERNICA, ORADOUR, BABIJ JAR, KATYN, LIDICE, SHARPEVILLE, TREBLINKA... *Iraq body count - Url.: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/ * https://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/nov2004/fall-n09_prn.shtml *Independent journalist - Dahr Jamail - is back in Iraq, and we strongly encourage you to read his dispatches at:
http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/archives/dispatches/000106.php Olof Palme/Swedish Institute - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5bzbd Swedish Radio(SR) - Hanoi bombing quote by Palme, in Swedish: http://www.retorik.com/tal/palme.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION
http://tinyurl.com/3crhn Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
http://tinyurl.com/2ghoh The Netherlands
FPF@Chello.nl The Dutch author has this far worked abroad for 4 decades for international media, as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! ( US Senator Hollings agrees: http://tinyurl.com/2ylmv ) Evil triumphs when good men, women - and we journalists - remain silent: - http://tinyurl.com/3tgqa - Let's fight today, because tomorrow it may be too late... Help the troops come home ! We need them badly to fight our 'governments': http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/ HR |
Lees meer over: media militarisme | aanvullingen |  | Embedded journalist | Trebla - 10.11.2004 21:52
Mij stoort het embedded journalist-gedoe van CNN enorm. Die Jane Arraf is weerzinwekkend omdat ze ze voor geen meter objectief is. Wat ze uitkraamt is emotionele shit, soms heeft ze een snik in de stem als God met de soldaten zou zijn, ze is de vleedgeworden Pentagon-propaganda.
| Vleesgeworden propaganda | Henk Ruyssenaars - 21.11.2004 09:47
VLEESGEWORDEN PROPAGANDA Het is inderdaad weerzinwekken dat Amerikaans/Britse propagandistische gewauwel aan te moeten horen, maar eerlijk gezegd heb ik grote moeite hier in het 'eigen straatje' in Nederland, waar deze propaganda door nederlandse 'journalisten' wordt herkauwt en tot in den treure herhalen ze het. Meestal tegen beter weten in. Dat vind ik laf en leugenachtig. Als je zo je werk doet ben je geen journalist maar - zoals de meesten in de media in Nederland - een omgekochte Megafoon van de Macht. [ KRO+bijklussen dossier Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6ed5w ]. Het NOS Journaal is een van de treurigste inrichtingen die ik ken en ooit heb gezien: het doet me denken aan Burkina Faso, of IJsland, waar de TV in de zomermaanden met vakatie ging etc. En ik moet ook heel sterk denken aan die paar andere feodale koninkrijkjes, als 'Clockwork Oranje' met 'Benno' als 'Agent Orange' en die vrouwen met al die apanage hoeden (belastingen) weer den volke worden getoond. Hoe kunnen mensen anno 2004 zoiets nog accepteren ? Ik ben daarom van mening dat mediamensen die hieraan meedoen - aan deze gigantische propagandazwendel - ook moordenaars zijn: ze maken al dit geweld, de wandaden en de ellende acceptabel door het grotendeels te verdraaien en te verzwijgen. JOURNALISTEN KILLERS ?: http://tinyurl.com/6v8ru Zoals hieronder de trekst bewijst kan het ook, en deze journalist trekt dezelfde vergelijking betreffende 'Guernica' als ik deed op 10 November j.l. op een site in Bagdad: http://tinyurl.com/5j4cu FALLUJAH: SHOCK AND AWE by Ken Coates It was on April 26th 1937 that the name of Guernica was immortalized. A little town, home to 7000 people, Guernica was the local market place for a cluster of hill villages. It straddled a valley only ten kilometers from the sea, and thirty from Bilbao. It was a cultural center for the Basque country, with a hallowed oak tree upon which for centuries the public power in Spain has been obliged recurrently to affirm an oath to respect the rights of the Basque people. April 26th was a Monday, market day. It went ahead peaceably, although the Civil War was raging thirty kilometers away. The air raid was not announced (by an urgent call from the Church bells) until half past four in the afternoon. Ten minutes later Heinkels arrived, scattering their bombs across the town, and then machine gunning the streets. Following the Heinkels came the Junkers. The German Air Force was celebrating a major practice run. When the people ran away, they, too, were machine-gunned. One thousand six hundred and fifty-four people were killed, and eight hundred and eighty-nine were wounded. The town center was destroyed, and Europe received its first baptism of aerial bombardment on a modern scale. The shock reverberated far beyond the Basque country. Spain was not a remote colony like Iraq, from which news could take an age to travel. Within a week Picasso began his painting, his masterpiece which is at present installed in a special gallery attached to the Prado. In preparation for this, he feverishly prepared a desperately poignant series of sketches and cartoons, one of which we feature on our cover. Picasso gave us a portrait of naked horror. Europe was soon to learn the face of that horror at first hand. It is said that when some German officers visited Picasso in his studio in occupied France, they said of Guernica, drawings from which were hung in the room, „Did you do this?‰ The master is said to have replied: „No, you did‰. But it was not only the German Air Force which tore away at the fabric of European cities. Coventry and London pale into insignificance when compared with Hamburg and Dresden. It was an American soldier, Kurt Vonnegut, who was to create a memorial to Dresden, in his extraordinary work Slaughterhouse Five. Slaughterhouses, since, we have seen in profusion. Before the incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was the massive „conventional‰ air raid on Tokyo which killed many tens of thousands of people. Then we lived through the Cold War, and the nuclear arms race, until we entered, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, into the age of Full Spectrum Dominance from Washington. Now the center of that domination sits in Iraq, and for the time being the carnage radiates out from the city of Falluja. We are told that Falluja had to be destroyed, in order to carry out elections to an Iraqi constituent assembly on the 27th January 2005. We will see whether any elections take place. There are those among us who doubt whether such elections were actually intended in any more than a fictional exit strategy for the purposes of another election, in the United States. Mr. Bush has won that, and may not need the one in Iraq. It is greatly to be doubted whether the conditions for an election exist in the aftermath of the destruction of Falluja. Kofi Annan warned Bush, Blair, and their puppet, Iyad Allawi, that elections required „a broader spectrum of Iraqis to join the political process‰ and the persuasion of „elements who are currently alienated from, or skeptical about, the transition process‰. He expressed his „increasing concern at the prospect of an escalation in violence, which I fear could be very disruptive for Iraq‚s political transition‰. Kofi Annan was entirely specific. „I have in mind not only the risk of increased insurgent violence, but also reports of major military offensives being planned by the multinational force in key localities such as Falluja. I wish to express to you my particular concern about the safety and protection of civilians. Fighting is likely to take place mostly in densely populated urban areas, with an obvious risk of civilian casualties The threat or actual use of force not only risks deepening the sense of alienation of certain communities, but would also reinforce perceptions among the Iraqi population of a continued military occupation.‰ Guernica was struck down out of a clear sky, and none of the victims expected it. But Falluja was planned in great detail for months before the culmination of the American election made it possible to risk the criticism of domestic public opinion. Indeed the British allies were redeployed to seal off what was eloquently described as the „rat run‰ from Falluja, in spite of the consternation in Scotland, whose Black Watch soldiers were put at very dire risk. All that took time. It took time, up to two months, to cut off the water supplies to Tall Afar, Samarra, and Falluja. We publish in our dossier a careful report by Cambridge Solidarity with Iraq, which describes how this was done, in breach of international humanitarian law, and without consultation with any of the allies. Towards the end of a week of remorseless bombing and bombardment, the Red Crescent succeeded in sending a convoy of food and medicines into the outskirts of Falluja. American forces denied them the right to move beyond a hospital on the outskirts of the town. As happened before, during the invasion by coalition forces, news has been comprehensively and carefully managed, so that we cannot tell what the true level of casualties has been. At the end of the first week, the Americans were reported as having sustained 38 deaths and to have suffered 275 other casualties. They also claim to have killed, variously, 1000 or 1600 insurgents and to have captured between 450 and 550 others. But the insurgents claim vastly smaller casualties. Al-Dulaimi said that the number of Falluja‚s defenders, „martyrs who were killed‰, did not exceed 100. „We lost 15 of our men‰, he said. Nobody, but nobody, can offer any credible figures about the civilian death toll. We shall not be able to calculate anything approaching the true mortality for some time, just as it took more than a year before The Lancet was able to publish research about the true human cost of the occupation. What is absolutely clear is that large swathes of Falluja have been literally pulverized, ground to powder by the kind of destructive machine that Hermann Goering could hardly imagine. Just as we do not know how many innocents have been massacred, neither do the Iraqi people. But they know about the moral depth of this atrocity. They know that Iraqi lives do not count for the coalition, nor for its servants in the Iraqi detachments of American intelligence, who now call themselves Ministers. The highest Shia authority in Baghdad, Shaikh Muhammad Mahdi al-Khalissi, condemned the assault on Falluja as an „aggression and dirty war‰, and said: „No matter how powerful the occupation forces are, they will be driven out of Iraq sooner or later. The current savage military attack on Falluja by US occupation forces and the US appointed Iraqi Government is an act of mass murder and a crime of war‰. The Association of Muslim Scholars, a Sunni powerhouse, proclaimed a Fatwa prohibiting Iraqis from joining in the American attack. Muqtada al-Sadr withdrew the support of his movement for the January elections. His aide declared: „There has been a chance for a peaceful solution, but the Government always chooses the military solution because the United States wants that‰. Meantime, open insurgency rages in Kirkuk, Tikrit, Samarra, Baiji, and in Iraq‚s third largest city, Mosul. Other towns have given refuge to fighters fleeing from Falluja itself, as has Ar Ramadi. The official story put out by the coalition is that strong contingents of foreign fighters and supporters of the old regime constitute tightly knit minorities who can be hunted down, to the relief of the majority of peace loving Iraqis. The destruction of Falluja will destroy this myth. The American occupation stands revealed, red in tooth and claw. It does not intend to go away It would like to establish economically viable bases, for sure, and to withdraw many soldiers for deployment elsewhere. But it does not intend to relinquish control of the resources it had thought it had won. Oil remains very high on the agenda. Quite why Tony Blair supports these brigands is very difficult to understand. There may not be many spoils of war for him. But he has earned a due share of the opprobrium which attaches to war criminals. A brave attempt to impeach him has been made on the initiative of Plaid Cymru‚s MP Adam Price, and we have published the magisterial indictment prepared by Glen Rangwala and Dan Plesch. The impeachment concerns the lies that were told in preparation for the invasion. More lies are following all the time, and they are more desperately told, as the truth about this illegal war, and this incredibly brutal occupation, begins to make itself plain. Unlike President Bush, the Prime Minister‚s election is in front of him. It is difficult to see how anyone with a conscience will be able to support the renewal of his mandate. Ken Coates is chairman of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation and edits its journal, the Spokesman [enditem] Fwd. by: Henk Ruyssenaars
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