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No waste trucking to Ahaus this year Diet Simon - 11.11.2004 16:23
There won’t be any transport of nuclear waste from Dresden to Ahaus this year. That was decided yesterday by the states through which 18 Castors from an abandoned research reactor near Dresden are to be trucked 600 kilometres westward. It’s reported at http://de.indymedia.org/2004/11/98516.shtml that the states couldn’t agree on how to share the tens of millions of euros policing will cost. The decision was made yesterday at a meeting of officials from Saxony and North-Rhine Westphalia, also attended by the operator of the reactor at Rossendorf, just outside Dresden, and the haulage firm. The licence from the federal radiation protection agency BfS runs out with this year, which means the procedure has to be gone through from scratch next year, including a thorough re-examination of the transport conditions. Saxony says it’s already filed the application. Ahaus activists say the delay is partially due to their successful resistance in recent months. “Let’s see to it that the waste will never get to Ahaus!” The last shipment into the concrete hall was six years ago. The NRW interior minister said all the states though which the waste would travel agree that during winter transportation would be irresponsible because of the unpredicatable weather. The same would apply in winter of next year. |
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