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FOOD NOT BOMBS- DISPATCH From the Philippines Mark Oath - 12.11.2004 14:09
Just Another day in the Park when people engage in giving away free food, literature to the homeless in the Philippine Republic - with very scare or no resources at all.    On every Weekend in Lucena City there are 3 active functioning feeding programs in various areas- one of which is spearheaded by "Alarma Kolektiv" which is distrubuting Vegan Soup, Leaflets, Coloring Books to Kids covering the park area- feeding the hungry,homeless and the unpriviledgedThis is an activity initiated by 20 individuals in each cell acting upon anarchist ethics. The Food Not Bombs has been staple underground for more than 10 years and has been a marginalized group caught between the War of the Local state spending its resources keeping order by force & against the Leftist groups thriving at the sides by militarizing minors. The Food Not Bombs in Lucena is a more recognized and widely accepted culture embeded a resistance method with its banners" Aparato ng Estado-Wasakin,Durugin-Gawing Pagkain !!" [State Artiries Smash and Grind into Food].A seemingly empecable solution to the rising rate of poverty- in a Nation with its loyalty only to the Ruling Class The documentation of this activity is an outreach project of AA-N : an Autonomous Direct Action Network that is based in Manila and stretches activity coverage throught the Philippine Archipelago. The Food Not bombs in this the philippines traces its history in the various collectives within the Counter-Culture community- & is widely practiced without a proper organization. You can basically start one at of your own backyard !! Support tha Movement.Stop staring at your computer and go out and do something. Too many revolutionaries without revolution- We want Revolution without Revolutionaries ! Pictures : http://manila.indymedia.org E-Mail: roadkilldistro@riseup.net Website: http://manila.indymedia.org |
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