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NAVO / Jaap weer fout bezig John Veldhuis - 17.11.2004 09:37
In een vlaag van volledige verstandsverbijstering wordt een land dat miljoenen burgers terroriseert, watervoorzieningen steelt en saboteert, illegaal koloniseert en annexeert, en een de-facto apartheidssstaat is, uitgenodigd om mee te oefenen met de NATO. Wie heeft er een pilletje in het drinken van De Hoop-Scheffer gedaan? Kunnen ze niet gewoon wachten tot Oost Jerusalem (en de rest) eindelijk is teruggegeven? "NATO plans to upgrade what it calls the "Mediterranean dialogue" it is conducting with Israel and six Muslim nations: Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauretania. This means that policy discussions will be conducted by leaders of a higher rank, and that the level of joint military operations will be raised through coordinated military exercises, the war on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, and joint planning for civilian disaster readiness." Als het de NAVO ernst is met de "war on terror and weapons of mass destruction", is Israel eerder een gegadigde voor Air Strikes dan om met ze mee te mogen oefenenen... Echt, ik ben voorstander van lidmaatschap van de NAVO en de EU voor Israel. Maar dan wel pas ná het sluiten van een rechtvaardige vrede met de Palestijnen, en niet zolang de gewelddadig in stand gehouden illegale kolonies en annexaties door de Israelische overheid gesteund blijven worden. Tot die tijd hoort Israel bij de boevenstaten. Website: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/502537.html |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | En met deze gekken wil men samenwerken? | JV - 19.11.2004 12:10
"There is no simple explanation for the fact that a ruling party in a country with quite a respectable parliamentary tradition is deteriorating in this way to the farthest extremes. Not only the Likud, but also Labor, Shinui, and even Yahad, which is quite cohesive, are also suffering from the ongoing collapse of the political system. How can one complain about the extreme radicalization of the Likud if, after his defeat, the last Labor Party leader, Ehud Barak, went everywhere saying that there was nobody to talk to on the Palestinian side. But Labor can't be blamed for the corruption of the Likud because it's such a meek opposition. There are ruling parties in the world with a shaky opposition that haven't degenerated at all. They have thrived." Website: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=503587&contrassID=1 | It happens there | JV - 22.11.2004 21:53
"Anyone who was taken by surprise by the appalling testimonies published in Yedioth Ahronoth last Friday about the mutilation of bodies of Palestinian militants and of innocent victims, probably assumed that the Israel Defense Forces is the world's most ethical army. But the IDF is, in fact, like every other occupying force, and the belief that "it can't happen here" is the result both of ignorance and of turning a blind eye to what actually goes on in the territories. According to the testimonies in Friday's story, and on various Web sites, and in the reports of Machsom [Roadblock] Watch, such behavior is not peculiar to one army unit, but typical of many combat units. "Confirming the kill", i.e. shooting at close range wounded Palestinians who no longer are dangerous, playing macabre games with body parts while posing for a photo, and even sticking a decapitated head on an iron rod with a cigarette dangling from its mouth - all these atrocities have occurred in the IDF. Although it often seems that the public prefers not to know, and not to damage the IDF's reputation, such testimonies may actually serve to save the army and society from profound moral atrophy. Taking pride in the "purity of arms" or attempting to fine-tune the language of an ethical war code are empty slogans, if not accompanied by authoritative action." Maar lees alsjeblieft het hele verhaal op Haaretz. Website: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/504403.html | Woordenlijst | Bradley Burston - 23.11.2004 14:04
"The following is an abridged guide to Intifada Hebrew, Israeli terms which have gained currency in the parallel reality that has gripped both sides of the Holy Land divide during the Palestinian uprising, the atmosphere of horror-at-home and simultaneous denial of the enemy's plight. It also includes political expressions, notably the ingeniously devised term "Hitnatkut" and its psychobabble-derived English counterpart, Disengagement. HITNATKUT Literally, Unhooking oneself, Disconnecting oneself. Commonly translated as Disengagement. The formal term for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's proposal to uproot established settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the first time since the territories were captured in 1967. Not to be outdone by the coinage, settlers and their allies on the right have countered with a buzzword of their own: HIT'CHABRUT Literally, Hooking Up, Getting Connected Commonly, rallying to the side of the settlers slated for evacuation in all 21 settlements of the Gaza Strip and four small enclaves in the northern West Bank. The term is more than a mere antonym for Disengagement, because it is intended to encourage Israelis to feel a bond to areas that many have long considered beyond the borders of the Jewish holy land, in particular the once-Philistine Gaza Strip. INTIFADA In literal Arabic, A Shaking-Off A word connoting both the Palestinian uprising and, in slang Hebrew, an actively chaotic mess, as in boisterous, ceramics-damaging play by children. (See also: Merkaz HaLikud). MACH'BESAT MILIM Literally, the Word Laundry Attributed to novelist David Grossman, the concept of the laundering of language is the Israeli counterpart to Pentagonese, employing technical terminology or elaborate jargon to describe an unpalatable reality, event or practice. See: "Sikul Memukad" MERKAZ HALIKUD Literally, the influential, independent-minded, uninhibited Likud Central Committee In slang use, a riotous meeting, especially one disrupted by catcalls, booing, profanity, even hurled furniture. MUR'AL Literally, Poisoned. Describes Israeli military recruits besotted with army life, training, and combat. Also used to describe the phenomenon of leftist Israeli youth who, after they have mulled ducking or refusing compulsory army service, volunteer for patently dangerous, potently proactive elite commando reconnaissance units. PE'ILUT YEZUMA Literally, Initiated Activity Describes a wide range of IDF military operations, often supported by Shin Bet security service agents and Border Police, from search and arrest raids and house demolitions to large-scale armored incursions deploying armor, assault helicopters and thousands of infantry troops. P'TZATZA MITAKTEKET Literally, Ticking Bomb Often used to describe the target of a Sikul Memukad (see below). The term, originally understood to designate, is used with some flexibility. SIKUL MEMUKAD Literally, Focused Prevention The practice of government-approved Israeli military assassinations of suspected commanders or operatives of Palestinian organizations, militias, and cells engaging in attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers. In fact, also something of a play on words, as a different Sikul, spelled differently but pronounced the same, refers to the ancient practice of execution by stoning. Also known as Hisul, or Liquidation. VIDU HARIGA Literally Confirmation of Killing Refers to the alleged practice of soldiers shooting at close range at the prone, wounded body of an enemy after combat has subsided. It is a concept which long preceded the Intifada. But for the first time, an IDF soldier, an officer commanding an outpost in the southern Gaza Strip, has been court martialed after allegedly emptying an entire magazine of assault rifle bullets into the body of a mortally wounded 13-year-old girl." Website: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=504766&displayTypeCd=1&sideCd=1&contrassID=2 | |
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