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Alert: New Weapons Using Satellites, New Stun American Patriot - 22.11.2004 17:30
Short Wave Transmissions, i.e. such as Astronomical Horns and Air Raid Sirens, and beware of metal grids inside courthouses being used to stun and shock or more. Technological Blitz Kreig in USA. We are under siege. Do not enter suspect buildings. Look for metal roofs in partiular and exposed side structures of heavy steel. Also Also, look for more weaponry and details. Stun guns without wires exist that ionize air. A conglameration of buildings of steel with certain artwork designs can be utilized in directing energy glows, very much like a circuit board. Inside, wiring systems or grids overhead or underfoot can be utilitized for stunning and interrogations. Wake up Blokes. Someone has gotten very greedy once again. You can find the Mo....bile au....dit c....lub by removing the dots and placing the words into most search engines. FBI must have blocked my posts on UK Indymedia as they did not appear after they took the hard drives. In this link is what gave me the idea of an advanced new weapon. The combining of radio and sound waves in an ether to create an object.
http://materializer.exto.info/gallery/objects/id/2811.html Then, I am not allowed into the government building in Mobile Alabama unless I am forced to go to court for trying to enter the government meetings in the government building in Mobile Alabama. It has a thick metal roof and sides. Satellite dish points directly into judges chambers and one to the west.
http://www.mobilecounty.org/govtplaza.htm Some courts do not allow camera at all. In those courts, the air is cold and feels peculiar, as if able to conduct electrical charge. The Los Angeles Court is another court that is suspect. A judge in Mobile and Los Angeles share one attribute...they are both corrupt and oppressive and they both have odd shaped heads. Huge or with big fore-brow. I remember something from the Mobile court, and I hope they are not stunning people with a grid in the courtroom or some other apparatus above. Here is the los angeles Airport Court. Click the button twice to see the image. The pictures of the LA courts were removed.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/Locations/Picture/LAX.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/Locations/Lax.htm&h=109&w=150&sz=8&tbnid=IW4us1qRAIcJ:&tbnh=65&tbnw=89&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlos%2Bangeles%2Bairport%2Bcourt%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG Here is the stun gun without wires.
http://www.hsvt.org/Defensenews.html know technology or know the end of our kinds freedom or life. |
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