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{LIVE}11/22 Mediapower debate: AlJazeera a.o. 22 nov. 20:30 + repeat 00:45 hrs. De Balie - 22.11.2004 18:46
IDFA 2004 live internet stream: 8:30 pm C.E.T. (= 2:30 pm EST NewYork) [english spoken] A special debate, called WHO's IN THE CONTROL ROOM? looks at several key films in the IDFA programme about the media-power. With Nick Fraser (BBC), Hassan Ibrahim (producer Al Jazeera), Danny Schechter (WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION), Sara Vos (VPRO/'Big Brother in the Middle East') photojournalist Geert van Kesteren ('Why Mister, Why?: Irag 2003-2004')  film for thought  WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION  BIG BROTHER IN THE MIDDLE EAST  Al Jazeera SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT / SPECIALE AANKONDIGING ( N e d e r l a n d s : h i e r o n d e r ) E N G L I S H : n the main hall of De Balie (Grote Zaal) a series of key-debates of the International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam 2004 ( http://www.IDFA.nl ) are staged. These debates will be streamed live over the internet by De Balie at http://www.debalie.nl/live 'WHO'S IN THE CONTROL ROOM?' Monday November 22 LIVE: 8:30 pm -> 10:30 pm C.E.T. (= 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST NewYork) [REPEAT : mondaynight 00:45 am -> 2:45 am C.E.T. (= 6:45 pm -> 8:45 pm EST NewYork)] A special debate co-presented by IDFA and the International School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, and hosted by BBC's Nick Fraser, called WHO's IN THE CONTROL ROOM? looks at several key films about the media-power in the IDFA programme. Invited guests from Al Jazeera, American filmmakers and Dutch journalists N E D E R L A N D S : In de Grote Zaal van De Balie vinden diverse debatten plaats rondom de festivalthema's van het Internationaal Documentaire Filmfestival Amsterdam ( http://www.IDFA.nl ). De Balie verzorgt de live-uitzending van deze debatten op internet via http://www.debalie.nl/live 'WHO'S IN THE CONTROL ROOM?' maandag 22 november LIVE: 20:30 - 22:30 uur [HERHALING: maandagnacht 00:45 -> ca. 02:45 uur] Een speciaal debat in samenwerking met the International School of the University of Amsterdam (ISHSS), voorgezeten door Nick Fraser (BBC). Met Hassan Ibrahim (producer Al Jazeera), Danny Schechter (WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION), Sara Vos (VPRO/'Big Brother in the Middle East') en fotojournalist Geert van Kesteren ('Why Mister, Why?: Irag 2003-2004'). RealVideo 8 stream URL: http://live.dds.nl/1.ram (free RealPlayer 8 Basic or higher) CHAT ROOM http://www.debalie.nl/chat (IRC server: irc.dds.nl channel #balie ) De Balie Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10 (Leidseplein) Amsterdam NL E-Mail: live@balie.nl Website: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?articleid=25896&podiumid=media |
Lees meer over: Agenda globalisering media militarisme vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | |