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 | Ayaan: not everyone becomes a hero by threats | Freedom of Speech - 23.11.2004 16:14
[the Ravage article names the presumed family name of the Van Gogh case suspect. This violates privacy rules and may lead to White Power terror against people with similar presumed names who have nothing to do with the Van Gogh murder, as already happens. Also, it omits that Pamela Hemelrijk supported the extreme Right partij "De Conservatieven" of lunatic ex M.P. Winnie De Jong, and Michiel Smit.] Dutch MP, Ms Ayaan Hirshi Ali, naturalized refugee, from the ex-royal family of Somalia. See on her, in Dutch, http://www.tijdschriftlover.nl/artikelen/artikelen_islam.html an article by Surinamese Dutch Black (not Islamic) feminist Troetje Loewenthal. On http://www.sp.nl/include/sh_opinie.php?code=406 another critical article on Ms Ali; this one by Anja Meulenbelt; arguably the best known Dutch feminist and now Socialist Party Senator. Ms Ali is MP for the VVD party: in government; the most openly pro- capitalist party in Parliament. Arguably, they are the Dutch equivalent of the British Tory party (though more "secular" than especially the Christian fundamentalists in the Tories). The VVD, and Ali, and Van Gogh, enthusiastically support all wars of George W. Bush; and government expulsion of ten thousands of refugees from The Netherlands; including Somali women refugees from female circumcision; who now have to fear it if the responsible VVD minister succeeds with her expulsion plans. Female genital mutilation, by the way, is not an Islamic custom, as it happens in Somalia and among Christians in Kenya. Not among Turks or Moroccans, the biggest groups of immigrants from Muslim countries in The Netherlands. Ms Ali proposed in a Parliament speech to give the African continent not a cent of aid any longer. Anja Meulenbelt quotes Theo van Gogh, who said that feminists should stop campaigning against husbands' violence in marriages: "Gentlemen who give a tough hiding are quite attractive to some ladies really." That remark was on women in general, not especially on Muslim women. But as we know, about a hundred years ago, Lord Cromer was the boss of the anti-women's suffrage league in Britain; and in colonial Muslim Egypt, sounded very "feminist". The theme of Ali’s and Van Gogh’s film was Islamic wives beaten by their husbands; said to be inspired by the Koran. Beaten Muslim women reacted very angrily to the film on Dutch TV: "I was beaten by that no good husband. Not by the Koran! Making this a Koran issue will just give them an excuse." The film was sort of soft porn David Hamilton-Emmanuelle style naked [Christian Moluccan actress playing an Islamic woman] woman in see through clothes with Koran verses written on it. The women said this cheapened and sensationalized their extremely real issues with their husbands. On a British Internet forum, a comparison was made between “Van Gogh making films vividly critical of Islam and the likes of Bunuel or Scorsese who made films that challenged the basis of catholicism”. However, there is a difference. Bunuel and Scorcese came from a background were Catholicism/Christianity was the dominant religion, at least during their childhoods. While never-a-Muslim Van Gogh called all Muslims, most of them in The Netherlands a lot more poor or powerless than he was "goatfuckers". Not once: probably a hundred times or more in writing (I did not count). The Internet message continued: “There is therefore no comparison with the BNP or NF, whose staple diet is attacks and violence by Black men against White women, not intra communal violence.” However, even though Van Gogh, contrary to Ms Ali, was no party politician: intra communal violence, including hypocritical pity about female circumsision, WAS the staple diet in party political broadcasts by the now defunct Centrumpartij, then the Dutch sister party of the British extreme Right, over 10 years ago. source: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/11/22932.shtml | anti-racisme moet terugkomen | Fatima S. - 23.11.2004 16:15
Als een blad als de Ravage zich dit: "De politica Ayaan Hirsi Ali wordt reeds geruime tijd met de dood bedreigd. Haar felle strijd tegen de uitwassen van de islam wordt niet door iedereen gewaardeerd. Wordt het geen tijd om voor haar een solidariteitscomité in het leven te roepen? En moeten burgers zelf iets ondernemen tegen moslimfundamentalisme?" al gaat afvragen is het hoog tijd voor een ander, echt anti-racistisch, geluid. Steun Stop de Hetze! op de nieuwe pagina www.stopdehetze.nl
Website: http://www.stopdehetze.nl | stop de hetze? | d - 23.11.2004 19:18
En waarom, Fatima, zou Ravage zich dit niet mogen afvragen? In de (erg korte) uitgangspunten van "Stop de hetze" wordt het probleem van de fundamentalistische stroming binnen de islam, gedachtengoed van Mohammed B., niet eens benoemd. Terwijl deze stroming vervuld is van haat, haat die volgens Stop de hetze geen oplossing is. Waarom kan dit dan niet vermeld worden? Natuurlijk is racisme een probleem, maar durf het dan ook te hebben over het fascistisch gedachtengoed van het islamisme. Dit is immers best wel mogelijk zonder DE islam als de vijand de beschouwen. | meten met twee maten | jantje - 23.11.2004 19:32
Waarom hebben ze het in Nederland altijd over moslim-fundamentalisme en niet over het joods-orthodoxe fundamentalisme,zoals de Cheider school in Buitenveldert, of over het christelijk fundamentalisme ? | Angst | Fayle - 23.11.2004 22:36
Waarom niet? Omdat mensen in het algemeen daar nu niet bang voor zijn... Dus hoef je daar geen aandacht aan te besteden... zal het onbewuste idee wel zijn...
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