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This child is not smiling OMJECT - 09.12.2004 00:19
Vangelis, age 6, after staying 12 days in the hospital, has fever (39 C) probably due to his staying in the hospital. He has lost 3 kg from 26/11/2004 until today. ATHENS GREECE  This child is not smiling We remind you that following an anonymous accusation to the association "Hamogelo tou paidiou"[0] and its communication to the Attorney for Minors of the Court[1] of Athens, on Friday 26/11/2004 (the day that the minor was separated from his parents) and continuing until today, the custodial rights of his parents have been removed, due to an accusation of neglect and/or abuse of a minor. he medical exams in the hospital "Aglaia Kyriakou" do not show ANY abuse or illness due to the neglect of the minor. There are two reason for the separation of the minor from his parents according to our current understanding: 1) The revengeful attitude of police officers, because the father of the child did not accept degrading/offensive actions against him and sued the police according to the ordinances of the relevant laws, an action that "opened" a front of war with the police. The first actual threat/action against him and his family happened to wards the end of October 2004 when about 25 policemen invaded their house with the same legal excuse. 2) The position held by the association HtP which is actually responsible for the notification of the attorney about the alleged accusations against the parents of the minor Vangelis. The influence that the accusations of that organization have had on the Attorney for Minors is rather impressive. So is the easiness--without *any* further investigation--with which the attorney issued a warrant that resulted in the immediate separation of Vangelis from his parents.[2] Additional information on the story The guards of the young Vangelis in the hospital are not only uniformed officers but *armed* police officers. The association HtP has send a volunteer to "play" with the child since the first day of the child's transfer to the hospital. - Vangelis, age 6, after staying 12 days in the hospital, has fever (39 C) probably due to his staying in the hospital. He has lost 3 kg from 26/11/2004 until today. -Kostas, the father has been active in the movement[3] since the time of the military junta After the court hearing on 7/12/2004: -Vangelis Papanikolaou will continue to be held in the hospital "Aglaia Kyriakou" despite the opposite opinion of the hospital physicians, that have stated that: "if the child remains in the hospital, the consequences for its health will be devastating". This is what the president of the court stated, and postponed the final verdict for Friday (10/12/2004). Attorney Papataksiarhi (that ordered the seperaion of Vangelis from his parents) was present in the court; according to her the accusations remained anonymous to "PROTECT THE INTEREST OF THE MINOR"(!!!). Despite the pretests by the parents, their lawyer and their two witnesses, the presiding judge[4], following the advise οf the attorney (that did not present any witness, not even from HtP) refused to withdraw the order of holding the child in the hospital under the guard of armed policemen. At this moment our priority is the reuniting of Vangelis with his parents. -- [0] i.e., "Children's Smile", from now on refered to as "HtP" Website: http://athens.indymedia.org/ |
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