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Waarom idealisme niet werkt henk - 16.12.2004 15:15
Waarom idealisme niet werkt en een betere wereld niet bestaat Idealisme is niks anders dan tegen windmolens vechten. In die zin verschillen dierbevrijders en milieuactivisten niet fundamenteel van Heilsoldaten. Ze hebben gemeen dat ze door middel van goede werken een betere wereld voor elkaar willen boksen. Maar goede werken vallen onder de wet. En het geheim van iedere wet is dat de wet doodt. (De bijstandswet is een goed voorbeeld van hoe destructief een wet kan zijn). Pas geleden stond er een bijdrage op Indy Media over de “Islamitische Plicht.” Helaas is die bijdrage verwijderd want ik had hem graag willen lezen. Ik snap trouwens niet waarom, want de dierbevrijders en milieuactivisten handelen vanuit dezelfde plichten en overtuigingen die net als de islamitische plicht voortkomen uit de menselijke natuur. Immers; Jezus Christus heeft ons van plichten en dogma’s verlost. Daarom moet ik wel een beetje lachen om al die idealistische wereldverbeteraars die op het Nederlands sociaal forum afkwamen. Immers, voor de zoveelste keer: HET ENIGE ANTWOORD OP DE WERELDPROBLEMEN IS DE NIEUWE SCHEPPING IN CHRISTUS! Idealisme werkt niet. De waarheid is dat goede en slechte werken van dezelfde boom van goed en kwaad komen waarvan Eva ooit de vrucht at. Beiden leiden tot de dood – Genesis 2:17! Of beter gezegd: “Dieren bevrijden en dieren mishandelen zullen beiden dezelfde destructieve effecten hebben en tot nog meer schuldgevoelens en verplichten leiden!!! Een manier waarop moslims en heilsodaten ook te werk gaan!” Het is deze zelfde demonische bezetenheid van de linkse kerk met racisme die ook de Farizeeërs kenmerkt in Lucas 18:11-12. “Oh God, dank u dat wij niet zo zijn als de racisten, dierenbeulen en milieuvervuilers. Wij discrimineren niet, wij vreten vegetarisch, wij doen allen maar goed.” Het gevolg is een symbiotische relatie met racisme in plaats van een bestrijding ervan. Indy Media en het NSF zijn een doodgeboren kind. Geen wonder dat IM steeds meer vervlakt tot een Libelle-Margriet nivo. Hieronder staat hoe het wel moet. Helaas in het engels. ************************************ Law, Grace, and Cranky Old Things Everyone has sub-personalities prancing around on the stage of their mind, pulling strings in their lives, whether they are aware of them, or willing to deal with them or not. I'm convinced that these are "left overs" from the collective unconscious, the garbage passed down to us from Adam and Eve's disobedience. They rule and reign in our minds, and so much the more so, if we're not aware of them. They are part of the kingdom of darkness from which we've been delivered, (Col. 1:13) and they are why we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind. (Rom. 12:2). Voice dialogue (See end note "A") is one way we can deal with them, but they only talk to us if we accept them for who they are, if we welcome them, and that's why I never attempt to communicate with them unless Jesus is present. For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, BUT A NEW CREATION." (6:13-15). The answer to the world's problems and certainly the church's dilemma is the New Creation! Only when we are born from above can we see the kingdom of heaven at work within us. (Jn. 3: 3). Works don't work! The truth is that good works come from the same tree as evil deeds and both bring forth death! (Gen. 2:17). Only fruit from the Tree of Life, Christ Himself, dwelling within us, brings forth love, joy, and peace. Those good works I mentioned here as well as all the other ones Christians press themselves into doing out of guilt, OBLIGATION and D-U-T-Y are the natural man's way to please God, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (I Cor. 2:14). Christians who like to enumerate their good works in hopes of getting many stars in their crowns (a myth, by the way, as there's no such promise in all the Bible), are like the Pharisee who said about himself, "God, I thank you that I am not like other men &emdash;robbers, evildoers, adulterers &emdash;or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get." (Luke 18:11-12). But Jesus was not impressed, which is why He said, "Except your righteousness shall EXCEED the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 5:20). Please remember that the Pharisees were not slouches in the good works department! They followed the law to the letter, well sort of. Yet, on another occasion, the Lord said to the chief priests who were grilling him, "Verily I say unto you, that the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you." (Matt. 21:31). Now if that isn't enough to make you cranky, I don't know what would! Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED; YET SO AS BY FIRE." (I Cor. 3:11-15). The cranky old things and all the sons of Levi, which includes all of us, will be transformed by the refiner's fire and the fuller's soap. (Mal 3:2). We may be redeemed from the consequences of the fall on this side of Jordan, or on the other side, but we will be redeemed, saved, and sanctified. That is a promise of the Father! (Jn. 3:16: I Jn. 2:2; 3:1-2; 4:14). My confidence in Paul is such that having expressed fully and completely why the law will not bring righteousness or salvation in Romans, chapters 1-11, he would not then in chapter 14, drive us back into law to seek a solution as to how to behave toward our brothers and sisters in Christ. So what did he mean? What in the world is he talking about that the whole church has struggled with for 2,000 years? Whatever it was, I am positive that he did NOT mean that we are to be mealy mouthed wimps who don't witness to our faith for fear of offending our brothers. If that were the case, then Paul would not have had to write to the Corinthians, "I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked." (2 Cor. 11: 23-27, NIV). He would never have had those hair raising experiences if he had not been willing to speak truth no matter whom it might offend! It was his boldness in preaching Christ, no matter what the cost, or how many he upset, that earned him a life of trial, suffering, imprisonment, and death. Had he been a "good boy," a nice Christian, a people pleaser, a "yes man" to all who confronted him, he would probably have lived to a ripe old age, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ would not have survived the first century. Paul had spunk. He had the prophet's fire, and like the Civil War hero, Admiral David Farragut, the apostle's attitude was "Full speed ahead!" and "Damn the torpedoes!" He never shrank back for fear of what someone might think of him or the dangers that lay ahead. Last year, Harry Fox let me borrow one of his commentary's on Matthew. I read it through, and then re-read the whole gospel of Matthew in one or two sittings. As I saw how Jesus lashed out at the Pharisees, and confronted them endlessly about their hypocrisy, I cringed inside. Before I even realized it, I found myself thinking, "Oh, please don't say that. They are going to hurt you if you don't keep quiet!" And so they did. They nailed Him to a tree for His trouble. His honesty cost Him His life, as He knew it would. That generation of vipers (Matt. 12:34); those blind guides whom He said strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel (Matt. 23:24); those whited sepulchers (Matt. 23:27); those hypocrites (Matt 23:23,28-29) did not like the light He shined on them. They preferred to scurry around in darkness along with the other creatures of the night. So, because He did not fear to offend them; because He was NOT a people pleaser; because He spoke the truth whatever the price, they killed Him. Clearly, a lot of people have had difficulty in figuring out what he meant, which may be one reason there are some 28,000 denominations out there all trying to serve God. If I don't agree with you, and take Romans 14 upon myself as law, then I may think in order to be free, I have to either quench the Spirit within me and keep quiet lest I offend you, or leave and stop fellowshipping with you altogether. Isn't this how the denominations came about? I think so. I think that when two could not agree, one picked up his marbles and moved across the street to start his own church. God Himself caused the division and confusion among the believers for His own purposes. To say He had nothing to do with it is to say that man slipped out from under God's sovereignty and authority, took control of the helm for awhile, and crashed the ship of man's fate into an iceberg. Because God is omnipotent, that could not have happened. Our confidence, peace, and joy lies in the fact that our heavenly Father "works all things after the council of HIS OWN WILL." (Eph. 1:11; see also Deut. 32:39; Hos. 6:1; Rom. 8:28). Think about it this way: if there were one church, one religion, one correct translation of the Bible, man would assume he did not need to go to God. He could just show up on the church doorsteps and turn himself in for instruction, doctrine, reproof, and a plan of salvation. That's how some churches lead you to think it is even today, especially those who maintain that you can figure it out on your own by reading the Bible. But that is not how it was ever designed to be. God Himself will be King on the throne of each life. The nations will not turn to man's system of religion for guidance, for healing, or for instruction in righteousness. That is a part of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of the law. Partaking of the fruit of that tree was what got us into this soup of sin and death in the first place. When we return to the Garden of God, we will feast on the Tree of Life and be healed. |
aanvullingen |  | als je toch commentaar hebt.... | Rien - 16.12.2004 16:26
als je toch zonodig commentaar moet geven op mensen die hun leven liever niet in handen leggen van een hypothetische hogere macht, doe dan een klein beetje moeite voor je verhaaltje. Het is namelijk niet zo moeilijk om op te zoeken dat eva de vrucht plukte en adam hem opat. ook weet ik niet precies wat je bedoeld met je genesis 2:17, ik zie in ieder geval weinig overeenkomsten met jouw tekst en die in bijbel: genesis 2:17: maar niet van de boom van de kennis van goed en kwaad; wanneer je daarvan eet, zul je onherroepelijk sterven.’ Waar mee bedoeld word: kennis van goed en kwaad: Betekent een goddelijk voorrecht, nl. een onbeperkte kennis of macht, of zedelijke autonomie, d.i. zelf kunnen uitmaken wat goed en kwaad is. De uitdrukking kan ook betekenen: ervaring van (eerst) het goede en (daarna) het kwade; m.a.w. God gunt de mens het goede, maar zou hem willen besparen wat hem ongelukkig maakt. Wat dit te maken heeft met mensen die een betere wereld willen? Ik heb geen idee. Verder lees ik in Lucas weinig over racisme, meer over: lucas 18:11-12: [11]De Farizeeër stond daar rechtop en bad bij zichzelf: “God, ik dank u dat ik niet ben als de andere mensen, die roofzuchtig of onrechtvaardig of overspelig zijn, en dat ik ook niet ben als die tollenaar. [12] Ik vast tweemaal per week en draag een tiende van al mijn inkomsten af.” dus wat je nou eigenlijk precies wil zeggen, is mij een beetje een raadsel, behalve dat je schijnbaar vind dat Jezus ons moet komen redden? | |
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